-Caveat Lector-


The New South Africa: Whites Viciously Massacred
  Adriana Stuijt
  Saturday, April 28, 2001
Editor's note: This is the conclusion of a three-part series for NewsMax.com by noted 
South African journalist Adriana Stuijt. See part one: South African Censorship 
Spreads Foot-and-Mouth Disease to West and part two: Anthrax Set to Spread to the West.

South African whites are being viciously attacked and killed, and a media blackout of 
the crimes has not helped.

Criminals who are usually armed with powerful AK-47 military carbines, of which 
millions have been left behind in Africa from the local wars of African independence 
over the past 20-odd years, have been rampaging across the country with little 
resistance from the authorities.

This is especially true for farmers, against whom a campaign seems to have been 
launched since the end of apartheid in 1992 that has already left 1,048 people dead 
(26 percent of whom are black farm workers and their families, and the rest are white 
commercial farmers and their family members) from more than 5,500 well-armed 
military-style attacks by groups of young black males.

And under South Africa's new gun control laws, these civilian farmers would no longer 
be allowed to carry anything larger than a small handgun to defend themselves from 
such attacks.

The South African government also is engaged in a deliberate criminalization campaign 
in the news media against its commercial farmers, with media accusations of "racist" 
acts that, when brought before courts of law or probed by police, have however been 
proven to be almost totally unfounded.

Last year white farmers were arrested on more than 150 charges ranging from murder to 
accusations of extremely racist cruelty against farm workers. Yet only one farmer has 
thus far been found guilty of shooting and injuring a farm worker in anger, for which 
this white farmer was imprisoned for three years.

In all the other cases, the "witnesses" who made claims to the news media simply could 
not be found, or when cross-examined in law courts, were found to be lying.

Frequently, the armed attacks against commercial farm families are carried out with 
unusual extremes of cruelty: especially the white men often are tortured for hours, 
with slow barbed-wire strangulation and deliberate mutilation of their sexual parts 
while they are alive - and the female members of the white farmers' families are 
subjected to vicious gang rapes from which they are frequently left infected with 
HIV-AIDS, including very small children. (More than 55 percent of the South African 
population has been identified with HIV-AIDS, according to the United Nations.)

Because much of this kind of news remains totally unreported outside the nation 
because of the South African government's deliberate ban on publication of such crime 
statistics since July 2000, much of the news focus of censorbug.com has remained on 
the commercial agricultural situation in that country at the moment.

The crime wave across South Africa has led to economic disaster. South Africa used to 
be self-sufficient and an exporter of food.

This African country is one of the continent's very few that has always managed to 
feed its growing population, although it had only 60,000 farmers in 1991. But now 
South Africa has had to start importing staple foods such as maize for the first time 
in its history, and this year fewer than 40,000 commercial farmers remain. South 
Africa now has an estimated population of 46 million people.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under
the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist
program until one day, America will be a socialist nation without
knowing how it happened."

Norman Thomas - Former Communist Party Presidential Candate

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