-Caveat Lector-

BuzzFlash Editorial

March 4,  2003

The U.N. "Win-Win" for the Bush Cartel: Security Council Supports Iraq War
Or U.N. Disbands


The Bush Cartel doesn't really view the U.N. as a decision making body that
has any authority.

>From the perspective of the resurrected-from-the-dead John Birch Society
members in the White House, the U.N. is a useless vestige of a cold war
Communist plot to undermine the United States.

Make no mistake about it, Bush and his crew are going through the
motions of trying to obtain Security Council approval for the Iraq War only
as a concession to Poppy Bush and Colin Powell. As far as the Bush Cartel
is concerned, they have as much use for the U.N. as an athlete has for a
cancerous leg.

You don't believe BuzzFlash?

Here is what King George reportedly said in an off-the-record talk with
members of the Republican National Committee in an East Room White
House meeting last month. (The comments were written down by one of
the attendees who forwarded them, admiringly we might add, to an
Alabama newspaper columnist):

"I don't know what they're going to do," he [Bush] said. "But I can tell you
this: I know what I'm going to do, and Saddam Hussein is going to be
disarmed. I told them they could be the League of Nations or the United
Nations. That's up to them and the history books. But I know what my duty
is. ... Believe me, there is a day coming far worse than Sept. 11, if we don't
do what we have to do, and faced with what I know, I simply have no

The president professed disdain for the professional politicians and
bureaucrats who inhabit the realm inside the Washington Beltway.

"I don't listen to this noise that goes on around here, and I don't pay much
attention to those people who want to stay here, he said. I came from
Texas, and I'll go back to Texas. And in Midland, Texas, when I grew up,
there were more signs saying 'Get us out of the UN' than there were saying
'God Bless America.' And there were plenty of 'God Bless America' signs."

Article Link

>From the perspective of Bush, trying to wrangle approval for a bloody war
from the U.N. is a bit like being required to ask his Kennubunkport Bush
family servants for permission to use his car. When you are a Bush, the
servants know their place. That's why you can imagine that George W.
figures he won't be at a big loss if the Security Council doesn't back him,
because then he can finally give them the finger.

The Bush Cartel, like the mafia, knows how to get even. And since the U.N.
is just an albatross around the neck of the right wing extremists running
the Bush foreign policy apparatus (with the exception of Colin Powell, who
has now decided to join them), all George has to do is cut off U.S. funding
and gleefully watch the U.N. unravel.

The right wing fringe in America (AKA the Republican Party) has long had it
out for the U.N. Jesse Helms went after the international body with a
machete and did everything possible to try and sabotage U.S. involvement.

While running for president in 2000, Pat Buchanan received a supportive
response at the infamous Bob Jones University (where Bush also spoke)
when he advocated kicking the U.N. out of New York:

Reform Party contender Pat Buchanan told a Bob Jones University crowd
Monday that the United States is being drawn into a one-world
government and should kick the United Nations headquarters out of the

"We want the United Nations out of the United States by year's end,"
Buchanan said to hearty applause.

"If you have trouble leaving, we'll send up 10,000 Marines to help you


When Bush sympathetically tells Republican National Committee members
that people in Midland, Texas want out of the U.N., he isn't just tossing
red meat to the junkyard dogs. Bush shares the sentiment.

After all, the Bush Cartel hasn't spent two years ripping up international
treaties left and right for the fun of it. Just like it wants "show"
democracies in the Middle East that are really puppet U.S. governments,
the Bush Cartel wants a U.N. that is really a rubber stamp for whatever the
White House tells it to do. Otherwise, the Bush Cartel has about as much
need for the U.N. as they had for a vote recount in Florida.

Remember, Bush may be a bit light in the loafers, walking around thinking
he's a reincarnation of Jesus, but Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are sharp
cookies. They had this one figured out from the beginning as a "win-win"

"If the Security Council votes with us, we've got them by the balls -- and
we get the international legitimacy for our conquering of the Middle East
(and seizure of the second largest oil fields as booty). If the Security
Council doesn't vote with us, it's "Sayonara" Kofi Annan. Pack your bags,
take your delegates and have fun in France setting up your little play
school for diplomats in Gay Paris, because we need your U.N. building in
New York for our new U.S. Department of War. So get lost, Now!"

Trust us. They mean it.


* * *

BUZZFLASH NOTE: An "Onion" satire is one of those humor pieces that is so
close to the truth, it's almost not funny:

Bush Seeks U.N. Support for "U.S. Does Whatever It Wants" Plan







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