-Caveat Lector-

continued from Part 2

>From "The Last Circle" by Carol Marshall

<A HREF="http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/toc.html">The Last
Circle-Table Of Contents</A>

    Quotes are posted with the permission of the Editor.  The names/comments
inserted in [[double brackets]] were inserted by me for the purpose of
clarity.  Underlines are mine, but I doubt they'll show up.
begin quoting
Out of the Wackenhut/Cabazon endeavor grew a business partnership between
Nichols and Riconosciuto, both interested in developing new, hightech
submachine guns and powerful explosive devices that, like a nuclear
blast, could produce an electromagnetic pulse that could wipe out an
enemy's communicatins and electronics.

The secretive Nichols chatted with Casolaro frequently. Casolaro's July
phone bills indicated that he called Nichols fifteen times that month,
often in the wee hours of the morning. Several of those phone
conversations lasted for more than two hours. Before his death on August
10th, Danny Casolaro told his brother, Tony, and Bill Hamilton that
Nichols warned him that his investigations were risky.
According to FBI statements, Nichols is not a man whose warnings should
be taken lightly. In September 1987, Special Agent Thomas Gates of the
Los Angeles FBI had begun an investigation of the activities of Robert
Booth Nichols and his corporation, Meridian International Logistics,
through Japanese and Australian legal attaches abroad.

According to a subsequent deposition filed by Gates, the bureau
suspected Nichols of being involved in a $500 million stock fraud and of
maintaining ties to the Gambino crime family and organized crime in
Gates's deposition was part of a 1987 wiretapping on the phone of Eugene
Giaquinto, an official of the MCA entertainment corporation with reputed
MOB links. Nichols was one of the people whose calls the bureau
intercepted. According to the wiretap application, Nichols was allegedly
an international money launderer for money generated through narcotics
trafficking and organized crime activities.
Ted Gunderson submitted an affidavit on Nichols' behalf, stating that he
believed Gates HAD acted outside the scope of his employment when
investigating Nichols abroad, the suit was subsequently dismissed
through the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
While reading these documents, I couldn't help wondering why an "arms"
dealer [Nichols] , allegedly tied in with organized crime, wanted to fund the
exclusive training of physicians at a Japanese medical school?
Was this technology being developed with the authority of the U.S.
government, or independently? If Nichols' operations were in fact
government sanctioned, then it must have been frustrating for him to be
investigated by the FBI. The concept of the FBI inadvertently
investigating the CIA was ironic. And what had Danny Casolaro learned
about this technology?
I felt that time was of the essence in uncovering the nature of this
technology, so I pushed Riconosciuto to talk about it. "It looks like
Earl Brian, Sir Denis Kendall, Hercules Research, Wackenut, Zokosky and
Bob Nichols were all involved in the same biotechnological agenda ..."

Michael answered, "You got it."

I asked, "Are they connected, or are they all individually working on
their own projects?"

Michael: "Yes."


Michael: "Check out Bio-Rad Laboratories. Their international
headquarters are on half of the property that used to be the Hercules
plant, in Hercules, California. Do you understand what I'm saying?
BioRad makes the most toxic biological and radioactive compounds known
to man. And they're now located in the town of Hercules. BioRad
Industrial Park. That building of theirs, the headquarters, doesn't look
like much, but it goes 20 stories down into the ground. It's a huge
underground complex.

"See, BioRad was the flagship company, and then they [Earl Brian]
started InfoTech, and then they got mired in lawsuits and then Hadron
was formed to be a cutout parent corporation, you know, just to be a
firewall from law suits ..."

I asked, "What do they do at BioRad?"

"Well, they make the most hazardous biological and nuclear chemicals in
the world, for medical research."

"Who do they sell it to?"

"Well, front line researchers all over the world. BioRad is the single
source for this stuff ... actually Aldrich Chemical sells it, there's
about 100 companies, but BioRad is head and shoulder above all of them
by a factor of ten on many things like Cytotoxins."

I remembered reading about Cytotoxins in the Wackenhut/Cabazon
biological warfare letters to Dr. Harry Fair.
Michael responded hesitantly, "It would have been Hitler's wet dream.
It's selective to such a degree that it's awesome. With the appropriate
genetic material, you can wipe out whole segments of humanity. There's
no stopping it."

"I asked, "You mean you could selectively wipe out certain races of
I had read about Sir Denis Kendall, the famous M16 British intelligence
officer during World War II, in "Who's Who in America," 1989 issue.
Kendall had worked with Michael in some, as yet, undefined capacity.
Bobby Riconosciuto had noted to me that Kendall and Ted Gunderson had
counseled Oliver North prior to his testimony to Congress. Kendall was
also heavily involved in arms and biotechnology, according to Michael
J.M., Ted Gunderson's live-in partner, on more than one occasion had
noted that she held in her possession a photograph of Gunderson and Sir
Denis Kendall, the British M-I6 officer who owned bio-labs in Los
Angeles, standing in front of a Mexican cancer clinic. According to
J.M., the photo had been used in an advertisement seeking nurses to work
at the clinic. Without a copy of the photo, I was unable to determine if
it "might" be the same clinic which Gloria Ramirez attended prior to her
end quoting
(continued in Part 4)

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