-Caveat Lector-
Though this fellow is an avowed futurist, he calls a spade a spade. Excellent articles.

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.

Part I:





I will have more to say on this subject from time to time.
Reconstructionists, preterists and postmillennialists are all fond of
accusing premillennial prophecy writers of "newspaper exegesis." For
example, Kenneth Gentry's web site advertises his book, "The Beast of
Revelation," by claiming the book is, "A popularly written antidote to
dispensational sensationalism and newspaper exegesis." I personally have
not read a stinking newspaper in years, nor do I own a stinking
television, or even hardly ever listen to the radio. I do read a few
Internet news sites to see what is occurring in the world. From what I
remember, it was a postmillennialist (Gary North) that led the way in
predicting doom for the world from computer crashes. I maintained that if
they did crash, they would fix them before Revelation 13. I also
maintained that, while it makes sense to be ready for panic, a loss of
electricity, etc. through a possible computer crash, we are actually more
apt to meet with an earthquake, natural disaster, etc., since the Bible
clearly states these things will increase as time progresses. I also
stated that if nothing significant occurred on Y2K, we would see a revival
of postmillennial heresy like never before in history (see our web site at
www.refugebaptist.org). These postmillennialists thrive by focusing on the
false warnings and over-zealous predictions of dispensational prophecy
writers. Since they have the natural flesh of the world on their side,
they will prosper in spite of the evidence against them (e.g. telling
carnal people that God is about to judge the world with a tribulational
period can be like telling carnal Christians they can be literally spanked
at the judgment seat. The flesh is not on your side. Nevertheless, God's
Spirit is sufficient for all things). The position of the Kingdom Alert is
that no prophecy (other than Scriptures such as 2 Timothy 3 and 4 and 1st
Timothy 4) is being fulfilled in the present. Current events are only
"prophetic" in the sense that they set the stage for the future
tribulation age. For example, Israel reviving as a nation in the midst of
turmoil (1948 -) sets the stage for Revelation 11 and Matthew 24, etc.
These prophecies assume Israel is present in her land. Christians who are
not asleep or drunk should use these preliminary signs to awake to
righteousness, to motivate the drowsy, and reprove the scoffers. They call
us "pessimists" and maintain that the Antichrist and the Revelation
plagues are figurative, past history. But the watching premillennialists
told the scoffers to watch Israel. After enduring years of sarcasm and
mockery, the early premillennialists were vindicated by the "newspaper" in
1948. And now we see that the main reason postmillennialists hate and
deride so-called "newspaper exegesis" is because the newspaper (when it
simply reports current events) is the postmillennialists worse enemy (next
to the Bible literally interpreted)! If you are trying to bury your head
in the sand and pretend that all is well, reports concerning giant
earthquakes, fires, broken temperature records, sodomite priests,
dangerous asteroids, implanted computer chips, turmoil in Israel, etc. are
enough to take the heart out of any honest postmillennialist. This issue
of the Kingdom Alert is therefore dedicated to my postmillennial brethren
around the world. May the Lord open your eyes and cause you to see that
there will be no literal Kingdom without the literal presence of the King.
The ship is sinking. But the Word of God is not bound! God bringing to
past what He has warned is not "defeat." Was it defeat for Paul to be
bound in prison? God used it to spread Christianity around the Roman
empire! (For more information on this subject see my audio sermon on
postmillennialism on our web site).


"Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 30 - AIDS has quietly caused the deaths of
hundreds of Roman Catholic priests in the United States although other
causes may be listed on some of their death certificates, The Kansas City
Star reported in its Sunday editions. In the first of a three-part series,
the newspaper reported that its examination of death certificates and
interviews with experts indicated several hundred priests had died of
AIDS-related illnesses since the mid-1980s and hundreds more are living
with HIV, the virus that causes the disease. The death rate of priests
from AIDS is at least four times that of the general population, the
newspaper said...." (AP, 2000)

"Los Angeles - More than 100 people in the nation's largest Catholic
diocese have complained to authorities in recent months of sexual abuse by
priests, authorities said Thursday....Authorities said the complaints in
the Archdiocese of Los Angeles surfaced after the priest abuse scandal
emerged in Boston in March, then erupted nationally....Officials with the
Archdiocese of Anchorage said national guidelines adopted at a Roman
Catholic bishops conference are flawed but a crucial first step in
publicly dealing with pedophile priests...." (AP, June 21, 2002)

The media (at least in the news reports I have read online) has been busy
reporting on the scandals occurring in the Catholic Church. Unfortunately,
the true sin ("sodomy") is not named. A generic, politically correct
phrase such as "sexual abuse" is often used to soften the blow to the
media's favorite "Christian" denomination, and keep the homosexuals happy
and "gay." What will be the general, ultimate response to the now widely
publicized sodomy, child abuse, drug dealing, and disgusting perversion in
the Roman Catholic clergy? These sins among the clergy are nothing new. In
spite of feigned outrage, they will be largely ignored, just as they
always have been.

Whatever the responses, two things are certain. First, the Bible predicts
that Rome, and her religion headquartered there, will be a worldwide
center of fornications and moral perversion:

Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour,
and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup
in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT,

There is a figurative fornication revealed in Revelation 17. It speaks of
the political courting of this so-called church, and her unholy union of
church and state (Revelation 17:2, 18). Yet, she is also the mother of the
ABOMINATIONS of the earth. Sodomy is an abomination (Leviticus 20:13).
Therefore, Rome will also be the root and haven of LITERAL fornication and
abominations. Like both the Rome of ancient days, and Rome throughout the
dark ages, Rome future (and its religion) will continue to become the
center and shelter of LITERAL sexual perversion! The woman's cup is filled
with FORNICATION and abominations (17:4). The fact that this is also
literal (as well as containing figurative truth) can be seen from the fact
that the woman's cup also contains BLOOD (17:6). Yet, almost all
commentators teach that the blood by which the woman is drunken is the
LITERAL blood of the saints. Therefore, if the woman's cup contains blood,
and this blood is literal, then it should reasonably follow that the
fornications in the same cup are also literal. Since the woman is drunken
by blood, the Holy Spirit is defining one of the ABOMINATIONS (plural,
17:5) in the woman's cup to be MURDER (17:6). The Bible plainly calls the
murder of the innocent an ABOMINATION to God:

Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD,

This abomination in the cup (i.e. murder) is certainly literal. Therefore,
it would be reasonable to conclude that the fornication in the cup is also
literal, and that other abominations (e.g. sodomy, etc.) will also be
found in Rome in the last days. Sorcery, thefts, murder and fornication
are all literally the major sins of mankind in the last days (Revelation
9:21). It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the main,
world-dominating, influential city in the Tribulation period will be the
promoter of these same LITERAL vices. This is why the Holy Ghost reveals
that Rome's cup contains these literal abominations. Rome in its final
days will not only be a center of idolatry, a state-church, and false
religion, it will be a city that spawns LITERAL FORNICATION and MURDER
throughout the world. We have seen this in the past in Pagan Rome and
Papal Rome. It will likewise be Rome's destiny in the future. The sodomy
and fornication rampant among priests in the present is another sign that
the Tribulation age is rapidly approaching. Let us watch and pray!

This bring us to the second point, already noticed somewhat: In spite of
the bad publicity the Roman Catholic organization is presently receiving
in the press, it is certain that its influence or impact will NOT,
ultimately, be diminished. Whatever temporary setbacks it may suffer, it
will continue its rise to power until it finally and completely fulfils
Revelation 17 in the future, Tribulation period.

While we pray that many individual Catholics will use this time to
reconsider the claims of Rome, the majority of people will simply respond
to the perversion of priests in the same manner that they responded to the
perversions of former president Clinton in the White House. Many will see
this perversion as a necessary evil; others will actually welcome it,
since it provides a cloak for their OWN perversions and debauchery.

Roman Catholicism, unfortunately, is here to stay - at least until
Revelation 17:16. The masses will respond to the modern perversion of
priests in the same manner in which they responded to the perversion of
earlier priests throughout history. The sexual immorality of Catholic
priests is not a new problem. Historically, it has been linked to the
celibacy of the Catholic clergy by a number of writers. Sodomy is one of
the last depravities into which rebellious man falls before his
destruction (see Romans 1, Genesis 19). Therefore, it is true that
depraved man will indulge in this sin, with or without the unbiblical
doctrine of a celibate clergy. On the other hand, this evil doctrine makes
provision for this sin, and helps hasten the damnation of a nation.

An anonymous writer, in 1844, wrote, "Romanism: Incompatible with
Republican Institutions (by Civis)." In this work, the writer states:

"The celibacy of the clergy tends still more directly to the destruction
of morality. The history of the church abounds with evidence that where
the clergy have been confined by their rules of discipline to a life of
celibacy, they have been the most industrious promoters of licentiousness.
Hear what Claude D'Espence says on this subject, a divine of the Romish
church. He complains as follows: 'Shameful to relate they give permission
to their priests to have concubines, etc., upon the payment of annual
tribute. And in some places they oblige them to pay the tax, saying they
may use the privilege if they please.' We forbear to multiply passages of
this nature, not because they are rare, but because the recital would be
offensive to the reader....Wielding the power of the confessional, the
master of the secret actions and thoughts of the females of their
communion, they hold in their power the most potent means for their
corruption." (p.70).

Alexander Hislop, writing in, "The Two Babylons" argues similarly:

"The records of all nations where priestly celibacy has been introduced
have proved that, instead of ministering to the purity of those condemned
to it, it has only plunged them in the deepest pollution....The excesses
committed by the celibate priests of Bacchus in Pagan Rome in their secret
Mysteries, were such that the Senate felt called upon to expel them from
the bounds of the Roman republic. In Papal Rome the same abominations have
flowed from priestly celibacy, in connection with the corrupt and
corrupting system of the confessional....Out of a thousand facts of
similar kind, let one only be adduced, vouched for by the distinguished
Roman Catholic historian De Thou. When Pope Paul V. meditated the
suppression of the licensed brothels in the 'Holy City,' the Roman Senate
petitioned against his carrying his design into effect, on the ground that
the existence of such places was the only means of HINDERING THE PRIESTS

"The Manual of Universal Church History," by Alzog, bears the Imprimatur
of the Archbishop of Cincinnati. In this volume, Catholic historian, Alzog

"There were eighty councils held in France during the eleventh century,
and of these there was not a single one in which a protest of the fathers
was not directed against the lawlessness and brigandage of the laity and
the unchastity and simony of the clergy....The gradual decline in papal
influence and the evil example of the lives of some Popes reacted with
terrible effect upon the morals of the bishops....Concubinage was the
crying vice among the clergy of many dioceses....The dissoluteness of
morals rapidly infected the laity, who learned from those whose lives
should have been examples of manly honesty and priestly honor to put a
light estimate on the virtue of purity....Some professed to believe that
the marriage of the clergy was the only adequate remedy for the evil; but
others...maintained that the well-being of the Church depended on the rule
of celibacy...."
(Vol. II., p.368, 928-31).

The historical work, "Lives of the Popes," by Catholic writer, Ludwig
Pastor, was drawn from the secret archives of the Vatican. The work was
praised by the Pope and dedicated to him. Pastor writes:

"But this [prostitution] was not the worst of the maladies which the false
renaissance brought upon Italy....There is unmistakable evidence of the
revival of the horrible national vice of the Greeks [i.e. sodomy]....It
made its way into the lower ranks also....many of the monasteries were in
a most deplorable condition. The three essential vows of poverty, chastity
and obedience, were in some convents almost entirely disregarded...Sixtus
IV found it necessary to direct a Bull against some Carmelites in Bolgna
who had maintained that there was no harm in asking for things from

Pastor also documents the immoral lives of many of the popes. Will Durant,
an atheist historian, also quotes Pastor for his history. He documents
that it is the tendency of people to accept immorality as normal in the
Catholic clergy:

"Alexander VI, like Luther and Calvin, thought clerical celibacy a
mistake, and begot five or more children before subsiding into reasonable
continence as a pope....a certain amorousness was THEN ACCEPTED AS USUAL
in the clergy....Some confessors solicited sexual favors from female
penitents. Thousands of priests had concubines; in Germany nearly all. In
Rome it was assumed that priests kept concubines; and some reports
estimated the prostitutes there at 6,000 in a population not exceeding
100,000. To quote again a Catholic historian [Pastor, "History of the
Popes," V, 457]:

'It is not surprising, when the highest ranks of clergy were in such a
state, that among the regular orders and secular priests vice and
irregularities of all sorts should become more and more common....But it
is a mistake to suppose that the corruption of the clergy was worse in
Rome than elsewhere; there is documentary evidence of the immorality of
the priests in almost every town in the Italian peninsula....Their
immorality was so gross that suggestions in favor of allowing priests to
marry began to be heard.'

....Bishop Hardouin of Angers reported (1428) that the clergy of his
diocese did not count concubinage a sin, and that they made no attempt to
disguise their use of it. In Pomerania, about 1500, such unions were
RECOGNIZED BY THE PEOPLE AS REASONABLE, and were encouraged by them as
protection for their daughters and wives....Wyclif, Langland, Gower, and
Chaucer agreed in noting a predilection, among monks and friars, for good
food and bad women...."
(Will Durant, "The Reformation," 1957, pp.13)

Again, temporary movements of apparent reformation aside, the final result
will be that Rome, through Satanic seduction, will rise in dominion over
the entire world. In fact, so many people's minds are so perverted through
TV, movies, and the Internet, the publicized actions of these priests will
only serve to PROMOTE and SANCTIFY sodomy and sexual child abuse in the
minds of many.

Historically, it appears that it was no secret in the minds of political
and Roman Catholic leaders, or in the minds of the masses at large, that
clerical celibacy contributed to the moral depravity of the priests. In
fact, many no doubt sought (and still seek) the priesthood for the purpose
of increasing their opportunities for vile perversion. What is the reason
that this wicked restriction is left in place? Jeremiah J. Crowley (a
well-known, former priest), in 1912, states that Rome uses the corruption
to wield power:

"Why this rank, rampant immorality among the Roman Catholic hierarchy?
Priestly celibacy and auricular confession, I assert, are chiefly
responsible. Priestly celibacy and auricular confession ever have been,
and are now, prolific sources of crime and licentiousness. Pope Gregory
VII, in the eleventh century, imposed the unnatural law of priestly
celibacy, notwithstanding the vehement protests of the priests, the vast
majority of whom had wives and legitimate children. This decree, making
priestly marriage a wrong and priestly celibacy a virtue, has honey-combed
the Roman Catholic Church with corruption. Pope Gregory VII, and his
infallible successors, in imposing priestly celibacy, WERE ACTUATED BY
POLITICAL rather than virtuous motives. This was generally admitted....In
1907 three thousand French priests signed and sent a petition to Pope
Pius, praying for the abolition of priestly celibacy. All of these priests
were past the marrying age themselves, but were speaking from the weight
of responsibility thrust upon them by confession. This appeal was
consigned to the papal wastebasket. Dr. Robert E. Speer, the noted
secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Missions, recently wrote:

'The celibacy of the priesthood had seemed to me a monstrous and wicked
theory, but I had believed that men who took the vow were true to
it....But the deadly evidence spread out all over South America,
confronting one in every district to which he goes; evidence legally
convincing, morally sickening, proves to him that, whatever may be the
case in other lands, in South America the stream of the church is polluted
at its fountains.'

Rome is ever and everywhere the same. She prefers priestly celibacy with
concubinage to priestly marriage....Among those who have been compelled to
flee to escape chastisement, or perhaps death, from outraged husbands,
fathers, brothers, or lynching by the community at large, are: The Most
Rev. Bertram Orth, lately Archbishop of Victoria, British Columbia. The
Right Rev. Thomas F. Brennan, formerly Bishop of Dallas, Texas. The Right
Rev. Timothy O'Mahony, late Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Canada, formerly
of Australia, and Cork, Ireland. The Right Rev. Monsignor Capel, formerly
of England. The Right Rev. Monsignor Fowler, formerly of Sioux City, Iowa,
and Philippine Islands. Rev. W.R. Thompson, formerly of Portland, Oregon.
Rev. Lawrence Erhardt, formerly of Chicago. Rev. F.J. Knipper, formerly of
Troy, Ohio. Rev. Levis T. McGinn, formerly of Brooklyn, New York. SOME OF
STRANGERS. The number of similar offenders is legion, and no wonder! The
vast majority of priests, prelates, and other members of the Hierarchy are
driven into immorality by priestly celibacy and auricular confession. THIS
auctoritate per fas aut nefas' (Stand by authority, right or wrong). IT IS
POLITICAL MACHINE. Rome, thoroughly aware of its diabolical crimes, for
its own protection promotes the shrewdest of her demoralized ecclesiastics
to the very highest offices...." ("Romanism: A Menace to the Nation")

As with so many other things occurring in the world today, the sodomy
among Catholic clergy is a stage-setting sign that the time of the end is
upon us. Let us use this opportunity to help Catholics see and admit that
Rome is not infallible as she claims, and the only way to be saved in
eternity is through faith in the Gospel.

Bill Kalivas
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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