-Caveat Lector-

The call has begun from the conservative sector now that it is apparent
this so-called "war" on Iraq may soon begin.  The call is one for
self-censorship in the interests of "supporting our troops".  The only
valid support I (and many others opposed to this imminent act of
aggression) can agree to is the support for their withdrawal back to
home base where they belong.

Mr. Morford puts it better in his usual irreverent, earthy manner...

The Lie Of The U.S. Military

Tough gritty American soldiers protect freedom of liberal S.F.
columnist? Or the other way around?

By Mark Morford March 7, 2003

I get this a lot: Hey Mark, you know what you should do, you pathetic
piece of liberal S.F. scum? You should kneel down right now and thank
our angry God there's a hard-ass non-pussified non-wimpy U.S. military
out there protecting your pathetic little butt, baby. Isn't that

You should be damn grateful, they scowl, that these fine men and women
are risking their lives to ensure your right of free speech, your
contemptible ability to scribble these pansy liberal words, to call
Shrub a smirking daddy's boy, to suggest that God doesn't exist or that
Lynne Cheney frightens small children and makes paint peel, all while
remaining safe and cozy in your little hippie-happy tofu- licking
gay-friendly S.F. cocoon, all protected and insulated and smug.

I get this a lot, too, in response to columns about, say, alternative
religion, or spirituality, or progressive politics, or sex, or open
mindedness or anything that rubs conservatives the wrong way, which is,
of course, just about anything: How can you write such typical lefty
liberal drivel while "real" men and women are out there making "real"
decisions about "real" issues?

When people are dying from poison gas and are having their fingernails
ripped out by evildoers, and you just wait until your pathetic little
faggy S.F. and granola Berkeley get "hit" and your family and friends
are screaming and burning to death and we'll see how you feel then,
won't we, when Dubya tried to warn you and where will your hippie crap
be then huh? Huh?

It's touching, truly.

And there are many more, most filled with flaming bile, with a rabid
pro-military lust, homophobia like a calling card, aimed at me, at S.F,
at progressives, at gays -- anyone, really, who is not in blind lockstep
support of everything ShrubCo spins their way, and never failing to
leverage the rather inane "be grateful you live in this country"
argument, much like saying, be grateful you weren't born in 1347 and
suffered serfdom and had boils all over your face and died toothless at
age 24. Yes, I am grateful. Every day. Thank you.

Let us now speak blasphemy. Let us point up something no one seems to be
mentioning, as Shrub sends in 300,000 of our youth to blast a cheap thug
who is, by every account, no serious threat to the U.S., and never has
been, and who had nothing to do with 9/11, and whose ties to terrorism
are tenuous at best, all while rabid North Korea happily buys more nuke
technology from desperate Pakistan and sells the finished product to the
highest bidder.

Here it is: The military does not protect my freedom. Our soldiers are
not out there right now safeguarding me, or you, or us, from some sort
of total, '50s-era, Red Scare-esque dictatorial overthrow of our nation;
nor is the military guaranteeing I have the right to write this column
any more than it is protecting your right to read it, or to protest the
war and speak freely and smoke imported French cigarettes and watch porn
and drive really fast. Not anymore, they're not. Not this time.

More than ever before in recent history, the otherwise worthy U.S.
military is right now in service not of the people, not of the national
security, but of the current government regime and its corporate
interests. Has it always been this way? Of course. But this time, with
our smirky Enron president and cash-hungry CEO administration, it's
never been so flagrant, or insulting, or invidious.

Our soldiers are not protecting our freedoms. They are not preventing
more terrorism. They are not guaranteeing continued free speech. Because
the only true threat to such freedoms is coming from within.

There is every indication that our own government, more than any other
in the Western world, is the one that would like our free speech
quelled, dissenting voices silenced, proofs of wrongdoing or proofs of
corporate greedmongering that are used as a cheap excuse to massacre an
estimated half-million Iraqis, eliminated.

There is every indication that John Ashcroft would love nothing more
than to shut down independent thought and snuff out all those dirty
pictures and turn off the whole gol-durn Internet once and for all.

There is every flagrant sign that Rummy and Ari Fleischer think the
media would do good to shut the hell up and be grateful they're even
allowed on the White House grounds. "If you're not with us, you're with
the terrorists," they glower, as if everyone were 5 years old, and
drugged, and stupid.

There is every indication that BushCo would love nothing more than to
fire truckfuls of tear gas into those crowds of 11 million protesters a
few weeks ago, clamp down all those millions of negative voices causing
him such a global headache, brainwash the media and the populace,
continue to turn attention away from that pesky unfindable Osama to that
evil easily annihilated Saddam, make you think the two are somehow
connected, one and the same, and that if you disagree you are a
traitorous baby-killing communist, how dare you, don't you value your

Of course I do. Which is exactly why this war is so inane, and vile.

This war was never about your safety, or the safety of this nation, or
protecting freedom. It is about strategic power bases, oil reserves and
control. It is about regional supremacy first, petroleum and military
supply industries second, humanitarian and domestic- security concerns,
well, about 147th.

It was never about WMD. It was never about terrorism. It was never about
Saddam, except insofar as Saddam is a threat to those same corporate
concerns. The U.S. military is right now serving ExxonMobile. And
Lockheed Martin. And is protecting, unbeknownst to it, our grip on power
brokering in the Middle East.

Which naturally might raise the question, What, then, is actually
protecting America's freedom? What forces are guaranteeing free speech?
Protecting your civil liberties?

It's you. It's millions of independent, resistant voices, in chat rooms
and e-mail boxes and magazines and on Web sites all over the nation and
the world.

It is staggering and potent protests like the all-time largest global
rally of Feb. 15. It is artists and actors and musicians, writers and
renegades and thinkers, professors and pundits and op-ed columnists and
daring newspaper editors.

Do you see? It is these people, these voices, that are right now keeping
the doors of personal freedom from swinging shut. It is those who push
back, refusing to be misled, resisting the crackdown. What is keeping
America free is not the military -- it is independent thought. It is the
progressive provocative evil "hippie vibe" that refuses to let Bush
completely molest the nation.

Because BushCo would love nothing more than for everyone to shut the
hell up so it can bomb in peace. And they are trying. E-mail snooping,
Homeland Security, the draconian Patriot Act, new wiretap laws, the
(failed) Total Information Awareness mega-database, expanded powers for
the police and FBI, immigrant detention, a raging international blanket
campaign to forcibly convince everyone of their warmongering cause, as
most of the world just stands there, appalled, insulted, and says no

Here's another irony: Major newspapers and TV and magazines, despite
regular GOP puling about the "damn liberal media," is largely in
lockstep support of the war, giving scant coverage to ongoing world
protests, painting Chirac like the ogre Shrub wants you to think he is,
hyping up biotoxic threats and downplaying the pathetic meagerness of
the Iraqi military, or the hundreds of thousands of estimated civilian
casualties and refugees this war will generate, the hundreds of billions
it will cost us.

Look. We possess a potent, world-class military. Dedicated and serious
and no one questions their ability, their commitment, despite how the
vast majority of wary soldiers signed up during peacetime, for the quick
money, to help pay for college, or because they couldn't find decent
jobs, and not for some noble patriotic cause. But no matter.

Was I supportive of quick, aggressive military action against the
largely fragmented and untraceable al Qaeda? Was I glad to see
undercover air marshals on civilian aircraft shortly after 9/11? Do I
support our military in times of true crisis and need, when there is an
actual viable threat? Absolutely. Is this one of those times? No way.
Here's how I support them now -- get them out before a single one is

Because here is the freedom our military is currently protecting: The
freedom of cheap gas for the next decade. The freedom of expanded power
in the Middle East. The freedom of continued American gluttony abroad,
of a foreign policy that reeks of isolationism and corporate greed and
preemptive fist-to-face threats. It ain't worth it.

Is the military protecting us from terrorism? Doubtful. By most every
estimate, Shrub's war will only ignite more anti-U.S. hatred, spark more
countries to fuel up and prepare for America's random attack. We are not
pouring water on the dying embers of U.S. revulsion -- we are kicking
them. As hard as we can.

I understand and value the need for a strong military. I appreciate the
necessity. But the war in Iraq does nothing but denigrate the value and
integrity of our military. Note to conservatives: Those soldiers aren't
out there dying for you, they're dying for strategic political power,
for some oil exec's portfolio. They're protecting the American
oligarchy. Does that make you feel proud?

This war, then, is a direct slap in the face, an insult not just to
progressives and liberals but to the country, and to the very soldiers
themselves. I hereby kneel down in my liberal hippie gay- friendly S.F.
cocoon and pray to my godless tofu-lovin' universe that they don't die
in oily vain.


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