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U.S. Facing Bigger Bill For Iraq War
Total Cost Could Run As High as $200 Billion

By Michael Dobbs
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 1, 2002; Page A01

Within a month of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, the first
Bush administration launched what became known as "Operation Tin Cup" --
a frenzied round of diplomacy aimed at getting U.S. allies to help pay
for war with Iraq. As a result, the bill to American taxpayers for the
Persian Gulf War was about $7 billion, a fraction of its cost.

Although it is difficult to predict how much Americans would pay for a
new war with Iraq, one fact seems indisputable: It will be many times
more than the cost of the last war, if only because other countries are
much more reluctant to share the burden.

Informal estimates by congressional staff and Washington think tanks of
the costs of an invasion of Iraq and a postwar occupation of the country
have been in the range of $100 billion to $200 billion. If the fighting
is protracted, and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein blows up his country's
oil fields, most economists believe the indirect costs of the war could
be much greater, reverberating through the U.S. economy for many years.

The 1991 Gulf War led to a brief spike in oil prices and a fall in
consumer confidence that helped tip the country into a recession that
cost President George H.W. Bush his chances of reelection. Despite the
high economic and political stakes, there has been no equivalent of
Operation Tin Cup this time around, and the current administration has
refused to engage in public debate about the likely costs of a new war.

"If we can plan a war, we should also be planning a way to pay for the
war," said Rep. John M. Spratt Jr. (S.C.), the ranking Democrat on the
House Budget Committee. "Last time, we were able to slough the costs off
on other countries. This time, we will have to absorb most of these costs
ourselves. Someone ought to be asking questions about the impact on the

A White House official, speaking on condition of not being identified,
said it would be premature to talk about the costs of a war with Iraq
because President Bush has not decided on the use of military force. He
added that unofficial estimates of the cost of war had to be weighed
against the "potentially incalculable" political, diplomatic and economic
costs of permitting Hussein to develop and spread weapons of mass

Using different methodologies, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget
Office and staff for the Democrat minority on the House Budget Committee
have concluded that a short, decisive war involving the deployment of
250,000 U.S. troops could cost between $44 billion and $60 billion. This
is significantly less than the cost of the 1991 war, which came to nearly
$80 billion in 2002 dollars, reflecting the fewer numbers of troops
involved. A protracted war, by contrast, could cost upward of $100

The direct military costs of a new war will likely be less than in 1991
under most scenarios, but the postwar occupation costs will be
considerably greater, most experts believe.

In Kuwait, most U.S. troops were able to pack up and go home in a few
weeks. In Iraq, a large international military presence will be required
for many years to provide security for a post-Hussein government and
avert a civil war between ethnic factions, which include Kurds in the
north, Sunnis in the center and Shiites in the south.

"It's a no-brainer that this is going to cost us more than the last
time," said Michael O'Hanlon, a military economist at the Brookings
Institution. "In addition to the nominal price tag for the operation, you
will need a large stabilization force in there for a number of years.
Anything else will not be strategically viable."

Extrapolating from similar peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Kosovo,
O'Hanlon estimates that the United States is likely to initially spend
between $15 billion and $20 billion a year for its share of a
multinational stabilization force for Iraq. Depending on how long the
stabilization force remains in Iraq, the cost to the American taxpayer
could be between $50 billion and $100 billion. His calculations are based
on an assumption that U.S. allies will pick up two-thirds of the cost of
the stabilization force.

Adding the costs of a stabilization force to the costs of an invasion
brings the total to between $100 billion and $200 billion. This is in
line with an upper-bracket estimate by White House economics adviser
Lawrence B. Lindsey in an interview with the Wall Street Journal in
September. The White House subsequently distanced the administration from
Lindsey's comments, saying they were not based on any official study.

If the war costs between $100 billion and $200 billion, it would still be
relatively inexpensive in historical terms. Because of the growth in the
U.S. economy, wars are getting cheaper, at least to the American
consumer. In a $10 trillion economy, the cost of a second Gulf War would
be between 1 percent and 2 percent of the nation's annual gross domestic
product, compared with 12 percent for the Vietnam War, 15 percent for the
Korean War and 130 percent for World War II.

Measured against a federal budget of about $2 trillion a year, the cost
of the war would be proportionately larger: between 5 percent and 10

"You have to ask yourself where would that money come from," said Spratt,
who represents the pay- as-you-go philosophy in Congress. "While the
costs of the war are clearly not beyond our means, they are beyond our
budget. Remember, this all comes at a time when we are losing control
over the budget."

In 1991, U.S. taxpayers paid about 12 percent of the military costs of
the Gulf War, with the remainder of the burden being shared among such
countries as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Germany and Japan. This time around,
none of these countries is expected to contribute significantly.

Iraq could be expected to assume major responsibility for the long-term
costs of its economic reconstruction out of increased oil revenue. But
the country has been devastated by two decades of war and economic
sanctions, and cannot pay for a U.S.-led invasion and military

The generosity of the allies was "exhausted" by the first attack on Iraq,
said Chas Freeman, a former U.S. ambassador to Riyadh who helped raise
$16.8 billion from the Saudis to pay for Desert Storm. He added that the
Saudi government would find it politically impossible to pick up a
substantial portion of the costs of a new Gulf War even if it had the
money, because the Saudi public is "now 100 percent against an attack on

Freeman says the U.S. government grossly underestimated the costs of the
1991 war by excluding various services provided free by the Saudis. These
included the costs of housing and repatriating Kuwaiti refugees, the
provision of free fuel, transport and lodging to coalition forces, and a
major environmental cleanup. In a future conflict, many of these costs
will be borne directly by the United States.

The most uncertain cost of the war, economists agree, is the impact on
the broader U.S. economy. Such costs are difficult to quantify. William
Nordhaus, a professor of economics at Yale University, estimates the
indirect cost of the 1991 conflict with Iraq at about $500 billion, many
times larger than the official military price tag. Depending on what
happens in a future conflict, the macroeconomic impact of the war could
be between zero and $1 trillion, according to his estimates.

"I was surprised to discover that the nonmilitary costs are likely to be
much larger than the military costs," he said.

A recent conference by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and
International Studies considered three scenarios for a war with Iraq. The
benign scenario, the probability of which was estimated at 40 percent to
60 percent, envisaged a decisive victory for allied forces in four to six
weeks and no disruption in oil supplies. Under this scenario, oil prices
would likely come down in the aftermath of the war, boosting the U.S.

A worst-case scenario (5 percent to 10 percent probability) envisaged
fighting for three to six months, massive political unrest in the Middle
East, terrorist attacks against the United States and large-scale damage
to Iraqi oil facilities.

An intermediate scenario (30 percent to 40 percent probability) included
limited damage to oil facilities, major urban warfare and fighting for up
to three months. The intermediate and worst-case scenarios would have
"serious adverse effects" on the U.S. economy, according to Laurence H.
Meyer, a former Federal Reserve Bank governor now with the Center for
Strategic and International Studies. The worst-case scenario would likely
lead to a global recession.

Nordhaus said U.S. wars have almost always gone over budget. The Civil
War was 13 times more expensive than the worst-case forecast of Abraham
Lincoln's treasury secretary. Similarly, in early 1966, the Pentagon
underestimated the likely cost of the Vietnam War by about 90 percent.

2002 The Washington Post Company

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