-Caveat Lector-


via news://alt.fan.rawilson

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From: "Sue Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.fan.rawilson
Subject: 'Steal their Wives' day
Message-ID: <5VfQ5.6173$BR5.19894@news1-hme0>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 19:03:28 -0000

I just heard this from the "anarcho-machismo-r-us" group:

Those pussies from Montreal - the "anarcho-situationists" - are
planning something called "Steal Something Day", which is really
nothing more than a feeble extension of Adbusters' equally pathetic
"Buy Nothing Day".

As if some kids stealing minor items (or even cars) will concern The
Capitalist System. It's insulting to anyone who HAS to steal every
day JUST TO SURVIVE. It gives power to those who are prosperous
enough to CHOOSE whether or not to steal. Historically, the
oppressed have always HAD to steal: they had no CHOICE.

"Steal Something Day" is patronising, minor-league stuff. Perhaps it
will give a small thrill to middle-class "rebels" who are too timid
to tackle the REAL problem: the Capitalist Bastards who are
oppressing us and destroying the planet.

No. We know who the Enemy is - we have to hit them where it HURTS:
we have to SEDUCE THEIR WIVES. It won't be easy, but at least we
know those Capitalist Chicks prefer REAL MEN like ourselves to fat,
podgy, Capitalist Pigs or timid middle-class geeks.

"They misunderestimated me"
--George W Bush


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