-Caveat Lector-
Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA):Â Accurate News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free.ÂÂ NOTE:Â Hats off to John Kaminski for providing an up-to-date summary of the best 9/11 research--and for only six dollars.ÂÂÂÂ --Â kl, pp


The Day America Died


ÂWhy you shouldn't believe

Âthe official story of what happened

Âon September 11, 2001


ÂNew booklet aims to enlighten

Âmainstream readers about the biggest

Âdeception in American history


ÂPass it around to your friends

Âwho still believe the official lies

By John Kaminski


ÂWe all wonder - and worry - about the future. Yet it's clear what will happen. We all forget our Shakespeare: "What is past is prologue." Or in more contemporary parlance: "Same stuff, different day."

ÂYet the world has changed - recently and radically. Noble goals and thoughtful explanations have given way to superficial sound bites and insincere spin. Lowest-common-denominator education and thought-control television have primed the pump of public opinion to accept lies as truth. Wink-wink. Accepts these clumsy fables to make money because that's the way it is. Besides, everybody does it.

ÂAs we watch our country and our world slowly slide down the tubes in a stale fog of industrial pollution and financial scams, we realize it's no longer about the product, it's all about the sale. And when that is the case, anything goes. We are right to worry about our children's future in a world where consensual truth is sardonically shaped by the people with the most money.

ÂAmerican history is littered with lies deliberately told to the public to earn certain powerful people incomprehensibly large amounts of money.

ÂThe biggest lie of all was told on September 11, 2001, when the sudden and violent deaths of more than 3,000 American citizens were called an unexpected event and blamed on foreign terrorists by the people we, as a nominally democratic society, had put in charge of our lives.

ÂWhile virtually the entire population of the United States recoiled in horror, and wracked with pain, sought to strike out at those who were blamed for the unprecedented atrocity, a few level-headed people noticed some troubling disparities in what was being blared out over the TV networks. Some 30 months later, those doubts have blossomed into a full-blown refutation by sincerely and committed researchers about what government officials told us happened on that awful day.

ÂYet bullied by the compromised corporate media and stonewalled by dogmatic government officials, most of mainstream America continues to believe what their leaders told them, despite subsequent, proven lies that have cost the lives of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of others around the world - all based on that first, biggest lie about what happened on 9/11.

ÂWe have entered a not-so-brave new world where the lie is enforced for profit by the few, and the truth is squelched at the agonizing expense of the many.

ÂThis new booklet I have written, "The Day America Died," offers a chance to challenge those superficial lies by our untruthful leaders who seek to restructure the world along more hardened lines between haves and have-nots. If we let their smelly story of that sad day prevail, we face certain slavery and continued unaccountability of those who steal elections, kill innocent people, and fleece everyone in not only America but the world with their dictatorial financial schemes, maneuvers that profit only the wealthy few and radically increase the numbers of the suddenly--and soon-to-be--poor.

ÂRead this booklet. It may be your last chance to do something about the freedom you thought you had. And especially give it your friends who don't believe it when you tell them that 9/11 was an inside job.


"The Day America Died: Why you shouldn't believe the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001" is a tightly-written syllabus covering the major areas of dispute between the government's version of events and what principled researchers on various Internet web sites have have found to be logical flaws, physical inconsistencies and outright lies in the accepted mainstream version of events.

ÂPublished by Sisyphus Press in State College, Pa., it is a 48-page dissertation proving many of America's leaders not only knew the tragedy was about to happen and did nothing to stop it, but actually participated in the planning and execution of it. You may order it from my website - http://www.johnkaminski.com - at $6 per copy plus shipping and handling.

ÂRecommended dosage? Order a bunch to hand out to your sleeping friends. Time is running short. The so-called official commission is close to concluding its whitewash of an investigation, which President Bush first staffed with his political allies and then stonewalled.

Throughout the recent opposition presidential campaign, no major candidate had the personal integrity to dare broach the subject of the 9/11 coverup for fear of being Wellstoned (assassinated) or Deaned (ostracized) for opposing the fascist policies and cover-ups of the Zionist neocon gang that has hijacked the American republic and turned it into a worldwide criminal enterprise that is immune from the laws by which the rest of us are forced to abide.

* * *

So if you are having trouble convincing your friends and family that our government is lying to us and that the so-called terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001 were actually an inside job, here is the evidence you need to change their minds!

ÂIn 'The Day America Died: Why you shouldn't believe the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001,' you will read about:

Â* The lies our leaders told us to cover up the crime.

Â* Arab terrorists didn't hijack the planes.

Â* The Twin Towers didn't collapse, they exploded.

Â* Why evidence was destroyed and suppressed.

Â* How the military let the attacks happen.

Â* Fake cellphone calls and bogus box cutters.

Â* Foreknowledge made millions for investors.

Â* No jetliner ever hit the Pentagon.

Â* The Patriot Act was ready and waiting for 9/11 and took away your freedom.

ÂAnd other astonishing details of the most tragic day in American history that are much more believable than the story the government has told you.

ÂIf you have had the experience - as many of us have - where friends and relatives have asked you if you're crazy when you say President Bush and his evil billionaire friends should be indicted for treason, mass murder and obstruction of justice over what happened on 9/11, simply tell them their being misinformed and indifferent has no bearing on your honesty, integrity, or sanity. And then hand them this booklet.

ÂCiting the latest findings by the best 9/11 researchersâ including A. K. Dewdney, Jim Hoffman, Gerard Holmgren, Dick Eastman, Walter Davis, Jerry Russell, Richard Stanley, Peter Meyer, Plague Puppy and others, "The Day America Died" is simply a study aid to condense the major arguments against the government version into an easy-to-understand overview. My purpose for writing it is to rally public opinion to investigate the lies our leaders have told us about the greatest tragedy in American history, and perhaps prevent some of the diabolical plans they have in store for us in their criminal scheme to turn our world into a militaristic police state.

ÂIt is no exaggeration to say that the future of freedom in America and throughout the world hinges on discovering the truth about the 9/11 deception. It is my sincere hope that this booklet helps in that discovery.


John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," a collection of his Internet essays published by Dandelion Books and featured on hundreds of websites around the world. For more information on how to get this book or to financially support his work, go to http://www.johnkaminski.com/. Or, to read some more of his recent essays for free, go to http://www.rudemacedon.ca/kaminski/kam-index.html

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