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Marxist standpoint on "Science and Society" debated at British university

By our correspondent
29 December 1998

The Socialist Equality Party was invited to present a guest lecture on
"Science and Society" to a postgraduate course entitled Biotechnology and
Public Affairs. Organised by biochemistry lecturer Dr. David James at the
University of Canterbury, Kent, the course is attended by students taking
their Masters degree in biochemistry.

Dr. James had first met members of the SEP campaigning on the campus with
the book Human BSE: Anatomy of a Health Disaster
[http://www.socialequality.org.uk/bse-o23.htm], earlier this year. Most
outside speakers invited to address the course are from the pharmaceuticals
industry, including representatives of major corporations such as Unilever,
SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome. Although not a socialist, Dr. James
thought it important that his students have an opportunity to hear an
alternative perspective to that of the multinational companies.

The students listened attentively to the talk, entitled "Science and
Society, a Socialist Perspective", given by Chris Talbot, a member of the
SEP who is a lecturer in mathematics.

A wide variety of questions were raised by the students at the end of the
lecture and Dr. James was pleased at the interest they showed, which he
remarked was in contrast to the poor response the industry speakers usually
received. He invited the SEP to present a lecture to the course next year,
but allowing two hours instead of one, so that there would be more time for
questions and discussion.

Following the talk, Dr. James asked Chris Talbot to clarify what was meant
by "objective truth". Talbot explained that this was obviously a vast
issue, but he could use the example of Newtonian mechanics to illuminate
the matter. "Nobody would doubt the accuracy with which the motion of
rockets and satellites could be predicted on the basis of Newton's laws.
Whilst tiny discrepancies might arise, which would need Einstein's Theory
of General Relativity to explain, Newton's theory was adequate and provided
scientists with objective truth. Many, many other scientific theories had
been tested out and applied in practice, like Newtonian mechanics, and
provide us with truth about the material world. The postmodernists have
seized upon the disputes and controversies which arise in the course of the
development of science and use this to give a false picture of science as a
whole--implying that it is entirely relative."

One student asked, "Aren't these huge companies shooting themselves in the
foot? If they take all the wealth, they won't be able to sell their
products any longer." Talbot replied, "It is true that in their pursuit of
profits the big corporations are entirely at the mercy of the market. The
prices they charge and the huge profits they make are determined ultimately
by the laws of capitalist economics. In the sense that there is growing
instability and collapse in the world market, even whilst they are raking
in billions they are "shooting themselves in the foot". Even those like
George Soros, who recognise this instability, can do nothing about it. In
the event of a downturn, or a fall in profits, these companies downsize and
thousands are thrown out of a job. Capitalism cannot provide a secure
future for the vast majority of the population."

Dr. James asked, "How are you going to organise the very costly research
which is necessary in the development of drugs, etc.? How can it be done
otherwise than by large companies?" A student answered this by saying, "You
can't look at it in that way--of how to make a profit." Public funding of
science was recognised as an alternative.

Another student raised the difference between present-day science and
science in the past. "The equipment is really expensive today, compared to
that used in the time of Einstein. At that time, it was more about ideas,
but now it's about using those ideas, which is more expensive." Talbot
stressed that the international collaboration that is needed for current
science is actually being held back by competition between private
companies and between nation states. "The resources should be publicly
owned and democratically organised on a world scale."

Dr. James questioned whether there really were cuts taking place in
science. His department had recently received a government grant for
hundreds of millions of pounds, and he thought there was still plenty of
money available. Talbot accepted that the Labour government in Britain had
increased funding for research in biochemistry "because they believe it is
a key area to attract investment. But overall there has been only a tiny
increase in the amount given to scientific research by the Labour
government, after many years of cutbacks. On a world scale evidence in the
UNESCO report and other material cited in the lecture demonstrated clearly
a downward trend in public funding for science."

See Also:
Science and Society, a Socialist Perspective
A lecture by Chris Talbot
[29 December 1998]


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World Socialist Web Site
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WSWS : News & Analysis : Science & Technology

Science and Society, a Socialist Perspective

A lecture by Chris Talbot
29 December 1998

Chris Talbot, a member of the Socialist Equality Party in Britain who is a
lecturer in mathematics, delivered the following guest lecture to a
postgraduate course in Biotechnology and Public Affairs at the University
of Canterbury, Kent.

I am speaking as a member of the Socialist Equality Party, which is part of
the international Trotskyist movement--the International Committee of the
Fourth International. Since February, we have launched the World Socialist
Web Site and are seeking to encourage critical thought in many different
areas, including science, medicine and technology. I am also speaking as
someone with a background in science and am currently a lecturer in

Let me start by making the claim that, in a certain sense, it is impossible
to be consistently scientific in one's approach to the world and to the
deep-seated social and political problems confronting mankind without being
a socialist. That does not mean to say that valuable contributions to the
development of science cannot be made without being a socialist or a
Marxist, but to examine the role of science in society means to critically
examine the ways in which this particular society--one based on the market
and private profit--determines the directions of scientific research and
the ways in which its findings are used.

What confronts anyone considering these issues is the glaring contradiction
that, along with the staggering developments of science and technology in
the twentieth century, we see the continued existence of disease, poverty
and malnutrition. This is not only in the developing countries but also in
advanced countries such as Britain, the US, etc. Science has provided the
means for solving many of these problems, yet they not only continue to
exist but also are getting worse. For example, world-wide we have three
million people a year dying from tuberculosis, more than at any time in
history. Even in Britain cases are significantly on the increase. Malaria,
according to the World Health Organisation, is "escalating at an alarming
rate" with at least 300 million cases of infection a year and at least 1.5
million deaths, including 90 percent of the deaths of children under five
in Africa.

The resources exist to solve these problems, but they are in private hands
and are used for the accumulation of vast riches by a few. To quote from a
recent UN report on growing inequality, the 225 richest people in the world
now own more than $1 trillion, which is equal to the annual income of the
poorest 47 percent of the Earth's population. Four percent of this wealth,
that is $40 billion dollars, would provide enough funds for one
year--according to the United Nations--to make possible universal access to
basic education for everyone in the world, as well as basic healthcare for
all, adequate food for all, and safe water and sanitation. At the present
moment 1 billion people are without these basic needs.

The criticism I am making of the way in which science is used in society
today flows from a critique of the profit system itself. As a Marxist, I
hold that ideas are deeply influenced by the social relations that give
rise to them. The philosophical outlook generated by capitalist society
influences scientific theories in many, often quite subtle, ways. Some of
the most obvious examples lie in the attempts to resurrect crude theories
that crime is genetic, not social, in origin, or that the wealthy are
genetically superior and therefore deserve their social position, etc.

How then do we analyse social questions in an objective, scientific way?
The natural sciences--physics, chemistry, biology, etc--by and large
maintain an objective outlook and methodology. Of course, there are all
kinds of disputes and even subtle influences of a social origin--but in the
last analysis, and this may take a very long time compared to the work of
an individual scientist, theories are tested out in experience and
practical applications.

In comparison, when we come to the social sciences, theories and ideas are
profoundly influenced by the existing social order. Without being
disrespectful to the employees of various corporations who address you on
this course, I would maintain that their standpoint on questions of science
and society is far from objective. I am not speaking of dishonesty and
corruption, or suggesting that there is a grand conspiracy where scientists
and academics are completely controlled by big business. Nevertheless, the
increasing pressure on scientists and academics--for jobs, for research
funding, from their peers, etc.--means that when it comes to social
questions, overwhelmingly there is an acceptance of the status quo, and
very little in the way of generalisations or theories of a scientific

I know that you are all biochemistry students, so I won't go on at great
length about the social sciences. But you must be aware that in the social
science and humanities departments of universities there is widespread
acceptance of ideas that can be grouped under the term "postmodernism".
This is a broad heading, which could include post-structuralists,
feminists, eco-radicals, and so on. What is common to them is not merely
their justification of the present social order--to which, despite their
radical verbiage, they offer no real alternative--but their attack on

What is the central point of their attack?--it is on objective truth. They
promote an unbridled relativism in science as they do in every other field.
Truth, they say, is purely relative. Science is just a discourse, like any
other discourse. The myths and legends of an African tribe about the night
sky have just as much value as modern astronomy and cosmology, etc., etc.
They attack the whole tradition of the scientific revolution and the
Enlightenment. This is bound up with a sceptical attitude to any
possibility of social progress or progressive social change. While many of
them profess to being socialists and even Marxists of sorts, they are
hostile to the basic tenet of Marxism--that the working class is the sole
social force capable of transforming society and that the tasks of
socialists are bound up with the political education and mobilisation of
working class people.

There has been a certain opposition developing amongst scientists to these
post-modern attacks--you may have seen Alan Sokal' s work [1] and his spoof
exposure of postmodernism, "Transgressing the Boundaries. The
Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity", which was published in the
cultural studies journal Social Text. But I would argue that a
thoroughgoing refutation of post-modern anti-science demands a response
that is not just restricted to their ignorance and distortion of questions
relating to the natural sciences. To answer postmodernism on the one hand,
and the open defenders of the profit system and the big corporations on the
other, requires a critical and scientific approach. Dealing with all the
problems relating to the application of science in modern society calls for
a socialist perspective.

The BSE disaster

Consider the topical issue of the BSE/"Mad Cow Disease" disaster. This
illustrates some of the more general points I wish to make on science in
contemporary society.

Some of you may know that, although we have limited resources, the SEP
organised an inquiry into the BSE issue in May last year. You can read the
contributions made to that inquiry and our findings in our book [2]. It was
a very important experience in bringing out the truth behind the BSE issue.
Whilst not minimising the contributions made by relatives of those who died
from CJD, or those on political, economic, and other areas, I will
concentrate on some questions relating to science.

Professor Richard Lacey and Dr. Harash Narang helped us very much in our
work. Like many of those participating, they did not necessarily agree with
all our political ideas, but on the science issues they have considerable
firsthand experience.

At least one revelation coming out of the present government inquiry
completely validates our position--that the profits of the meat industry
took precedence over any concern for public health. I refer to the reports
of the discussion between Tory Agriculture Minister Douglas Hogg and Deputy
Leader Michael Heseltine. Confronted with the evidence coming out that BSE
in cows was the "likely" cause of new variant Creutzfeldt Jacobs Disease
(CJD) in humans, Hogg proposed they kill off all cattle in Britain at a
cost of many billions, as the only safe option. Heseltine refers to the
fact that "our" (i.e., the Tory government's) academic critics were proved
correct. He means, of course, Professor Lacey and others. The Tory cabinet
overruled Hogg and the government concentrated its efforts on the
rebuilding of "consumer confidence" rather than prioritising public health.
This was despite the fact that Secretary of State for Health Stephen
Dorrell was forced to make his statement of March 20, 1996 accepting a link
between BSE in cows and CJD in humans, which led to the collapse in beef
sales and the European ban. The Tory policy has continued under the Labour

Let me summarise some of our findings.

1) The use of meat and bone meal from sheep and cattle in the preparation
of animal feed is generally recognised as the origin of BSE. It wasn't
subject to adequate testing or control. The drive for profits from
increased beef exports was paramount. Because of the incubation period--2
to 9 years in cattle, 5 to 15 years in humans--its effects were not
immediately seen.

This was a relatively low-tech development in agribusiness and the British
beef industry is small fry compared to the corporations that now dominate
the world food and pharmaceutical industries. It highlights the risks
involved in the present use of much more advanced science and technology,
backed by billions of dollars, in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
How many products are given the degree and duration of testing that are
really necessary?

2) Government scientists and committees were dominated by their concern for
business interests. This was most blatant in the case of the Ministry of
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), which describes itself as a sponsor
for the food industry as well as supposedly being responsible for food
safety. Because of the libel laws, we had to cut out some of the comments
made by Professor Lacey about various scientists on government committees.
They were consistently--putting it diplomatically--"economical with the
truth" as far as the dangers of BSE are concerned. This was not only
confined to MAFF. It would be farcical, were it not so serious, to report
the statement to the government inquiry of Sir Donald Acheson, Chief
Medical Officer of Health in the 1980s, attempting to explain why he said
beef was safe: "It was several years after the events that I became aware
that for some people the word 'safe' without qualification means zero

Some have argued that the role of MAFF was the problem and support Labour's
proposal for a Food Standards Agency--which the government now appear to be
backing away from. Modelled along the lines of bodies such as the Food and
Drug Administration in the United States, it is said it would be a more
independent regulatory body. Given the huge power of the major
corporations, I would beg to differ.

Here are the conclusions of a detailed study in "Science, Politics and the
Pharmaceutical Industry" by John Abraham [3]. He speaks of the "consistent
way that the British and American authorities awarded the benefit of the
scientific doubt to industry" (p. 248). Whilst he agrees that the US bodies
are perhaps "less vulnerable to industrial pressure"--which wouldn't be
difficult--he says that in the US the "pharmaceutical companies often have
commercial links with the two major political parties" and so can "muster
substantial resistance to unwelcome regulatory activity."

3) Threats to, and vilification of, those scientists who did speak out.
Both Professor Lacey and Dr. Harsh Narang were threatened for speaking out
on the dangers of BSE. Dr. Narang, was researching into Transmissable
Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs are the type of diseases that include
BSE, CJD and Sheep Scrapie.) He was sacked. Professor Lacey was described
in parliament, where the slander laws do not apply, as "mentally deranged".
Apart from a few exceptions, they were kept off TV and radio programmes.
Professor Lacey has now lost his job at Leeds University.

I suggest that any scientist who speaks out against business interests
would get the same treatment. A recent example was Dr. Arpad Pusztai, a
researcher for 35 years at the Rowett Research Institute in Scotland, who
publicly expressed concern over genetically modified food. His research
work was called into question and he "decided" to retire [4].

4) Finally, the effects of financial restrictions in the public health
sector and particularly the decision to stop research into TSEs. Which
areas of research get financial backing, particularly given the expense of
state-of-the-art apparatus, has become a crucial issue in current
scientific practice--a point to which I will return. Without being
over-dramatic, it is true that, in Britain at any rate, 10 years has been
lost in the search for an effective test for the presence of BSE/CJD
infection, let alone a cure.

Before going on to general questions of science policy, let me comment
briefly on the present situation in regard to BSE. I am sure that if you
have followed the scientific work on prions and TSEs, you will know that
the present government's claim that beef is now safe is just not true.
Infectivity may well have been reduced by the present culling procedures,
but there is absolutely no guarantee that this extremely infectious agent
has been eradicated. Dr James has asked me to concentrate on the broader
questions of science and society, so I won't go further into the politics
of this Labour government and the BSE inquiry, but I hope you will read
some of the articles from our website. [5]

Global corporations and science

BSE is only one example--a very serious one--of the way in which the
defence of industry's profits impinge upon the practice of science. Let me
indicate very briefly an analysis from a Marxist standpoint.

There has been a significant change, particularly in the last two decades,
from the way that science functioned in the immediate post-war years. Much
of the science and technology of that period was publicly funded and, to a
considerable extent, free from the corporate pressures we see today. Vast
developments were made, from semiconductors and computing to the discovery
of the DNA basis of genetics. I am certainly not uncritical of the policies
towards scientific questions which existed--it can be justifiably argued,
for example, that the huge military drive which took place in the so-called
Cold War was responsible for a reckless nuclear energy programme. The
horrendous results of the Chernobyl disaster are still with us today.
However, we can point to the general acceptance of a long-term approach to
science--even the Defense Department in the US funded basic research that
was unlikely to provide immediate benefits for them.

What has happened in the recent period? The vast social and political
changes--the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, the
capitulation of national liberation movements and the rise of new virulent
nationalisms, the huge decline in trade unionism, the growth of social
inequality on a world scale, growing world economic and financial
instability, etc.--can only be explained on the basis of fundamental
changes in the world economy. I am speaking of a huge shift to globalised
production, and the domination of transnational corporations and
international finance capital over national states and governments. These
changes, which were themselves dependent on science in the development of
the microchip, are now having a fundamental impact on the practice of
science and technology.

One of the major effects of this has been the attack on publicly funded
science and the requirement of "accountability", which is part of the
general demand of the free market philosophy for reduced government
spending and privatisation measures. Let me just indicate two effects of
this on a world scale.

>From the UNESCO World Science Report of 1996 [6], we read:

"The CIS [Confederation of Independent States] countries are consequently
experiencing a drastic downsizing of their R & D base, an unprecedented
event in the history of science and technology in the 20th century."

"The share of R & D expenditure in GDP in Russia declined from 2.03% to
0.81% between 1990 and 1993." [Since GDP was plummeting, this is a fall in
absolute terms from $23.9 billion in 1990 to $6.4 billion in 1993.]

These figures speak for themselves. The possible dangers in terms of the
effects on health and on the environment are incalculable.

Then from the same UNESCO World Science Report on Africa:

"The African university system has been in ever deepening crisis since the
mid 1970s.... Increased pressure for university undergraduate enrolments in
the face of decreasing university budgets, the rise of graduate
unemployment in the face of escalating liberalisation of the economy," and
so on--a long list of dire problems.

Let me remind you that the virtual absence of a scientific base in Africa
coincides with a raging HIV/AIDS epidemic, with 21 million infected; up to
one in four people in Botswana and Zimbabwe are afflicted with this

You may argue that these are extreme cases and an examination of what is
happening inside the so-called "developed nations" in science and
technology presents a different picture. I would argue that here also an
objective assessment--I am certainly not speaking from an anti-scientific,
eco-radical standpoint--brings out many areas of concern. This too relates
to a downsizing of publicly funded science, particularly the slashing of
basic research. It includes the intense competition for scientific
innovations in areas such as food, agribusiness and pharmaceuticals, and
the pressure for fewer regulations and all the problems that gives rise to,
I highlighted in the case of BSE.

I know that in this course you have been discussing the issue of
genetically modified food. Many concerns have been raised by experts in the
field--I'm sure you know much more about this than I do. You can read our
article on the World Socialist Web Site [4]. Given the possible dangers, I
think you have to be very critical of the huge pressure being brought to
bear by Monsanto, Dupont and other corporations to lift all restrictions
and allow them to boost their profits.

But this is an area where regulations still apply. A recent Financial Times
Survey on Biotechnology points out there are many areas in biotech which
fall outside of the present regulatory system. Naturally, most in the
industry argue that self-regulation is adequate, but the FT quotes at least
one sceptical scientist in a US company saying, "It's a bit like asking the
National Rifle Association to regulate itself" [7].

Perhaps what is now taking place in the universities is, in some ways, more
serious for the long-term future of the culture of science. Research is now
funded largely from business directly, or from government bodies whose main
criteria are meeting the needs of industry, or, at least, responding to
so-called "public interest". In other words, if you cannot argue for
immediate usefulness, you have to attempt to attract business funds by
creating "media interest". (The European Mars expedition will have huge
balloons to cushion it on landing, and advertising space is being sold on
them--the first Coca-Cola sign in outer space!)

In general there is enormous competition for funds--for grants, for PhD
funding, for temporary academic posts. The book Downsizing Science by
Kenneth M. Brown [8] discusses this phenomenon in the US. Brown is from the
US National Science Foundation. He formerly worked for the CIA, and is
certainly a supporter of global capitalism. Nevertheless, he views with
alarm the decrease in US spending for science, which is estimated to fall
by 16.8 percent in real terms between 1994 and 2002. Interestingly, he
quotes the widely circulated e-mail from Alan Hale, co-discoverer of the
Hale-Bopp Comet:

"My personal feeling is that, unless there are some pretty drastic changes
in the way that our society approaches science and treats those of us who
have devoted our lives to making some of our own contributions, there is no
way that I can, with a clear conscience, encourage present-day students to
pursue a career in science."

This is not just a question of finance. The whole structure of science has
gone through an unprecedented upheaval. As John Ziman puts it in his book
Prometheus Bound [9]:

"Science is going through a radical structural transition to a much more
tightly organised, rationalized and managed social institution. A new
language of 'accountability', 'evaluation', 'input and output indicators',
'priority-setting', 'selectivity', 'critical mass', etc., has become
commonplace throughout the world."

Not only does this place the objectivity of scientific research under
question, when there is such pressure to get the "right" results, it places
severe restrictions on the freedom to investigate and develop ideas. As
Ziman correctly states, Einstein and Darwin would have been unlikely to get
funded under this system. Fundamental or "pure" research is certainly under
attack. I can only briefly refer to the restriction on the free flow of
information, under threat from systematic use of patents on so-called
intellectual property--a huge area for concern in its own right.

As well as depending on the free flow of information, science has always
depended on international collaboration. Increasingly we now find national
rivalries and the profit motive intruding into what should be joint
international ventures. Because of these international rivalries, and
because of the economic collapse in Russia, the International Space
Station, for example, may not be completed.

Let me bring my remarks to a conclusion. The changes in science I have
outlined throw up extremely serious questions. They range from the
disasters, or potential disasters, affecting our health and environment, to
the fundamental issue of the development of science itself as a function of

My argument is that the unfettered development of the global market economy
is, in the final analysis, at the centre of these huge problems. It is also
quite clear that the transnational companies will not allow tighter
national controls or regulations to restrict their operations. This
approach ignores the increasing business control of every aspect of public

What is needed is genuine public control over the fruits of science and
technology, not simply a call for a few tighter regulations. I do not
accept the argument, put forward in the book Downsizing Science for
example, that the alternative to privatisation--public control and
ownership of science and technology--must inevitably give rise to
bureaucracy, stagnation and cronyism. I would argue--as a member of the
Trotskyist movement with a record of opposition to Stalinism for over 70
years--that society can be run along other lines than by the domination of
national state bureaucracies.

A secure future for mankind, the development of human potential, can only
be realised if there is genuine democratic and international control over
science. That cannot take place unless ownership and control of the huge
resources now available are taken out of the hands of the transnational
corporations. That is why I consider that a socialist perspective is of
such importance and relevance to science today.


[1] Intellectual Impostures by Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Profile Books,

[2] Human BSE: Anatomy of a Health Disaster, IW Books, 1998
For further information about this book see:

[3] Science, Politics and the Pharmaceutical Industry by John Abraham, UCL
Press, 1995

[4] WSWS: Concern grows over genetically modified food
[21 November 1998]

[5] WSWS: Export-ban on British beef to Europe lifted
[28 November 1998]

[6] World Science Report, UNESCO, 1996

[7] Financial Times, 6 October 1998

[8] Downsizing Science, Will the United States Pay a Price by Kenneth M.
Brown, American Enterprise Institute, 1998.

[9] Prometheus Bound, Science in a Dynamic Steady State by John Ziman,
Cambridge University Press, 1994

* * *

See Also:
Marxist standpoint on "Science and Society" debated at British University
[29 December 1998]

Selected documents relating to the Independent Workers Inquiry into the
BSE/CJD Crisis

Medicine and Health: Full Coverage on WSWS

Science & Technology: Full Coverage on WSWS
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World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

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