-Caveat Lector-

The Election Story Never Told


By Greg Palast

Here's how the president of the United States was elected: In the months
leading up to the November balloting, Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his
Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, ordered local elections supervisors
to purge 64,000 voters from voter lists on the grounds that they were
felons who were not entitled to vote in Florida. As it turns out, these
voters weren't felons, or at least, only a very few were. However, the
voters on this "scrub list" were, notably, African-American (about 54
percent), while most of the others wrongly barred from voting were white
and Hispanic Democrats.
Beginning in November, this extraordinary news ran, as it should, on Page 1
of the country's leading paper.  Unfortunately, it was in the wrong
country: Britain. In the United States, it ran on page zero  that is, the
story was not covered on the news pages. The theft of the presidential race
in Florida also was given big television network coverage. But again, it
was on the wrong continent: on BBC television, London.
Was this some off-the-wall story that the Brits misreported? A lawyer for
the U.S. Civil Rights Commission called it the first hard evidence of a
systematic attempt to disenfranchise black voters; the commission held
dramatic hearings on the evidence.  While the story was absent from
America's news pages (except, I grant, a story in the Orlando Sentinel and
another on C-Span), columnists for The New York Times, Boston Globe and
Washington Post cited the story after seeing a U.S. version on the Internet
magazine Salon.com. As the reporter on the story for Britain's Guardian
newspaper (and its Sunday edition, The Observer) and for BBC television, I
was interviewed on several American radio programs, generally "alternative"
stations on the left side of the dial.
Interviewers invariably asked the same two questions, "Why was this story
uncovered by a British reporter?" And, "Why was it published in and
broadcast from Europe?"
I'd like to know the answer myself. That way I could understand why I had
to move my family to Europe in order to print and broadcast this and other
crucial stories about the American body politic in mainstream media.  The
bigger question is not about the putative brilliance of the British press.
I'd rather ask how a hundred thousand U.S. journos failed to get the vote
theft story and print it (and preferably before the election).
Think about "investigative" reporting. The best investigative stories are
expensive to produce, risky and upset the wisdom of the established order.
Do profit-conscious enterprises, whether media companies or widget firms,
seek extra costs, extra risk and the opportunity to be attacked? Not in any
business text I've ever read. I can't help but note that the Guardian and
Observer is the world's only leading newspaper owned by a not-for-profit
corporation, as is BBC television.
But if profit-lust is the ultimate problem blocking significant
investigative reportage, the more immediate cause of comatose coverage of
the election and other issues is what is laughably called America's
"journalistic culture." If the Rupert Murdochs of the globe are shepherds
of the new world order, they owe their success to breeding a flock of
docile sheep, the editors and reporters snoozy and content with munching
on, digesting, then reprinting a diet of press releases and canned stories
provided by officials and corporation public relations operations.
Take this story of the list of Florida's faux felons that cost Al Gore the
election. Shortly after the UK and Salon stories hit the worldwide web, I
was contacted by a CBS network news producer ready to run their own version
of the story. The CBS hotshot was happy to pump me for information: names,
phone numbers, all the items one needs for a quickie TV story.
I also freely offered up to CBS this information: The office of the
governor of Florida, brother of the Republican presidential candidate, had
illegally ordered the removal of the names of felons from voter rolls  real
felons, but with the right to vote under Florida law. As a result,
thousands of these legal voters, almost all Democrats, would not be allowed
to vote.
One problem: I had not quite completed my own investigation on this matter.
Therefore CBS would have to do some actual work, reviewing documents and
law, and obtaining statements. The next day I received a call from the
producer, who said, "I'm sorry, but your story didn't hold up." Well, how
did the multibillion-dollar CBS network determine this? Why, "we called Jeb
Bush's office." Oh. And that was it.
I wasn't surprised by this type of "investigation." It is, in fact,
standard operating procedure for the little lambs of American journalism.
One good, slick explanation from a politician or corporate chieftain and
it's case closed, investigation over. The story ran anyway: on
BBC-TV.  Let's understand the pressures on the CBS producer that led her to
kill the story on the basis of a denial by the target of the allegations.
(Though let's not confuse understanding with forgiveness.)
First, the story is difficult to tell in the usual 90 seconds allotted for
national reports. The BBC gave me a 14-minute slot to explain it.
Second, the story required massive and quick review of documents, hundreds
of phone calls and interviews, hardly a winner in the
slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am school of U.S. journalism. The BBC gave me two
weeks to develop the story.
Third, the revelations in the story required a reporter to stand up and say
the big name politicians, their lawyers and their PR people were freaking
liars. It would be much easier, and a heck of a lot cheaper, to wait for
the U.S. Civil Rights Commission to do the work, then cover the
Commission's canned report and press conference.  Wait! You've watched
"Murphy Brown," so you think reporters hanker every day to uncover the big
scandal.  Bullshit. Remember, "All the President's Men" was so unusual they
had to make a movie out of it.
Fourth, investigative reports require taking a chance.  Fraudsters and
vote-riggers don't reveal all their evidence. And they lie. Make the
allegation and you are open to attack, or unknown information that may
prove you wrong. No one ever lost their job writing canned statements from
a press conference.
Fifth  and this is no small matter  no one ever got sued for not running an
investigative story. Let me give you an example close to home. The
companion report to my investigation of the theft of the election in
Florida was a story about Bush family finances. I wrote in the Guardian and
Observer of London about the gold-mining company for which the first
President George Bush worked after he left the White House. Oh, you didn't
know that George H. W. Bush worked for a gold-mining company after he lost
to Bill Clinton in 1992? Well, maybe it has to do with the fact that this
company has a long history of suing every paper that breathes a word it
does not like  in fact, it has now sued my papers. I've gotten awards and
thousands of letters for these stories, but, honey, that don't pay the
legal bills.
Finally, there's another little matter working against U.S.  reporters
running after the hard stories, papers printing them or TV broadcasting the
good stuff. I'll explain by way of my phone call with a great reporter,
Mike Isakoffa of Newsweek. Just before the elections, Isakoff handed me
some exceptionally important information about President Clinton, material
suggesting corruption in office  the real stuff, not the
interns-under-the-desk stuff. I said, "Mike, why the hell don't you run it
yourself?" and he said, "Because no one gives a shit!" Isakoff was
expressing his exasperation with the news chiefs who kill or bury these
stories on page 200 on the belief that the public really doesn't want to
hear all this bad and very un-sexy news. These lambchop editors believe the
public just doesn't care.
But they're wrong. When I ran my first story in the London Observer about
the theft of the Florida vote, Americans by the thousands flooded our
Internet site.  They set a record for hits before the information-hungry
hordes blew down our giant server computers. When BBC ran the story,
viewership of the webcast of Newsnight grew by 10,000 percent as a result
of Americans demanding to see what they were denied on their own tubes.
Obviously, some Americans care.
And it's for them that I say, This is Greg Palast reporting from exile.
Investigative reporter and MediaChannel advisor Greg Palast
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes a fortnightly column, Inside
Corporate America, for The Observer of London (Guardian Media Group). His
stories about the purge of Florida voters are collected on his Web site,

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