-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

USSR successor gaining power
While talking of democracy, CIS leaders rule with iron hand



By Toby Westerman
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The Commonwealth of Independent States, or CIS – formerly the weak successor
to the defunct Soviet Union – is beginning to assert itself as "an
authoritative international organization and an important factor in global
stability," according to official Russian sources.

All republics of the former Soviet Union – except for the Baltic States of
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia – are members of the CIS, with Russia as the
dominant partner.

The CIS's declaration of power in world affairs follows a newfound unity
among the organization's leaders.

"Today we all realize we just can't live apart from each other, neither
economically, nor politically and socially," Ukrainian President Leonid
Kuchma proclaimed.

The statements were reported by the Voice of Russia World Service, the
official broadcasting service of the Russian government.

The CIS has already affected the lives of American citizens directly. With
Moscow's permission, CIS member states in Central Asia, including Tajikistan
and Uzbekistan, are providing logistical assistance to U.S. troops operating
in Afghanistan.

Also, Moscow's decisions regarding oil impact U.S. oil pumps. On Dec. 2,
Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Khristenko stated to a business delegation in
Tokyo that Russia might cooperate with OPEC and reduce oil production. If
Russia does decrease its oil exports, American consumers would feel the
result in higher gas prices. A unified, coordinated CIS would combine the
vast manufacturing and natural resources of the old Soviet Union with the
technological and economic advances made in the CIS since the collapse of the

The material and human resources available to a unified CIS are staggering,
making the CIS an extremely powerful partner – or formidable adversary.

Kuchma described the sudden advent of political unity in terms reminiscent of
a religious epiphany. Recalling that "it took the Commonwealth leaders a
whole decade to finally realize this simple truth," Kuchma declared that
"either we … [suddenly] all saw the light, or maybe we've been given some
help from the Lord."

Some observers view Kuchma's recognition of possible divine assistance in CIS
affairs as ironic, noting that the organization's leaders have been accused
of political crimes ranging from election fraud to murder.

Kuchma himself has been implicated in corruption scandals and murder, as has
the president of Belarus – and admirer of Josef Stalin – Alexander

Lukashenko is also the head of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, a
combination formed in December 1999.

Each of the CIS rulers governs their nations with an iron hand and
effectively dominates opposition forces – even in the face of international

In December 2000, CIS leaders meeting in Minsk, the capital of Belarus,
declared their support of elections in Kirgizia, Azerbaijan and Belarus,
despite Western criticism of the voting process in those nations.

According to a British Broadcasting Corporation report, the CIS leaders
stated that "we confirm the democratic character" of the elections in
Kirgizia, Azerbaijan and Belarus, which the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe, as well as other Western observers, found to be
"unfair" and "deeply flawed."

The OSCE described Lukashenko's September presidential re-election victory as
"arbitrary," with numerous instances of "intimidation" directed at his

Disregarding Western protests over the conduct of the election, Voice of
Russia referred to Lukashenko's "sky high" level of support and labeled him a
"sure-fire winner."

Lukashenko described his 75 percent margin of victory as "elegant and
beautiful," according to the BBC.

The Union of Russia and Belarus, which Lukashenko heads, is also likely to

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports that the Russian government is
preparing to allow other states into the Russia-Belarus Union, even if these
states do not have "common borders with the Russian Federation." The new law
would allow four to five new states into the Union, with the most likely
candidates being Moldova, Armenia and Kazakhstan, according to the report.

Ironically, Russia, which boasts, in the words of Russian President Vladimir
Putin, of having made an "historical choice once and for all" for democracy
and a free market, finds itself uniting with communist governments.

Belarus continues to follow Lukashenko's Stalinist designs, and Moldova
elected a communist government in February.



I.J. Toby Westerman, is a contributing reporter for WorldNetDaily who focuses
on current events in the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Balkans.

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