-Caveat Lector-

Former Iraqi army chief of staff General Nizar Khazraji has been
picked by the American administration to lead Iraq after the
overthrow of President Saddam Hussein, a newspaper reported.

Khazraji, who lives in exile in Denmark, "is the favored candidate"
among 62 ex-officers earmarked by Washington as potential leaders,
London-based Al-Hayat daily reported, quoting Iraqi opposition
sources in Damascus.

Contacts have been made with the general who enjoys "virtual
unanimous support in Kurdish, Shiite and Sunnite circles", the
newspaper reported.

Another exile, General Najib al-Salhi, who lives in Jordan, is also
seen as a potential leader for Iraq, said the sources. Al-
Salhi "recently went to New York for contacts with the Americans,"
said Al-Hayat.

Arab Summit

Meanwhile, Saddam Hussein has decided for "security reasons" to stay
away from the upcoming Arab summit in Beirut due to be held in late
March, Iraqi Parliament Speaker Saadun Hammadi said Sunday.

Saddam did not attend the last few Arab summits and will not partake
in the one in Lebanon "for security reasons," Hammadi conveyed.

"It is general knowledge that President Saddam is a target of
American-Zionist conspiracies," said Hammadi, who did not say who
would represent Iraq at the summit of the 22-member Arab League.


A hardening of American attitude against Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein is increasing pressure on Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair
to offer public support for a US-led military strike on Iraq,
according to a press report Sunday.

Quoting "senior US officials" the Sunday Times newspaper said that
they believe that Blair will support any American action rather than
risk an "embarrassing" breach with US President George W Bush.

The threat of an attack on Baghdad moved "perceptibly closer" last
week when US Secretary of State Colin Powell, who has long been
regarded as a moderating element, made clear that America was ready
to go it alone to achieve "a regime change" in Iraq, the publication

Although no action is thought to be imminent, us officials believe
key European allies will support an attack on Baghdad to prevent Iraq
from completing its alleged program of weapons of mass destruction,
the Sunday Times maintained.

In the meantime, Israeli intelligence officials have warned their US
counterparts last week that President Saddam might have obtained
radioactive material for "a dirty bomb," the weekly newspaper said.

However, it stressed that neither British nor American intelligence
sources think Baghdad has got that far. But Blair was said by one
senior Washington source to have accepted that Iraq would "sooner
than later" be able to target Western assets with lethal warheads.

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