-Caveat Lector-

Subject: 3/28/02 - Stockwatch - Slatkin Pleads Guilty
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tikk)
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology

>From www.stockwatch.com (subscription only)

This article contains interesting info on Robert Duggan.. Slatkin's


Athena Gold ex-backer Slatkin pleads guilty in massive Ponzi scheme
Shares issued 12,690,238 Mar 28 2002 close $.020

Thursday Mar 28 2002 Street Wire

by Brent Mudry

Controversial EarthLink co-founder Reed Slatkin, a prominent Scientologist
minister and stock promoter, has pled guilty to 15 felony counts, including
mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and conspiracy to obstruct justice
during an investigation by the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission. Mr. Slatkin, 53, of Santa Barbara, Calif., is expected to face
12 years to 15 years in jail under federal sentencing guidelines. Mr.
Slatkin's $593-million Ponzi scheme, an unregistered investment management
operation he ran since 1985, collapsed last spring. (All figures are in U.S.

In a plea agreement filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the Central
District of California, Mr. Slatkin agreed to surrender into federal custody
at his arraignment next month. In what U.S. officials call one of the
largest Ponzi schemes in history, Mr. Slatkin preyed on the rich and famous,
luring and conning numerous Hollywood stars and producers, dot-com
executives and high-society types.

(Mr. Slatkin got his start in disastrous investing on Howe Street, the
centre of dealings on the former Vancouver Stock Exchange. He was a
private-placement investor in Athena Gold Corp. in 1991, when the VSE
company was being actively boosted by fellow Scientologists Michael Baybak
and Kenneth Gerbino. Athena was subsequently acquired by Vancouver promoter
Wally Berukoff's Miramar Mining Corp. in 1995.)

(U.S. officials make no allegations regarding Mr. Slatkin's dealings on the
VSE; nor is any connection to Mr. Baybak, Mr. Gerbino or Mr. Berukoff
suggested. Mr. Baybak filed a libel suit against Time magazine over an
unflattering May 6, 1991, eight-page cover feature profiling the Church of
Scientology, which included a sidebar story featuring the Athena Gold
promotion of Mr. Baybak and Mr. Gerbino.)

Among Mr. Slatkin's 500-plus victims were actor Giovanni Ribisi, who starred
as a sleazy broker in the film Boiler Room, and Hollywood producer Armyan
Bernstein, who arranged for Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kevin Costner to star
in a video for the master fraudster's 50th birthday celebration. Others did
better. Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren, who recently defected from CNN
as a longtime anchor and legal commentator, was paid out $659,000 more than
the $2.07-million she and her husband John Coale invested with Mr. Slatkin.
Although Mr. Slatkin is the only target to date, court filings name several
unindicted co-conspirators, including his long-time bookkeeper Jean Marie
Janu, convicted felon, fellow Scientologist and former Grateful Dead manager
Ronald Rakow, Dan Jacobs and Didier Waroquiers, alias Michel Axiall. In his
agreed statement of facts, Mr. Slatkin confirms the four helped him deceive
initially SEC investigators by papering over and covering up the massive

Burned investors have blamed the SEC, which began an informal investigation
of Mr. Slatkin in 1997 and launched a formal investigation in 1999, for
doing too little too late. In 2000, Mr. Slatkin lied to investigators under
oath, telling them, "The process of liquidating accounts is now in full
swing" and "I am not accepting any new accounts or any new money from
existing accounts." In reality, this was his best year ever. Between Jan. 1,
2000, and May 1, 2001, the day he filed for bankruptcy, Mr. Slatkin took in
$135-million from investors. Within days of the bankruptcy filing, FBI and
Internal Revenue Service agents raided Mr. Slatkin's homes and businesses,
and his Ponzi scheme ground to a halt.

The SEC belatedly moved in on May 11, 2001, launching a civil prosecution of
Mr. Slatkin and winning a broad freeze on his worldwide assets. Last June,
Mr. Slatkin agreed to refrain from future securities violations and in a
consent settlement finalized on Jan. 2, he was banned from any association
with any investment adviser. The SEC has not yet reached settlements on
fines or disgorgement orders against Mr. Slatkin.

Mr. Slatkin's reputation as an investment guru was largely based on his only
significant win, after EarthLink founder Kevin O'Donnell convinced him to
invest as a major seed shareholder in 1994. Mr. Slatkin resigned from the
board of EarthLink, the second largest Internet service provider in the
U.S., on April 26, 2001, and the company has dissociated itself from him.
The Scientologist's investment empire was little more than a massive Ponzi
scheme. By the end of 2000, Mr. Slatkin would have required an estimated
$130-million annually to keep his hypothetical investment structure from

"Slatkin appears to have conceived and nurtured a perception or aura that he
was a financial wunderkind who graciously bestowed his investment wisdom
upon an exclusive and dutifully grateful constituency. In actuality, Slatkin
conceived, executed and perpetrated a massive multiyear fraud on his
investors, using funds from new investors to pay inflated and false returns
to other and older investors, while wasting tens of millions of dollars on
ill-conceived and disastrous investments and paying staggering sums to
certain associates and consultants," states trustee Todd Neilson in a
bankruptcy court filing.

Investigators trace Mr. Slatkin's entree into the investment world to about
1979, four years after he was ordained a minister of L. Ron Hubbard's Church
of Scientology in 1975.

"In about 1979-1980, Slatkin met Robert F. Duggan, a fellow Scientologist,
who Slatkin describes as 'a successful professional investor, primarily in
the stock market,'" states Mr. Neilson in a recent trustee's report. Mr.
Duggan provided rudimentary investment training to Mr. Slatkin, who had no
prior formal training in either investments or money management. "During
this period, Duggan began to teach Slatkin about the stock market and the
process of analyzing companies as potential investments."

According to Stockwatch records, Mr. Duggan arrived on Howe Street around
the same time as fellow Scientologist Mr. Baybak, who remains an active
player in the market. Both invested in a private placement financing of
immigrant-investor-fund promoter Steven Funk's First Generation Resources
Ltd. in August, 1985, along with budding penny stock promoter and former
drug peddler Robert Friedland. (Earlier that year, in March, Mr. Baybak
invested in Mr. Friedland's then flagship Galactic Resources Ltd., which
later left U.S. taxpayers paying most of the tab for the massive cyanide
pollution Superfund clean up at its disastrous Summitville mine in

Mr. Duggan and Mr. Baybak also concurrently invested in two other Howe
Street promotions in 1986: Trian Equities Ltd. that February and Medallion
Books Ltd. that December. Scientologist Mr. Duggan served a stint on Trian's

Mr. Friedland participated in the same Medallion financing, along with
Vancouver businessman Grant Woodward "Woodie" MacLaren, who also joined the
boards of Mr. Funk's First Generation and Medallion. (There is no suggestion
that Mr. Funk, Mr. Friedland or Mr. MacLaren, the former chief executive of
Woodward's Stores Ltd., the now defunct Western Canadian department store
chain, had any dabblings in Scientology.)

After his introduction and training by Mr. Duggan, Mr. Slatkin soon became
immersed in the market.

In 1984, Mr. Slatkin made the transition from working as a full-time
ordained Scientologist minister to becoming a professional, although
unregistered, self-employed investment manager. According to the trustee,
Scientology had "permeated almost every aspect" of Mr. Slatkin's life, and
his fellow Scientologists provided ripe prey from day one. Mr. Slatkin
testified he made investments for these "friends," "to help Scientologists
who have their attention away from their money and they're helping the

In 1985, in his fledgling year as an investment pro, Mr. Slatkin met Mr.
Rakow and Chris Mancuso, who invested money with him. This was a fateful
year for the pair. Mr. Rakow and Mr. Mancuso were promoters and key players
in Culture Farms, an $80-million yoghurt culture Ponzi scheme, under
criminal investigation. Later that year both Mr. Rakow and Mr. Mancuso were
convicted and sent to jail. According to one published account from a former
Slatkin associate, the Scientologist minister said he cried all the way when
he drove Mr. Rakow to jail. (This sounds a bit odd, as corrections officials
usually prefer to have men with badges, not friends, drive convicts to

By Mr. Slatkin's own estimate, he was managing about $7-million or
$8-million by late 1986 for his "friends."

Red flags were soon apparent.

In February, 1988, Mr. Slatkin and Richard Levine, a Prudential-Bache
broker, negotiated to buy a 25-per-cent stake in Statistical Sciences Inc.,
an investment advisory firm registered with the SEC. SSI's due diligence
included an independent auditor's attempt to verify Mr. Slatkin's claims of
trading results of 40 to 50 per cent. "The audit ultimately concluded that
Slatkin's statements and trading records were not correct and Slatkin
admitted to falsifying those records," states a trustee's report.

Mr. Slatkin also had a business relationship from 1986 to 1990 with Patrick
Gallagher, a commodities broker licensed with the Chicago Board of Trade.
The pair had an ugly falling out and Mr. Gallagher's attorney had ominous
comments in legal correspondence. "We are fearful that a comprehensive
review of certain trading and account activity may reveal unsavory
characteristics of a scabrous nature involving, among other things,
irregularities with regards to the exchange rules and conduct, which, under
closer scrutiny, may subject one to prosecution by various government

A year later, in 1991, Mr. Slatkin made his first documented official foray
on Howe Street. (He likely was involved in the Vancouver market earlier with
Mr. Duggan.)

That year, Mr. Slatkin made a private placement investment in Athena Gold, a
Vancouver gold promotion which attracted fellow Scientologists Mr. Baybak
and Mr. Gerbino a few years earlier. (Mr. Baybak became a director of Athena
in 1987 and Mr. Gerbino joined the board in 1988.) Mr. Slatkin's Athena
investment came four months after Time magazine's unflattering cover feature
on the Church of Scientology, which highlighted the promotion of Athena by
Mr. Baybak and Mr. Gerbino.

Mr. Slatkin subsequently rose to prominence in the Scientology community,
boosted by his lucky 1994 investment in EarthLink.

The rest of his portfolio was a disaster.

"The trustee has come to the sad, but inescapable conclusion that tens of
millions of dollars, supposedly wisely invested in seasoned and liquid
assets capable of providing a meaningful return, were in fact invested in
highly speculative and illiquid ventures and that much of the invested funds
have been lost as a result of those imprudent investments," states a court

In one such example, Mr. Slatkin's unregistered fund lost its entire
$1-million and $333,300 investments in PopMail.Com Inc. and Millionaire.com,
respectively, which he purchased with the help of past felon Mr. Rakow
through Co-Right Investments Inc., a Canadian holding company Mr. Slatkin
formed in 1999.

Mr. Rakow and fellow Culture Farms convict Mr. Mancuso both came out
winners, emerging with more than $2.4-million each more than they invested
in Mr. Slatkin's Ponzi scheme.

The pair of convicts also proved quite helpful throwing off the scent for
the SEC's dogs until the house of cards finally collapsed.

(c) Copyright 2002 Canjex Publishing Ltd.

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