-Caveat Lector-

Russia, Iran Call U.S. Meddlers

MOSCOW (AP) - The speaker of Russia's lower house of parliament and Iran's
interior minister on Thursday accused the United States of meddling in
Russian-Iranian relations, the Interfax news agency reported.

Russia's Gennady Seleznyov and Iran's Abdolvahed Mousavi Lari were referring
to U.S. efforts to exert influence in the Caspian Sea region, where five
bordering countries still haven't decided how massive oil reserves will be
divided up and exported.

Washington has lobbied hard for a new pipeline from the Caspian that would
avoid its perennial rival, Iran, and Russia.

The United States ``tries to obstruct Russian-Iranian cooperation and resorts
to double or triple standards to attain benefits for itself,'' said Seleznyov
and Lari, according to the parliamentary press service.

Lari, on the last day of a three-day visit, also met Thursday with Foreign
Minister Igor Ivanov.

Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi sent Ivanov a message rejecting
international appeals to free 13 Iranians arrested on charges of spying for
Israel and the United States, Interfax reported.

U.S., German and Israeli officials have called for the prisoners' release,
saying they include rabbis and religious teachers. If convicted, they could
be executed.

``Any attempts at influencing a routine and legal process of the Iranian
judicial system are gross interference in Iran's internal affairs. Such
attempts are counterproductive,'' Kharrazi said.

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