-Caveat Lector-

>Sasa Rakezic
>P.F. 163
>26000 Pancevo
>Yugoslavia (Serbia)
>June 10th 1999
>It finally happened!!!
>Yesterday, all the media in Yugoslavia were speaking about the peace
>agreement that was signed by Serbian and NATO generals.
>It was announced with a lot of triumphalism, like - "We won!". Serbian
>media even lied that it were the UN representatives who were negotiating
>with Serbian Army officials, while trying to avoid mentioning NATO as the
>real partner in these talks... The same kind of logic (newspaper headlines
>like "Serbia capitulated!") was, as I understood from the letters by
>friends from abroad, present in the mainstream media of the NATO countries.
>They were opening champagne at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. After so
>many ( whatever the real number is) thousands of dead and injured and
>people left homeless?
>Yes, yes, it was so predictable. I told you that it will happen, in one of
>the early messages - politicians will continue to do their "job", they will
>make speeches, pose in front of the camera, or at worst go to a new duty -
>no matter what is the result of their fabulous "action". They are the
>"winners" - Serbian, Albanian, NATO countries leaders, and the busy little
>administration workers. These guys always win. Everybody else is wounded or
>Anyway, this is the last of my mass letters, if something don't go wrong
>Yesterday, the "celebration" started with the people from the neighborhood
>taking their pistols and shooting in the air.They were joined by rockets
>launched by the Antiaircraft Defenses,  even though at first I thought that
>they were shooting at the pilotless NATO aircrafts (equipped with the
>cameras), as they usually do when they are shooting between  the air raids.
>I just couldn't believe that they would waste the  rockets that they
>actually missed while combating the mighty NATO bombers...
>Sure, everybody was happy that the whole thing was over... Even though many
>were complaining, and many more were aware that this is far from being the
>end of the crisis - ANYTHING could happen in the months to come.
>The "victory" celebration in my town was ridiculed by the tall flame from
>the Oil Refinery, and the giant black cloud which was spreading over the
>whole area.... The industrial complex is still burning, even now as I write
>this, 3 days after the NATO bombing.
>But still, I can understand the triumph of the common people, who were
>exposed to the very powerful bombs for 77 days. They are the real heroes!
>The same is with the common Albanians, who suffered enormously in this big
>turmoil. Serbia will be the country which will enter the 21st Century with
>the destroyed factories, bridges, railroads and highways.
>No matter of the high ideals of our world, the global society is still
>obsessed with deeply destructive and violent concepts.  Isn't it obvious
>See you around, my friends.

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