-Caveat Lector-

The media's Iraq blitz has been debated to be both complete disinformation to distract from the real military activity (the geurrilla warfare being lost by U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan) AND as a way to wear down Iraq's nerves.  I submit that it is to get us so used to the idea that when/if a full scale invasion occurs we are not shocked: a morally shocked public is more likely to stand up than one in which such values as pushed by the Bush administration have creeped into our psyches.  I even hear that the Bush administration has already discussed Saddam's replacement.  Do you think he really consulted anyone Iraqi?

copied from http://commondreams.org/headlines02/0816-03.htm

Published on Friday, August 16, 2002 in the Times of London
US Asks Charities to Tender for Rebuilding Iraq
by Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor, and Tim Reid in Washington

BY word and action, the Bush Administration signaled clearly yesterday that it was pressing ahead with plans to remove Saddam Hussein from power in the near future.

In spite of growing opposition abroad to an American military operation against Baghdad, Condoleezza Rice, the US National Security Advisor, said that Washington did “not have the luxury of doing nothing” and hinted broadly the Iraqi leader would be gone sooner rather than later.

Her threat coincided with moves by Washington to recruit international relief agencies to work in Iraq, possibly to provide humanitarian aid in the event of a war.

The State Department sent a letter to various charities and non-governmental organizations, inviting tenders to undertake medical care, refugee relief, shelter, water supply, education and sanitation — rebuilding that will be necessary after any military campaign.

The department is linking the bidding to a $6.6-million fund to establish at least five US relief projects in and around Iraq, the first time the US has funded such work since the beginning of the UN sanctions 12 years ago.

The reason for the preparations became clear yesterday when Ms Rice, President Bush’s closest adviser on foreign policy, said that Saddam was a threat to world security and should go. “This is an evil man who, left to his own devices, will wreak havoc on his own population, his neighbors and, if he gets weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them, on all of us,” she told the BBC. “It is a very powerful moral case.”

Although she insisted that Mr Bush had not yet made a decision about military action against Iraq, she said that Washington was committed to removing the threat soon.

The fresh saber-rattling in Washington provoked outrage among opponents of the war in London. Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat spokesman on foreign affairs, said “moral authority” did not justify breaking international law.

“There will be no world order if the most powerful states are entitled to remove other governments at will,” he said. “There is no doctrine of international law which justifies regime change.”

Copyright 2002 Times Newspapers Ltd

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