-Caveat Lector-

Hungary, Russia Reach Deal on Convoy

.c The Associated Press

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Hungary and Russia struck a deal today allowing a
convoy of Russian trucks to proceed to Yugoslavia, Hungary's prime minister
told Parliament.

Hungary stopped the convoy of 73 trucks at its border with Ukraine on
Saturday, denying entry because five of the vehicles were armor-plated. The
vehicles violated the 1998 U.N. arms embargo on Yugoslavia, Hungarian
officials said.

The Russians said the convoy was carrying humanitarian aid for embattled
Yugoslavia and that the armored vehicles were deployed ``to protect personnel
providing humanitarian aid.''

Moscow threatened dire consequences if the matter wasn't resolved quickly.

Under the deal struck today, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Russia would
send home the five armored vehicles after their loads were transferred to
other vehicles.

``With this agreement, the Hungarian government regards the issue over and
closed,'' Orban said.

Two Hungarian observers will accompany the trucks stalled at the Zahony
border crossing from Ukraine, 150 miles east of Budapest. Four gasoline
tankers will also be allowed to travel with the convoy, Orban said.

NATO officials in Brussels, Belgium, said the armored vehicles and fuel could
have been used militarily. NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said the trucks and fuel
would have been ``a direct military asset.''

Convoy leader Vladimir Bashkirtsev accused Hungary of stopping the trucks
under pressure from NATO, the ITAR-Tass and Interfax news agencies reported.

Hungary, the former Soviet satellite bordering Yugoslavia, now is a member of
the NATO alliance launching airstrikes on Yugoslav forces.

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