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</A> -Cui Bono?-

Who are the Oglala Lakota Sioux?

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dana Redding
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 11:35 PM
Subject: [ncndiscuss] Fwd: URGENT!/FBI-Indian standoff; Pine Ridge Rez!

URGENT!/FBI-Indian standoff; Pine Ridge Rez!
Forward this message as far and widely as possible
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Feds are putting major heat on a group of Indians at the Pine
Ridge reservation who were attempting to demonstrate against
corruption and malfeasance within the heavily fed-infiltrated "official"
council there.
The FBI is said  to have been on the scene "INSTANTLY". In light
of the TOTAL media blackout enforced by feds in regard to this
situation, there are serious concerns on the part of Native Americans and
of some kind of severe, Waco-style tactics being employed at Pine Ridge.
It's crucial to help ensure that eventuality can never come to
pass; and to do that, we must get the word out regarding what's going on
at Pine Ridge right now. So PLEASE, help.

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: News Flash!  FBI/Indian standoff at Pine Ridge Rez!
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 19:26:15 -0800
From: "Jane Beckman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Here's one that's in-process!  I just received a call from one
of my Native American friends, and things have gone critical on the Pine
Ridge Reservation.  At 2 pm today (Sunday, 1/16), protestors occupied
the tribal offices on the Pine Ridge reservation, protesting abuses and
embezzlement by the Tribal Council, including $7 million in embezzled funds.
Suddenly, the FBI is there like a duck on a june bug.  They are
attempting to get word out as fast and as widely as possible, as there has
been a media lockdown, and there is a standoff between the Feds and the
Indian protestors that could get very ugly.  There are fears of Waco-type
especially with the media lockdown.  They want this one put out far and
wide, to hopefully get some attention before something turns very ugly.
The phone number for the tribal offices building where these
folks are standing off the Feds is (605)867-5821.   I've been told they
can keep folks apprised of what is going on... at least until the phones get
cut.  I haven't called simply because I hear some of the local activists
are calling, folks who might be able to do more than I can in California.
Something is up, because the FBI isn't usually at scenes of conflicts so
instantly.  Could it have something to do with records they are
attempting to have opened, relative to corruption on the reservation?
What's really going on, here?

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