The Associated Press
N E W  Y O R K, April 29 —A scion of the
internationally known Rothschild family
collapsed on a Manhattan sidewalk and died of
an apparent drug overdose following a
downtown party, officials said.

 Authorities said Raphael de Rothschild, 23, died on
the afternoon of April 22 outside a Chelsea loft. William
Corbin, a friend of Rothschild, was later arrested and
charged with heroin possession, according to police.
Corbin has denied any involvement in the death.
Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the city medical
examiner, said toxicology results were pending. But a
police source told the New York Daily News, “We have
little doubt he died of a drug overdose.”

Family’s Fame Spans Centuries

Like the Rockefellers in the United States, the Rothschilds
played a major role in French business and culture. They
helped make Paris one of the most significant financial
capitals in Europe, and are famed for their wineries in the
Bordeaux region, including the baron’s Chateau Clark.

The family gained prominence by financing such
massive projects as European railroads and the British
military campaign that led to the final defeat of Napoleon
Bonaparte at Waterloo in June 1815.

With their vast wealth, they acquired first-rate art and
period furnishings, much of which has been donated to
French museums like the Louvre. The current generation
of the family expanded to both London and New York.

Raphael’s father, Nathaniel de Rothschild, heads an $8
billion financial services company.

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