-Caveat Lector- < http://www.total911.info/2006/05/sheen-smearmeisters-linked-to-criminal.html >

[http://tmz .aol.com/article2/_a/feds-raid-home-of-photo-agency-head/20060523182009990001]

This is interesting in light of the smear campaign launched on Charlie Sheen in concert with his expressing doubts about the official 9/11 fairytale.

From AOL's TMZ.com May 23:
"TMZ has learned that the FBI searched the home Tuesday of a woman who runs an LA paparazzi agency

The allegation is that her computers were used to illegally hack into the computers of Us Weekly magazine to obtain information about celebrities, in particular Charlie Sheen.

Sources tell TMZ the U.S. Attorney obtained the search warrant several days ago. Law enforcement went to the home of Jill Ishkanian, a partner at Sunset Photo and News, where they seized computers and other items. As of now, the official file is sealed.



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