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Site Purpose: My intent is to have a place to collect information and
discussion about various conspiracies, events and philosophies. Trying to
winnow the wheat from the chaff is a hard task on the internet, but I will
try to only deal with things that have some indication of evidence behind
them. Where possible I will link to references and credible witnesses. Due to
the nature of web site hosting rules, I will try to keep the large graphics
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Latest Conspiracies and Articles
Conspiracy Of the Week:
6/4/00: Fourth Amendment Under SNEAK ATTACK!Secret searches, black bag jobs
without notice, censorship of drug related discussions...its all in there,
hiding in a bill the DOJ lobbied to manipulate in the name of the insane War
on Some Drugs. Fight it now or your Constitution is so much toilet paper! It
may be too late if they are acting this boldly.

Breaking News: Senate passes 4th Amendment Revocation Bill, Read All About It!


6/4/00: Asset Forfeiture Abuse RampantThe many state laws against literal
highway robbery by police just cause the police to call in the Feds to seize
the money they find for them, kicking back their percentage later. No charges
even have to be filed for the money to be taken, the owners have to sue to
get it back. What have we let this country become?

6/4/00: Can They Subpoena Your PC???Be careful what you say on supposedly
"anonymous" discussion forums. Northwest Airlines went to the extreme of
using subpoenas to make an ISP roll over (which most do without warrants
rather than make trouble) and finger a "troublemaker", i.e. someone who
posted negative comments (not untrue ones mind you). They broke in, ransacked
his PC and got all of his personal data while they were there. Many
corporations use this technique now to find whistleblowers and shit stirrers,
once they have their identity, they drop the legal case and just fire the
employees. Nice huh?

6/4/00: Anti-Napster Fight Being Used to Justify Elimination of Online Privacy
Guilty until proven innocent is the trend lately. Now the music industry is
trying to eliminate online anonymity because a few college kids want to
listen to music but can't afford a $20 CD. Talk about using a sledge hammer
on a mosquito.
Here's a funny as hell animation about the Metallica/Napster fight....Check
It Out!

6/4/00: Ad Whores Spy On What Radio Stations You Tune IntoUsing a wireless
device on your car as it passes by, these clowns monitor what your station
preferences are and sell the info to whomever wants it. What do we have to
do, EM shield our radios now so they won't leak a bit at the frequency we are
listening to? We shouldn't have to.

6/4/00: Proof of the Federalization of Law Enforcement!Using the miltary for
domestic law enforcement in violation of the Posse Commitatus statutes was
bad enough, now they want to deputize all local law into what basically is
becoming the US Polce Forces. Tyranny is centralized, justice is locally

6/4/00: Canadians Going for DNA on Felons, Mere Suspects Are NextCanada is
one-upping the Brits, Aussies and US fascists in the desire to have
everyone's DNA on file. They start with the "reasonable" and slowly change
that definition until it is all of us. Just say "GATTACA! GATTACA! GATTACA!".


5/21/00: Max Headroom is here...Trial By Laptop!Brazil's "Justice On Wheels"
program is judge/jury and executioner for traffic arrests. The local cops
just enter in the data (of course always truthfully right?) and PRESTO!
instant justice. Pay me and/or we take you away. You must be guilty, the
computer doesn't make mistakes! The movie Brazil is about the same.

5/21/00: NAFTA Changes Enviromental Rules in Secret MeetingsNAFTA was
supposed to be designed to allow PUBLIC input into all their policies. We
learn that now they just do what they want and screw everyone else. Wasn't
that what H. Ross Ferrengi said? I disagreed with some of his positions but
he was dead on with this one.

5/21/00: Man IS the Machine: DNA being used in computersMuch of this
technology promises to be useful, but likewise the potential is there to do
some "bad bad things".

5/21/00: Political Censorship in the USAFamed "hacker" Kevin Mitnick is
having his first amendment rights snuffed even though he is out of jail (the
whole story is unjust enough). How can the US govt. under the jucicial system
keep this person from lecturing? He's not lecturing about how to hack
computers, just about technology issues in general. Where is the friggin'
ACLU now? You'd think they'd be all over this since they DO say they support
the 1st amendment among others (barring the 2nd of course..hypocrites).

5/21/00: Governments Step Up Net Censorship and Control PoliciesCensorship of
the Internet by governments is spreading and may become a threat to
traditional media liberty, a report on press freedom said on April 26.

5/21/00: US & European Cybercrime "Solutions" Worse than the ProblemThe
police statists have drawn up a cyber manifesto of more powers they are
granting themselves in the name of the four boogeymen of the infocalypse
(terrorism, pornography, national security and general crime). It reads like
a wish list for anti-Constitutional thugs. Europeans may be used to being
subjects at the whim of those in power, but I assure you the US citizens
will, for the most part, not stand for it.

5/21/00: Feds Set Up Cyber "Rat Line"You too can drop a web dime and
anonymously claim your neighbor is a digital Ted Kazynski. It won't encourage
false allegations for illegal purposes at all, merely suggesting it would put
you on a list of bad "volk". Vas ist loss?

5/21/00: G8 Nations Want to Globalize Net LawsThis could spell the end of
"digital havens", up to now the only refuge from statist governments
worldwide. They make no distinctions between real criminals and those seeking
anonymity and privacy outside of their local regime. I guess thats not in the
UN bill of human rights (what a joke that is). The most telling quote from
the report: "All states should 'fight the digital divide' between high-tech
haves and have-nots, he said, but at the same time restrain the excesses of
an unfettered freedom.". We can't have that now can we?

5/21/00: MS Office "Assistant" Could Help Itself to Your FilesMicroSloth has
often been shown to have little security in anything they do. This "feature"
actually allows hackers to take over your PC and do anything they want.
"Clippy" isn't just annoying, he's dangerous. Disable it now.


3/26/00: UCITA: Death to small software companies and freeware!This is a
nasty plan to let "shrink wrap" agreements have abusive power over the users
if you are a big, lawyer-rich company while making normal, less weasely
agreements a liability for lawsuits against the little guys. M$ is slobbering
over the potential for this one. Read it and see. Then see an excellent
letter sent to various attorneys general to oppose this monopolist-enabling
monstrosity HERE

4/23/00: Cookies? They don' need no steenkin' cookies!There is a new game
afoot to invade the privacy of your web browsing, search engine keywords and
personal information. A place called Predictive Networks wants to pay your
ISP's to supply them with this data. They suggest the ISP increase rates for
those unwilling to participate in this spamfest.

4/23/00: Why the World Trade Organization is BADThe attempt to shackle all
trade into one monolithic, centralized world body goes way back to at least
Woodrow Wilson. It's not a good idea.

4/16/00: YOUR book purchases to be used against you!They aren't satisfied
with monitoring what groups you belong to, now they expect free and easy
access to lists of books you buy with your credit card and all your video
rental selections. They even "shop around" for a warrant until they find a
judge willing to rubber stamp one. Seig Heil!

4/16/00: The Internet is returning to Centralized ControlIn the old days, all
accounts were on centralized, monitored servers via "dumb terminals", now
they are moving to use net based computers from what amount to almost as dumb
terminals and dumber users.

4/16/00: Keyboard bugs make snooping easy.These little beauties will negate
anyone's encryption since it stores your keystrokes for the fisherman who
installed it without complicated RF gear and a van outside. Of course they
will only be used by authorized law enforcement personnel with warrants,
right? LOL.

4/16/00: You think Cookies are bad?The spammers are going proactive, scanning
YOUR hard drive when you browse to their site, supposedly to make sure you
haven't included some hackerware that might harm them. What else will they
do? ERASE anything they feel is threatening! Next thing you know they'll be
recording cpu IDs and what software versions you have then contacting those
companies for the bounty on unregistered copies from the office. This
warrantless search of property by non-law enforcement agents is way too much!

4/16/00: Mass Psychosis? 45,000 Brits volunteer for 24 hr. Big Brother
surveillance!In Holland they made "heroes" out of the ones that volunteered
to be watched for the amusement of the masses. Clearly there is something
horribly bent about the European/MTV voyeur mindset. A statist paradise used
as a model for where our leaders want to take us. No thanks.

4/9/00: FBI to Unleash "Digital Storm" on the CitizensYou'd think they have en
ough power as it is, but now they want warrantless tapping (i.e. fishing
rights) at the stroke of a key. Security is NOT worth any price.

4/9/00: Aussies to take DNA from Suspects...Before Trials!Doesn't sound like
a "G'day" down under anymore. Seems they want to keep up with the Brits in

4/9/00: 16 YEARS for Stealing a Candy Bar? Ya gotta love Texas.Repeat
offender or no, what ever happened to no cruel and unusual punishment? ("Hey
man, what you in for?" "Took a snickers bar." "You be a bad mofo sho 'nuf!")

4/2/00: Police Going Para-Military Excellent paper in Adobe Acrobat format
Need Adobe Acrobat Reader? get it free by clicking on this:

4/2/00: Russia Shuns Gatesware..."Da, ve not stupid, commerade!" Heh, heh,
first this then the DOJ comes down on him. What's a 100 Billionaire going to

4/2/00: SEC to play Big Brother Don't tell your friends you have a new scheme
to get rich quick...the SEC is listening and could set you up.

3/26/00: Freedoms Taken By StealthThe hijinks of the 104th Congress are
finally starting to surface, at least a few of them. I wonder how long before
the 105th's late night chicanery will be known?

3/24/00: Global Bankers: Rigged for Slavery?While the author has some fine
points about some apparent flaws in the system of banking and currency in
place in the US since 1913 (Federal Reserve which is neither Federal nor a
Reserve of anything), in theory compound interest is supposed to work for all
of us. Admittedly the vested interests get to take advantage of higher rates
and exponentially higher profits. I'm for a gold or silver standard myself.

3/24/00: DNA Testing for Insurance Purposes? Brittain leads the way.What used
to be a bad plotline for Sci-Fi (rent GATTACA) is now acknowledged future
policy in that land of trendsetting statism, the U.K. Absolutely despicable.

3/18/00: Global Governance: Is it inevitable?
The Murchison Chair of Free Enterprise at the University of Texas has an
excellent overview of world domination history and current events.

3/18/00: "Granny D" rips into politicians over campaign finance.She walked
accross the country at 89 to get the issue up front. You go girl!

3/18/00: Left, Right... they ALL want to take away free speech!

3/18/00: US Administration Report: Privacy gets in the way of "efficiency". Th
e Brittish made anonymous posting of bills illegal for much the same reasons.
Read the ACLU's Response.

3/13/00: Using IRS to bypass the 2nd Amendment! <<<<< Insidious and TRUE!


3/13/00: Mind Control Patent?
This one is a bit bizzarre, but interesting to look into...
US Patent # 3951134 US Patent Bureau
Apparatus for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves Abstract
More Research

3/18/00: Don't Forget the CIA!They won't forget you. ;-)

This site has been visted by no less than

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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