The following should be informative, if you are interested. . .


On Monday night, March 26th, public television will air a .
groundbreaking investigative report on the chemical industry.
In TRADE SECRETS: A MOYERS REPORT correspondent Bill Moyers and producer Sherry Jones uncover how our health and safety have been put at risk and why powerful forces don't want the truth to be known. This investigative report, accompanied by a Web site, is based  on a massive archive of secret industry documents as shocking as the  "tobacco papers."

TRADE SECRETS provides everyone working on toxic chemicals
and environmental health issues a tremendous education and outreach
opportunity. To help maximize that opportunity, the Environmental
Health Fund, the Environmental Working Group, the Center for
Health, Environment and Justice and Women's Voices For the
Earth.are launching Coming Clean, a project aimed at cleaning up
the chemical industry's contamination of our food, our bodies and our
environment.Coming Clean is working with groups across the country to organize local TRADE SECRETS viewing events.  For more information about
how you can organize a viewing event in your community, please contact
Ann Long at [EMAIL PROTECTED], Charlotte Brody at [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Bryony Schwan at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Monica Rohde [EMAIL PROTECTED].

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