-Caveat Lector- < http://www.total411.info/2005/12/scent-of-maple-false-flag-coming-in.html >


Team 8plus is worried that something may be in the works for New York's subways:
"As AP, New York Post and others reported today, there had been reports, that " for the second time in two months, a mysterious maple syrup aroma wafted over Manhattan on Thursday, and city officials still don't know what caused it..."
AP, Sat, Dec. 10, 2005:

"..."The calls aren't exactly complaints," city Environmental Protection Department spokesman Ian Michaels said Friday. That's no surprise in a city where a host of less appetizing smells are often on the menu...

..The agency sent out its hazardous materials team to take instant readings of the air from neighborhoods where the calls originated, but nothing dangerous was found.
Air samples brought in for additional testing were also negative.

"It is once again a mystery. It seems to be gone," Michaels said..."
NOTE: In late August 2005, the "New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has selected Lockheed Martin as the prime contractor for the cornerstone program initiating a comprehensive upgrade of MTA's electronic security operations infrastructure..."

We know from our research on the 7/7 london 'attacks' , that there had been various terror drills staging an attack on the london and new york 'tube'.

One of these pre 7/7 drills did include gas and was staged in New York City: Secret 'gas' test staged at G. Central
Thursday, July 7th, 2005
"...The Federal Department of Homeland Security released gas in Grand Central Terminal last month in a secret study of how dangerous chemicals might flow through the landmark in a terrorist attack.

Nontoxic "tracer gases" were released into the terminal between June 26-30, as scientists from four national laboratories observed, including physicists from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California...."
It is therefore possible, that Lockheed hooked up with Lawrence Berkeley to continue these tracer gas tests in the air of New York, this time perfumed with 'maple'.

If this is an indication for a possible false flag operation in New York city is not clear at this time, but it could indicate an alarm.

In this context it's interesting to know, that union workers of the Metropolitan Transit Authority plan a strike next weekend


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