-Caveat Lector-

- he almost single handedly caused the eruption of the South east asian
regional countries.
No wonder he wants to see the euro propped up as he can then speculate
against it and make zillions more.

Sunday Telegraph
ISSUE 1948 Sunday 24 September 2000

  Soros demands more help for the beleaguered euro
By Richard Fletcher

  GEORGE SOROS, the international financier who forced Britain out of
the exchange rate mechanism in 1992, yesterday called for further
financial intervention from the world's leading central banks to protect
the sinking euro.
Soros was speaking on the fringes of the International Monetary Fund and
World Bank meetings in Prague where finance ministers and central
bankers are meeting this weekend to discuss worries over world oil
prices and assess the climate in currency markets.

The meeting follows last Friday's massive moves by the US Federal
Reserve and other central banks to defend the euro. Soros said more
action is needed to have any lasting effect. Soros said: "This
intervention by itself is not enough to turn the market."

The central banks of Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the US
spent between $5bn and $8bn propping up the battered euro on Friday. The
intervention came just one week before a referendum in Denmark on
whether the country should join European Monetary Union.

[Ed: Why aren't we told exact figures? - nor who actually finances this -
the banks or the tax-payers].

Soros, renowned for his speculation in the currency markets during the
1990's praised the intervention. He said: "It was a much needed move and
it was very well done because it caught the market by surprise. I think
it will be successful. All the preconditions for success are there."

[Ed: Success for who?]

Soros argued that the official aim should be to get the euro up to $0.90
which he said "was a sound and defensible level". The single European
currency briefly rose above $0.90 on Friday after the intervention took
the market by surprise but it had retreated to $0.877 by the time the US
markets closed.

Meanwhile a spokeswoman for the German finance ministry claimed that the
seven finance ministers had reached an interim deal on how to react to
the recent sharp rise in crude oil prices. She said: "It was agreed that
tax cuts are not the right way to react to oil prices, rather that on
the one hand oil producing states must be urged to increase productive
capacity and on the other hand to arrive at a more efficient use of

Yesterday Gerhard Schröder, the German chancellor, announced a boost in
tax deductions for commuters hit by the higher cost of petrol and
compensation payments for the less well-off, to help with the rise in
heating oil prices.

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