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Title: The Patriotist - Alan Caruba
-Caveat Lector-
Alan Caruba
The Missing Towers

One gets a very strange feeling as they drive the looping curve of road that leads to the entrance of the Lincoln Tunnel from the New Jersey side. From here, particularly when the traffic was going slow, you could always look over to your left and see the whole of lower Manhattan laid out in all its splendor.

These days, one searches for the two gleaming towers that dominated the tip of the island. Surely it is a dream. Surely, this time they will be there. They are not.

As September 11, 2002 approaches, I keep thinking we should build those same two towers again.

I keep thinking of lunches and dinners in Windows on the World, the splendid restaurant that topped out one of the towers and, from which, walking the full perimeter of the floor, one could look out at the extraordinary urban landscape that is New York City and its boroughs, and across the river, New Jersey. Down below, one could see the Statue of Liberty, looking very tiny in the harbor.

It makes me angry.

It makes me angry to think that two planes, filled with innocent people, were turned into flying bombs that literally decimated these two great structures, these monuments to the economic vitality of this nation.

I want those towers back!

Forget about the new designs. They have already been dismissed and an international search is on for still more. I say, take out the architectural plans for the Twin Towers and rebuild them! Tell the crazed Islamists that they did not achieve anything and will not achieve anything. They have signed the death warrant for fanatical, fundamentalist Islam.

Many years ago, I visited the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. I was a child when the Japanese sneak attack awoke a sleeping nation, an isolationist nation, to the reality that it had real enemies. Ironically, the boat I took to get out to the site was filled mostly with Japanese tourists. What struck me, once we got there, was that they would pause to pray in front of the names of those who died that day, December 7, 1941, 'a day that will live in infamy.'

The Arizona Memorial is a place of silence broken only by the waters that lap at the twisted, rusting metal of the ship below and the beautiful arching structure above.

I want the new Twin Towers to be a bustling, noisy place, filled with people coming and going. Most will have been born after 9-11 and perhaps some will pause to look at a wall filled with the names of the more than 2,800 who died there on a long ago day in 2001.

I want the Towers back! I want them because this is America and we will not be defeated.

For More Caruba Commentary, Click Here!


"The man who loves his country on its own account, and not merely for its trappings of interest or power, can never be divorced from it; can never refuse to come forward when he finds that she is engaged in dangers which he has the means of warding off."

--Thomas Jefferson

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