-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

-----Original Message-----
Siem News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 12:25 AM
Subject: SN152:US troops clash with Kosovo Serbs

>Tuesday, 4 April, 2000, 21:47 GMT 22:47 UK
>US troops clash with Kosovo Serbs
>US troops patrol the southern sector of Kosovo
>At least 27 people have been injured in clashes between Serbs and Nato
>peacekeepers in Kosovo.
>The American military said 11 of their peacekeeping troops, as well as a
>Polish soldier and an interpreter, were hurt in a confrontation with local
>Fourteen Serbs were also reported injured, including 10 who were struck by
>rubber bullets fired in an attempt to break up the fracas.
>The incident began around midday on Tuesday when a Serb was arrested during
>a routine search for illegal weapons possession.
>US military sources said K-For troops had seized two hand grenades in the
>house of a Serb in the village of Sevce, about 60km (40 miles) south of
>Pristina, near the Macedonian border.
>About 150 Serbs surrounded the house and refused to allow the troops to
>Polish soldiers then set up a roadblock to prevent some 300 angry Serbs
>reaching the scene.
>The arrested man was taken to Camp Bondsteel, the main US base in Kosovo,
>but later taken back to the roadblock in an attempt to ease the tension.
>The crowds were told that he would be released in 48 hours under normal
>The independent Yugoslav news agency Beta said that several women attempted
>to wrest the man from the soldiers.
>The peacekeepers released attack dogs to try to disperse the crowd, and the
>villagers responded with clubs and dogs of their own.
>US military sources said the area was calm by late Tuesday evening.
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Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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