-Caveat Lector-

 [What the heck is ABC News doing by going to Condit rather than the
police? And what gives ABC the right to present a timeline to the public
that ABC News has doctored?]


ABC's messy role in Condit affair

The network now says one of its reporters -- the subject of tabloid
rumors -- claims she never met with Condit the day he claims they did; the
day Chandra Levy most likely disappeared.

By Joshua Micah Marshall

July 13, 2001 | WASHINGTON -- As the Gary Condit-Chandra Levy affair burst
into the full flower of scandal at the end of June, Condit's office
provided Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police with a timeline of Condit's
activities on the crucial days surrounding Levy's disappearance. Learning
of the existence of the timeline, ABC News subsequently requested a copy,
and received one from a source in Rep. Condit's office.

What soon became apparent to reporters and producers at ABC News, though,
was that there were two critical portions of the timeline that simply did
not seem true. And the network struggled with this information for nearly
three weeks before fully detailing the nature of the discrepancies during
the Wednesday edition of "Nightline."

One of ABC's own off-air reporters had met with Condit about an unrelated
matter (the California energy crisis) on the day after Levy's
disappearance, May 2. But the timeline provided to ABC News appeared to say
that this meeting had occurred on May 1 -- the very day Levy went missing.

Further complicating the matter for ABC were ambiguities surrounding
Condit's relationship with the ABC reporter in question. The New York Post
has reported (and Fox News trumpeted) that Condit had an affair with an ABC
producer and, based on information in the Post, and according to sources
within the network, it's clear that this is the same woman who had met with
Condit on May 2. The romantic link, however, is firmly and unequivocally
denied by the network. "This reporter," an ABC News executive told Salon on
Thursday, "has had a professional relationship with Congressman Condit for
years, nothing more than that, period."

So the story plays out like this: According to ABC sources, the ABC News
off-air reporter met with Rep. Condit at the Tryst restaurant (that's no
joke) on May 2, between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., to discuss the California energy
crisis. The reporter eventually circulated an e-mail to this effect within
ABC's Washington Bureau long before the significance of the meeting became
known. Yet the timeline provided by the Condit camp made no mention of this
meeting, even though it did cover the day in question.

The Condit timeline did, however, mention another meeting at the same
location with an unnamed reporter -- but with one critical difference.
Rather than taking place on the afternoon of May 2, the timeline had this
meeting taking place between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on May 1. Police place
Chandra's last known whereabouts in her apartment early on May 1, in part
because of an e-mail she apparently sent from her computer that morning.

Producers and reporters at ABC News could not at first be certain that the
purported May 1 meeting was not with some other reporter from another news
organization (no names were supplied in the timeline). But they were quite
certain that they knew where the congressman was the following afternoon,
and that his timeline did not reflect his whereabouts. "We had no way of
knowing," the same ABC News executive told Salon on Thursday, "whether this
was a sin of omission or commission, or whether there were two different

Based on the apparent discrepancy, however, ABC immediately contacted both
the congressman's office and his legal team. "We went back to his attorney
Abbe Lowell's office," said the same ABC News executive. "We said, 'We know
there was a meeting with an ABC news reporter but we don't see it on [the
timeline].' They told us 'this was just a draft, just a draft of a timeline
which is neither complete nor completely accurate.' We asked, 'Who was the
meeting with on Tuesday and why isn't there [any mention of a meeting] on
Wednesday?' They said they'd get back to us. But we have never gotten an
official response." According to another print reporter covering the case,
Condit's chief of staff Mike Lynch, later refused to distribute copies of
the timeline to other news organizations, telling the reporter that the
timeline contained "mistakes" and that he had been chastised by members of
Condit's legal team for releasing the timeline to ABC News.

This back-and-forth with the Condit camp placed ABC News producers in an
awkward position. In a strictly factual sense, a source in the
congressman's office had provided them with an alibi for his whereabouts on
the day of Chandra Levy's disappearance, which they first suspected and
then later knew to be false. However, according to the same ABC News
executive, they had no way of knowing whether this was an intentional
deception or simply an innocent error. Nor could they could be certain that
the timeline they were given was the same one that had been given to the
police -- something that they rightly believed would have amounted to a
more serious offense.

Absent some clear evidence of deception rather than error, ABC News
executives decided simply to correct the error in the timeline it
subsequently published, placing the meeting at the correct May 2 rather
than focusing on why the original document had contained such a pivotal

On "Good Morning America" on June 29, for instance, ABC reporter Pierre
Thomas described the timeline in its original form and then added that
"hours after this account was provided by sources close to Condit and first
reported by ABC News, the congressman's office called to say the
information released was in draft form and contained inaccuracies. They
were not specific."

Over the subsequent two weeks, ABC News has slowly revealed more details of
this exchange. On Wednesday, Thomas gave a still more precise account of
the events in question on "Nightline." The timeline, he noted, said Condit
met "with a reporter the evening of May 1st at a local coffee shop, from
6:30 until 7:30. That reporter, who works for ABC News, remembers the
meeting taking place the next day. Condit's office immediately [put] out a
statement saying the timeline was only a draft. [But] they still have not
provided a corrected version."

ABC has, however, still pointedly refrained from questioning whether this
was an attempt to create a false alibi on what can only be called the
critical day in question. And police continue to refuse comment on the
details of the timeline they were originally given.

No doubt the people at ABC News were placed in a very difficult position.
It is not inconceivable that in the rush to get out a timeline of the
congressman's activities a simple mistake could have been made. After all,
a backbench congressman's office doesn't keep the sort of copious and
precise records that a president or even a senator does. And given what the
ABC News executive called the "very immediate pull-back" of the story,
perhaps it was the better part of wisdom to give Condit's office the
benefit of the doubt.

Yet while Condit's lawyers distanced themselves from the timeline shortly
after it was given to ABC, they did not do so unprompted. They did so only
after ABC called them on an error. And while ABC has altered its timeline,
replacing the 6:30 p.m. meeting on May 1 with the one on May 2, they say
they have done so without any explicit confirmation from the Condit camp.

Which leaves two big questions: Was Condit trying to juggle his itinerary
to create an alibi? And just what was Gary Condit doing between 6:30 p.m.
and 7:30 p.m. on May 1?

- - - - - - - - - - - -

About the writer Joshua Micah Marshall is a writer in Washington.

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