EDITORIAL | May 14, 2001

The Worst 100 Days

So much for "compassionate conservatism." During his first 100 days, George
W. Bush's principal accomplishment, indeed his only one, was to demolish any
too-generous illusions about who he is. The mild and moderate character who
ran for President, claiming to want more or less the same things Al Gore
wanted, has been replaced by a hard-edged, rather maladroit right-winger.
Bush brushed aside his own rhetorical flourishes toward bipartisan civility
and has engaged in a bare-knuckle (and politically tone-deaf) style of
governing that most resembles the notorious theft in the Florida recount
operation: Take no prisoners, obliterate the facts and rules of reason,
forget the dubious legitimacy upon which this presidency is based. A more
likable and personally persuasive leader (think Reagan or Clinton) might have
pulled it off. When Bush speaks, one's thoughts drift immediately to whether
he will successfully read the words off the card.

This President's beginning is not just ugly, it's ominous. That conclusion
isn't based only on ideology but on the retrograde mindset of the new
Administration. The men in charge--the older guys, his handlers--seem stuck
in a time warp. It's as though Cheney, O'Neill, Rumsfeld et al. have missed
the past twenty years of politics and evolving public attitudes. Their
opacity is potentially dangerous for the country as they try to bull their
way forward, and Bush the Younger, we predict, will encounter many more rude
surprises. His agenda is out of touch with reality, distant from what the
government should be doing to help this society and economy get through the
darkening waters ahead.

The environmental deletions--arsenic-in-your-water being the operative
symbol--are throwback appeasements to business patrons and parochial politics
(the Bushies seem surprised to learn that people, including Republicans, do
care about these matters). Bush's abrupt reversal on global warming,
discarding his campaign pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, is the
most dangerous shift and is sure to bite back. The tax-cut legislation is
hand-me-down Reaganomics from the early eighties (Bush's fumbling turn as a
fake Keynesian failed to persuade.) His energy policy--drill we must, lest we
become dependent on foreign oil--is similarly out of date. Oil-guzzling
America is (and ever will be) dependent on imported oil as long as it fails
to reform its consumption patterns, no matter how much pristine landscape is
torn up by drilling rigs (as even the industry boys privately acknowledge).
The cold-warrior wannabes--let's get it on with the Chinese--held their
tongues during the Hainan Island incident, but they expect their silence to
be rewarded with Star Wars and other arms boodle. The blunt assault on
organized labor, though expected by the unions, has been meaner and pettier
than could have been anticipated. Bush's obeisance to the right on a woman's
choice revives harm to innocents around the world.

In short, there are no new ideas here. The Bush content is composed entirely
of recycled oldies from the Nixon/Ford and Reagan/Bush years. Indeed, his
government is populated by elder statesmen and hacks from those
administrations, joined by fervent young acolytes who innocently believe in
the restoration. The older heads, we suspect, are more cynical--pushing
through whatever they can as fast as possible in the knowledge that the
conservative hegemony is living on borrowed time. In other circumstances,
their clash with reality could be entertaining. But our situation is far too
dangerous. As the economy sinks and unemployment begins to swell, as
corporate bankruptcies accumulate, an eyes-open government would be preparing
emergency measures to stimulate recovery and to rescue millions of
debt-soaked families. The Bush Administration instead pushes through a
bankruptcy bill for bankers. It seeks to whack tax obligations for the
wealthy one more time. It squeezes the very public spending accounts that
could serve as economic stabilizers in troubled times.

Meanwhile, it turns on the smoke machines to promote another round of
free-trade agreements, unwilling to acknowledge the international rebellion
expressed in the streets of Quebec. Bush foreign policy--the China incident
aside--looks like a smashmouth approach to global relations. We're the big
guys. We get to say what goes. Kyoto and global warming--forget about it.
Russia and China--in your face. South Korea's hopeful reach for détente with
the North is brushed aside. A massively flawed national missile defense
policy is pursued with no regard for existing treaties or the alarms it
raises in Moscow and Beijing, or Paris, Berlin and London. Expanding NATO to
Russia's borders is put on the agenda. All this amounts to the worst form of
America First triumphalism. Given our burgeoning capital indebtedness to
foreign lenders, a more mature approach would be prudent.

The Bush II years, in sum, promise nasty ideological warfare on virtually
every front that matters--a struggle at least as serious as the Reagan era's
and maybe more, given the decayed state of representative democracy. The
awkward new President's boldness is encouraged, we observe, by the lame
responses of the Democratic opposition. If Democrats don't make the
full-throated fight now, when may we expect them to do so? If Democrats
remain so timid, popular agitation must build fires under them, too. The
political imperative is not exactly news but requires repeating: Do not wait
for Washington to resolve these great issues. March on it. Bang on it.

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