-Caveat Lector-


 October 14, 2002

Voter Fraud Investigation

Every vote counts - unless ballots are being cast by people who don't exist, are dead 
who don't even live in South Dakota. A major case involving those voter fraud issues 
been under investigation by the FBI for the past month. KSFY has learned the
investigation mainly focuses on six counties including: Dewey, Pennington, Fall River,
Charles Mix, Shannon and Ziebach, although there may be other counties involved.

The focus of the investigation centers on absentee ballot registration requests in 
with or near Indian Reservations across South Dakota. A letter recently sent out by the
Democratic Party confirms Party officials were notified about possible ballot
discrepancies in Dewey County, and when notified contacted authorities immediately.
According to their letter, a Democratic Party contractor, Becky Red Earth-Villeda was
fired after at least two of the people she registered were found to be invalid.

On October 12, we found evidence that in Ziebach County a woman somehow applied for
an absentee ballot after she died. The absentee ballot application for Denise Red Horse
is filled out just as it should be: she has an address, she signed where she was
supposed to. The major flaw? Denise Red Horse died September 3rd in a car accident.
Her application was signed September 21st, 18 days after she was killed.

This is just one of the discrepancies of which Attorney General Mark Barnett has been
notified and the FBI is investigating. Barnett says there was one case where the lady 
apparently registered in two different counties, another case shows a lady supposedly
sent in an absentee ballot some days after she was actually killed in a car accident.

Red Horse's bogus application isn't the only suspicious item Ziebach County's Auditor,
Cindy Longbrake has noticed in the past few weeks. She says one person filled out 150
registration cards, and she could tell they were all filled out by the same person.
Longbrake says she thought, "She either didn't know what she was doing or, I
understand, she was getting paid to do these and she didn't care how she was doing

There are several different politically motivated groups on and around Indian
Reservations trying to register that particular population. Native Americans make up 
percent of the state's population -which transfers into roughly 63-thousand residents.
With close races, especially on the Senate side, every vote truly does count.

According to our sister station KOTA in Rapid City, two brothers are now being
investigated for turning in forged voter registration cards to the Pennington County
Auditor. The auditor says most of the voter registrations were duplicates which could
have been done by copying names and addresses out of a phone book. The brothers
were caught after getting the "voters" birthdays wrong.

By Shelley Keohane

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