-Caveat Lector-

He only has days to stretch this out.  Wonder what he'll decide?


Saddam silent as MPs defy UN
By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor
(Filed: 12/11/2002)

Iraq's rubber-stamp parliament staged a show of indignation yesterday
and called for the rejection of the United Nations ultimatum for Baghdad
to rid itself of weapons of mass destruction.

But the only voice that counts, that of Saddam Hussein, remained silent.

It was not clear whether the Iraqi leader intended to precipitate an
immediate confrontation - and an inevitable war with America and its
allies - or whether he would continue to play for time.

Ignoring the US administration's warnings of "zero tolerance" over Iraqi
defiance, one MP after another rose to denounce the unanimous UN
Security Council resolution as a "blatant provocation for war" and "a
violation of Iraqi sovereignty".

As the emergency session of the assembly opened, Salim al-Koubaisi, head
of the foreign relations committee, urged it to reject the Security
Council resolution, which was passed last Friday.

"The committee advises . . . the rejection of Security Council
Resolution 1441 and to not agree to it in response to the opinions of
our people, who put their trust on us," Mr al-Koubaisi told colleagues.
The speaker of parliament, Saadoun Hamadi denounced the resolution as
one stacked with "ill intentions, falsehood, lies and dishonesty".

The tone of defiance, broadcast live on Iraqi television after the state
media had reported the UN resolution in a low-key manner, was something
of a surprise.

A day earlier Iraqi officials had contrived to interpret the tough
resolution as a victory for Iraq and a defeat for US war plans.

On the face of it, the parliament appeared to be preparing the stage for
a momentous rejection. But the MPs made clear that the real decision
would be taken elsewhere: by the Revolutionary Command Council and

"What is proposed is the rejection of the UN resolution as an expression
of the feeling of the Iraqi people and stance regarding the ill
intentions of the resolution," Mr Hammadi said before the session
adjourned until today. "Parliament will authorise the leadership to take
any measure which it sees appropriate to defend the country."

An outright rejection would be characteristic for Saddam, who has
repeatedly gambled and recklessly ignored the UN's ultimatum before the
1991 Gulf war.

But in September he abruptly switched tactics from defiance to
co-operation, and Baghdad said it was ready to re-admit weapons

Iraq has until Friday to accept Security Council resolution 1441. This
gives Saddam "a final opportunity" to comply with resolutions requiring
Iraq to disarm itself of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and
the means of delivery.

A second, more important deadline comes in early December, when Saddam
will have to give a full account of his weapons programmes. Any lies or
omission would constitute a casus belli.

America has stepped up its warnings that even the slightest violation
could precipitate military action. President George W Bush marked
Veterans Day yesterday by repeating warnings that disarming Saddam
Hussein is an "urgent task for America and the world".

Addressing British and American Second World War veterans in the White
House, Mr Bush declared his readiness to use the "full force and might
of the United States military" if necessary.

"The time to confront this threat is before it arrives, not the day
after," he added.

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