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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 12:42:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Robert Cohen Responds To FWP

My reading of the Constitutional Documents of Israel is that the oath of
office for high officials to "do all they can for the benefit of the State
of Israel" is more important than the Law of Return. Suggestion: Best
thing to do for Israel now is to turn it over to "Jews for Jesus", change
the National Anthem to "Onward Christian Soldiers" and let the Christians
sit on that patch of sand and fight 100,000,000 Arabs until it all settles
down. Then move back in.

On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well, I  can't satisfactorily answer your stance that Cohen The Jew For Jesus
> oughta be admitted to Israel (and for Israeli citizenship?).  Heckfire,
> agnostic & atheist "Jews" are allowed to become Israeli citizens by way of
> the law of return, and this has much to do with modern Israel as refuge for
> Jews, which I presume is the rationale of why the United Nations accepted an
> Israel circa 1948.
> A "Jew for Jesus" obviously presents a dilemma for the
> interpretors and administrators of the "law of return."
> We know that
> Mormon missionizing is notoriously embarrassingly not allowed in Israel.
> We further know that (apparently)  no
> Middle Eastern country allows Christian missionizing, including  apparently
> the
> State Of Israel, which apparently discourages & rejects  (outlaws?) overt
> Christian missionizing.
> The below forwarding--seemingly a non-sequitur--might nevertheless be fun to
> contemplate when thinking about forced (via Inquisition style) & voluntary
> (via missionizing) conversion.
> I got a small kick out of the posting about Carlos Santana's rumored
> conversion to
> Judaism.
> The poster mentions the Inquisition of the 15th and 16th centuries with
> ramifications today.
> It is possible that latinos have more sephardic  (Mediterranean) "Hebrew
> genes" in 'em than in the DNA of the ashkenasic (eastern Euro Jews).
> I "look Jewish," and think of myself as having a genetic connection to
> the ancient tribes; but who knows? Does DNA know?
> Is there a predominant or  identifiable Hebrew tribe gene? It may be an
> "Egyptian gene" or an "Hittite gene," or whatever. I know not much;
> but am fascinated by what the DNA researching will eventually disclose.
> I fear I will die before knowing about the DNA implications and about the
> "flyin' saucers."
> Anthropology is about "diffusion & absorption," and the DNA researching
> results are going to shake-up reality.
> I am not sure that our culture(s) can survive such challenge. It might be
> best and more practical & utilitarian to keep the research conclusions
> covered-up. The last thing the world needs is chaos.
> The Balkans are still fighting the territorial/religio-driven wars of
> hundreds of years ago, n'est-ce pas? The Irish Catholics-Protestants still
> can't seem to lay down their arms.
> The same ole shit is the same ole shit.
> Wellll, ....not totally. Things are changing. For instance:
> Re: This Coming Sunday's Unprecedented (?) Apologia: HOORAY FOR THE POPE.
> And thus don't be so cynical, Robert Cohen. This Pope is the greatest. He is
> top of a rational world's most admired list.


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