-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/17/opinion/17RICH.html

August 17, 2002

The Waco Road to Baghdad


eorge W. Bush tossed the nation's press a softball and they hit it out of the park. 
There was
not a single good review, not even from his minions at The Wall Street Journal 
page, for the White House's feel-good-about-your-401(k) jamboree at Waco. It was a
"forum," the critics suggested, in the sense that the Politburo was a "legislature." 
Only Mr.
Bush, who is on record as having loved "Cats," pronounced the event a "great show."

But it's Mr. Bush who was right. What his critics miss is that by this administration's
standards of governance, Waco was a triumph. It was expressly designed to be content-
free (rather like "Cats," in fact). The goal was never to produce policy but solely to 
serve up
a video bite of Mr. Bush looking engaged by the woes of what his chief of staff, Andrew
Card, referred to on CNN as "so-called real Americans." If the White House wanted 
to listen, it would not have staged eight separate panels simultaneously on a Tuesday
morning in the dog days of August, assuring that complete coverage would be available
only on C-Span.

For those few viewers who dipped in, the spectacle was not unamusing. On one panel, Mr.
Bush could be found in mutual fawning with his campaign contributor "Chuck" Schwab —
Charles to us — no doubt oblivious to the fact that Chuck had just placed a nose behind
Enron's Ken Lay and Global Crossing's Gary Winnick on Fortune's "Greedy Bunch" list of
those executives who cashed out the most stock before their companies' shares tanked by
75 percent or more. Yet even this touching tableau, on a day when Schwab was laying off
nearly 400 employees, did not stop CNN, MSNBC and Fox News from switching to such
alternative programming as a picturesque natural gas explosion in a suburban California

What makes the morning-after outrage of the nation's commentariat seem a bit over the
top is that the preordained hollowness of the Waco show is not news. This is how this
administration always governs. Mr. Bush has two inviolate, one-size-fits-all policies 
obsessions can be called policies): the tax cut (for domestic affairs) and "regime 
change" in
Iraq (foreign affairs). Everything else is a great show designed to provide the 
illusion of
administration activity when it has no plan.

The show takes the form not only of the Orwellian slogans emblazoned on the backdrops
("Small Investors/Retirement Security" loomed above the president and Chuck in Waco) 
also of bogus announcements of muscular action. At the forum's final curtain, the 
declared that he would teach Congress a tough lesson about fiscal responsibility by 
back $5.1 billion it had appropriated for such low-priority items as equipment for 
and health monitoring at ground zero. But what about the $190 billion in wasteful farm
subsidies he has already thrown to the winds? Besides, he would have to cut spending by
$5 billion five days a week for more than a year to compensate for the red ink of his 
trillion tax cut.

Though the president's harshest critics think he's stupid, I've always maintained that 
real problem is that he thinks we are stupid. He never doubts that his show will 
distract us
from bad news. Waco was supposed to make us forget the latest round of economic
headlines: stagnant wages, slowed growth, new all-time records in personal bankruptcies
and consumer borrowing. All this is on top of a falloff in the Dow that The Economist
measures as identical in percentage to that of Herbert Hoover's first 18 months, which
included the crash of '29.

Well, the economy is only money. It's when the same governance technique is applied to
life- and-death matters like war and domestic security that the farce curdles. Here, 
there are new headlines the administration wants us to forget. At the F.B.I., a Los 
Times investigation revealed, the prehistoric computer system remains in disarray even 
the agency's top executives are either pushed out or flee for private employment (as 
counterterrorism chief abruptly did on Thursday). The Wall Street Journal discovered 
when the federal government issued a terrorist warning to shopping centers four months
ago, the Mall of America learned about it only by watching CNN. Not only are our 
collapsing but, according to Thursday's USA Today, so is the undercover air marshal
program that was supposed to be strengthened after Sept. 11. One marshal called it "a

And what does the administration propose as a solution? Last week John Ashcroft went on
TV to announce what he calls the "first ever White House conference on missing and
exploited children." It takes an exploiter to know one. F.B.I. figures show a decline 
in the
kidnapping of children — except on cable TV. But if you can't crack the anthrax case, 
not create some distracting hysteria by glomming onto a local law enforcement issue 
that is
the biggest showbiz phenomenon since shark attacks? The administration loves the bait-
and-switch. It hyped the cases of "the American Taliban," John Walker Lindh, and the 
bomber," Jose Padilla, to cover for its failure to snare the actual Taliban leader, 
Omar, and the actual bomber, Osama bin Laden, much as it has hyped the perp walks of
second-rung executives from WorldCom to make us forget about Halliburton, Harken and
Ken Lay.

Next stop: Iraq. Just as a tax cut is billed as the miracle antidote to every possible 
ill — "We've got the best tax policy in the world!" Mr. Bush said at Waco — so we're 
to believe that taking out Saddam Hussein will bring democracy to Iraq and the rest of 
Arab world, miraculously repair the chaos wrought by our disengagement from the Middle
East and win the war on terrorism all at once. The silver bullet that gets Saddam, it
appears, will cure all international ills with the possible exception of the arrogance 
of the

While Saddam is an authentic genocidal monster, there are more plausible links between 
Qaeda and our dear friend Saudi Arabia than between Al Qaeda and Saddam; it could be
argued that toppling him would strengthen Al Qaeda. But what the administration is 
hoping is that a march on Baghdad will make us forget about Al Qaeda, wherever it may 
lying in wait. It's not good P.R. for our war on terrorism that Islamic terrorists 
have been
linked to eight attacks abroad since Daniel Pearl's murder in January, including the
assassination of the Afghan vice president in Kabul and the slaughter of an American
diplomat, among others, at a church in Islamabad.

The White House keeps saying that no decision has been made about Iraq, but of course a
decision has been made. Richard Perle, an administration Iraq hawk, gave away the game
in yesterday's Times: "The failure to take on Saddam after what the president said" 
lead to "a collapse of confidence." Translation: If Mr. Bush doesn't get rid of Saddam 
all this saber rattling, he will look like the biggest wimp since — well, his father. 
as timid in challenging Mr. Bush on Iraq as they were in letting his tax cut through
Congress, keep calling for a "debate." What world are they living in? Mr. Bush is no 
going to abandon his pursuit of Saddam than his crusade to eliminate the estate tax. 
are his only core beliefs.

The questions left to be debated now are who's going to pay for the war, who's going 
to be
killed in it, who's going to police what could be a decade-long cleanup. (So far the 
to all three seems to be first and foremost: the go-it-alone Americans.) The loudest 
asking these questions are almost exclusively Republican: Brent Scowcroft, Chuck Hagel,
Henry Kissinger, even Dick Armey. "If you think you're going to drop the 82nd Airborne 
Baghdad and finish the job," said Senator Hagel, a Vietnam war hero, two weeks ago, "I
think you've been watching too many John Wayne movies."

What's been most remarkable about the Iraq project so far is how an administration as
effectively secretive as this one could spring so many leaks of invasion scenarios to 
press. It strains credulity to assert that this is all an ingenious conspiracy to fake 
Saddam. The leaks fake us out instead, inuring us to the new war to come.

The only mystery is when D-Day will be. Given the administration's history, I'd guess 
that it
will put on the big show as soon as its political self-preservation is at stake. 
Certainly the
White House's priorities are clear enough. It has guarded the records of Dick Cheney's
energy task force and the S.E.C. investigation of Harken far more zealously than war 
that might endanger the lives of the so-called real Americans who will have to fight

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