-Caveat Lector-

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Associated Press Aug 18:
The Bush administration showed "reckless disregard" for public health
after the World Trade Center collapse by failing to warn people of the
health risks of breathing toxic smoke and dust at ground zero, an
environmental group said Wednesday.

Hundreds of people were sickened because of mistakes made by the
government during the recovery and cleanup effort following the Sept.
11, 2001, terrorist attack, the Sierra Club said in a report on the
environmental and health impacts of the collapse.

"The federal government should have a duty to protect the public from
the aftermath of an attack such as this," said Suzanne Mattei, the
report's author. "What happened instead is that the harm was
EPA failed at least a dozen times to change its safety assurances
about the air quality at ground zero, even after it became clear that
people were becoming sick, and in some cases, did not even check for
toxic hazards.

Last year, the EPA's internal watchdog found the agency, at the urging
of White House officials, gave misleading assurances there was no
health risk from the dust in the air after the towers' collapse. Seven
days after the attack, the EPA announced that the air near the site
was safe to breathe, but the agency did not have enough information to
make such a guarantee, the EPA's report found.
Sierra Club also cited a little known study in the July 2002 Journal
of Occupational and Environmental Medicine that compared the health of
federal employees working five blocks north of ground zero to their
colleagues in Dallas.

The study found that employees at the Department of Health and Human
Services who were indirectly affected by the trade center collapse
"were more than likely to report constitutional symptoms" such as eye,
nose and throat irritation and headache, than those in Dallas.
Download Sierra Club report

Covering up what was in the air following the collapse of the WTC is
part and parcel of covering up what caused the collapse of the WTC...

Physics911.org on WTC demolition

Jim Hoffman on Twin Towers demolition

MOLTEN STEEL in WTC basement for a month after collapse (American Free Press)

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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