-Caveat Lector-

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Sexual abuse by clergy leaves greater damage, experts say 'Murder of the soul' is one description of sexual abuse inflicted by priests. By Shirley Ragsdale April 4, 2004 "Confronting the issue of priest abuse has created conflict, controversy and pain in the U.S.  Catholic Church. But on one point, church officials, victims advocates and researchers agree: Children abused by clergy often suffer deeper damage than other victims of child sexual abuse."The priest was an icon of the transcendent, and hence the abuse had consequences that went beyond the damage caused by similar cases of abuse not involving clergy," Boston Archbishop Sean O'Malley said in January in a conference at Boston College on the impact of clergy sexual abuse. "The wound left by the abuse was not only to one's psyche, but also to their spiritual life and identity." http://desmoinesregister.com/life/stories/c5351764/23975169.html

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Associated Features as Predictors of Revictimization and Perpetration with Samples of Adults Abused During Childhood By Anne Marie Dietrich...A Thesis ...The University of British Columbia...Women were significantly more likely to report revictimization, and male inmates were significantly more likely to perpetrate against others. Whereas PTSD and Somatoform Dissociation are the strongest dynamic predictors of any sexual or physical revictimization, Impaired Self Capacities are more often associated with revictimization by intimate partners in particular. Trauma-specific dissociation was associated with a decreased risk of revictimization, whereas peritraumatic and trait dissociation did not enter predictive models. Posttraumatic sequelae were not associated with increased risk of physical perpetration with these samples; however, IASC scores were associated with an increased risk of sexual perpetration and victim-based cognitive distortions were associated with decreased odds of sexual violence. These findings provide partial support for the Complex PTSD (Herman, 1992a) construct. " http://www3.telus.net/trauma/Dissertation.pdf
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