-Caveat Lector-

Who Needs Missiles? Scare Americans and They Run Away

My men, this is a great day! Did you see what we accomplished last week? We
drove the U.S. armed forces out of three Arab countries by just threatening
to hit them. I had some of our boys discuss an attack against the United
States over cell phones, and the CIA picked it up. The FBI team in Yemen,
which was investigating our destruction of the destroyer Cole in Aden
harbor, just packed up and left, even though the State Department was
begging them to stay. Then, after a few more phone calls, hundreds of U.S.
Marines who were conducting a joint exercise with the Jordanian Army cut
short their operation and fled Jordan on Saturday.

Then all the U.S. warships in Bahrain were so scared of be-ing hit by us
they evacuated Bahrain's harbor and sailed out into the Gulf.

There is a military term for all this. It's called a retreat.

The U.S. press barely reported it; the White House press didn't even ask
president about it. But trust me, everyone out here noticed it.

It told them many things. The Americans are afraid of sustaining even one
casualty to their soldiers, they don't trust their own intelligence or weak
Arab allies to protect them, and they have no military answer for our
threat. I love America. The Bush people want to spend $100 billion on a
missile defense shield to deal with a threat that doesn't yet exist, and
they run away from the threat that already exists. They think we rogues are
going to attack them with an intercontinental ballistic missile with a
return address on it. Are they kidding? Am I wearing a sign that says
on it?

We'll hit them the way the Iranians blew up the U.S. base at Khobar in
Arabia. We'll use layers of local operatives who can't be traced to any
country. Look at the indictment the U.S. courts just passed down for the
Khobar bombing. They named 14 people, and they hinted that Iranian agents
had coordinated them all, but they had no proof, so they could never pin it
on Iran, so they could never retaliate against Iran.

The people who had the proof were the Saudis, but they refused to turn it
over to the FBI. Why? Because the Saudis never trusted the Americans to
retaliate properly. They figured the United States would launch a few
missiles at Iran and then run, leaving the Saudis to face Iran alone.

Which reminds me, the Russians have hinted that if the United States builds
a missile defense system against Russia's wishes, the Russians will just
sell more missiles to Iraq, Iran or China to overwhelm the system. The
at the Bush Pentagon say the Russians would never do that because the
missiles would also threaten them. Oh yeah? The Russians don't believe in
missile shields. They believe in classic deterrence.

When the Chechens blew up a few apartment blocks in Moscow with human
missiles, the Russians blew up Chechnya.

Remember when four Russian diplomats were kidnapped in Beirut in 1985? The
Russians kidnapped a member of the kidnappers' group, chopped off one of
body parts and sent it back in the mail. Presto! The Russians were
This isn't Norway out here.

That's why we'd never mess with the Russians. But the great thing is that
Donald Rumsfeld is so obsessed with getting his missile shield toy, he's
been telling everyone that deterrence doesn't work anymore against people
like us. So they need a missile shield instead. And Bush just repeats it.

Who needs missiles? We just drove the FBI, the marines and the U.S. Navy
of the Middle East with a few threats whispered over cell phones! God is
Great. America is stupid.

Source:  The International Herald Tribune

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