-Caveat Lector-

Robert Fisk: Why don't we try to collar all the war criminals?

[source: http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp?story=90514]

'After my articles on Iraqi gassings, a Foreign Office man asked my editor:
"Don't you think Bob's pushing it?" '

25 August 2001

I have a thing about war crimes. Maybe it's because I've seen so many. Not just
Sabra and Chatila, in Lebanon, where I had to climb over heaps of rotting
corpses on my hands and knees while the murderers - Israel's local Phalangist
militia - were finishing off the last of their victims.

Seven months before the massacre, with which the name Ariel Sharon will forever
be linked, I got into a place called Hama, a dusty old Syrian city whose Sunni
Muslim inhabitants had staged an insurrection against the regime of President
Hafez Assad. Assad's brother Rifaat was in charge of this particular slaughter,
his Defence Brigades hunting down the "terrorists" of the Muslim Brotherhood in
the medieval tunnels deep beneath the city.

Perhaps 6,000 men and women and children were butchered there - three times the
death toll of Sabra and Chatila (1982 being a vintage year for mass murder) -
although other statistics about which I am doubtful put the fatalities as high
as 20,000. The Syrians had warned journalists that they could not guarantee
their safety if they tried to reach Hama, a warning one took very seriously, but
I managed to travel to the far north of Syria, to the equally ancient city of
Aleppo and then returned to Damascus down the international highway that passed
through Hama.

A pall of dun-coloured smoke hung over the city, and a policeman was about to
direct my taxi on to a bypass road when two Syrian soldiers asked my driver to
take them back to their unit inside Hama. I was only too pleased to give them a
lift. And so through barricades and legions of tanks, past Rifaat's wounded
soldiers - I remember how they sat on the side of their vehicles, bandages round
their bloodied heads, heads in their hands - I ended up on the banks of the
Orontes river, beside a T-72 tank that was firing straight into the roof of a
burning mosque.

For perhaps a quarter of an hour I watched the tank firing over open sites,
directly into the city with its thousands of terrified citizens cowering in
cellars or lying in the rubble of their homes. In less than a week, Rifaat's men
had reduced most of the ancient city to ashes. No quarter was given. A girl
fighter had thrown herself into the arms of Rifaat's soldiers, blowing them all
up with a hand grenade clutched to her breast. When Rifaat's boys broke into a
house they shot every soul they found. A woman in black with a boy on her arm
staggered through the door of my taxi. She had been looking for relatives amid
the stacks of dead heaped in a local graveyard. When I offered her son a bar of
chocolate, she seized it herself and swallowed it whole.

The stench was intolerable, a high reeking smell of shit and decomposition that
lay through the streets of the city. Years later, I went back. Public gardens
and a new hotel had been built on the killing fields, the bodies turned to dust
under flowers and building sites. Just two ancient streets were left, along with
the wooden waterwheels - the nourias of Hama - whining on their metal spindles,
shrieking and crying as they carried their buckets of dark brown water to the

What happened in Hama was a war crime every bit as terrible as Sabra and
Chatila. Only two years earlier, Rifaat's men had been let loose on the prison
population of Palmyra, murdering 500 men in their cells. The Belgians may issue
a writ for Sharon's arrest - which is why the Prime Minister of Israel is
keeping clear of Belgium. But Rifaat Assad, the disgraced brother of Hafez,
lives in a massive villa in Spain, occasionally visiting Paris, protected by a
squad of bodyguards. Yet oddly, we hear of no writs, no charges, no war-crime
trials. Why not, I wonder?

Then I remember another fearful experience, travelling on a long, ghostly train
from the battlefields of Ahwaz, up through the mountains towards Tehran, a train
packed with Iranian war wounded, almost all of them gassed by Saddam Hussein's
army. It is 1983, a year after Hama and Sabra and Chatila, the third year of the
Iran-Iraq war, the Somme-like conflict that cost perhaps a million and a half

As the train, pulled by a howling boy's-own-paper diesel, curled up into the
desert plateau, the carriages began to stink of gas. The soldiers, hundreds of
them, were sitting in their compartments, coughing blood and mucus into swabs
and bandages. The gas was coming from their mouths, from what Wilfred Owen
called the "froth-corrupted lungs". They were victims, all of them, of one of
the greatest war crimes of the year, the wholesale gassing of thousands of young
men, against every convention, against all rules of war. I went through the
carriages, opening every window to rid this awful train of its stench.

But at the time, Saddam was "our" man. We rather enjoyed his grotesque invasion
of revolutionary Iran. Not long after my first articles on Iraqi gas assaults
were published, a Foreign Office man was lunching with one of my then editors.
"Don't you think Bob's pushing it a bit?'' the FO man reportedly asked.
"Saddam's a nasty bit of work but this kind of article isn't helpful.'' I always
smile when I remember that. A few years later, after Saddam had invaded another
neighbour that happened to be our friend, we were all being told that Saddam had
used gas "even against his own people" - the Kurds of Halabja. Robin Cook, our
former foreign secretary, repeated the same mantra on dozens of occasions. And
yes, Halabja was a war crime. But why not print the names of the Iraqi generals
behind the mass gassing of all those thousands of Iranians? One of them, I'm
told, was among the jolly generals who turned up to surrender to Norman
Schwarzkopf in 1991. And Iraq's military men still visit the West from time to

It's not by chance that Algeria's minister of defence beat a hasty retreat from
Paris a few weeks ago; he'd had been told there might be war crimes charges
against him. And there are quite a few Middle Eastern gentlemen with blood on
their hands who choose not to travel at all. It's a long time since Elie Hobeika
- the man who led the Phalange into Sabra and Chatila - has stepped aboard a
plane. Yet the Turkish generals who emptied the villages of Kurdistan, the
Turkish cops who have tortured Kurds to death, still make tourist trips to
Western Europe and even turn up at our police academies for the odd seminar.
Inevitably, the Middle East has more than its fair share of war criminals. But
that's no reason to let them off the hook. I don't know what Sharon would say in
the dock, or whether he'd be found guilty. I don't see why a man who was -
according to page 103 of the 1983 Kahan Commission inquiry - judged "personally
responsible" (and not just "indirectly responsible", as Israel's embassies would
have us belief) for the massacre should not be brought to book. But why is
Rifaat allowed to live on in Spanish splendour? Why are the Iraqi generals
responsible for the gassings not on any indictment? Why don't we know the
Turkish cops who've murdered Kurds? How long is Mr Hobeika going to sit out his
life in the comfort of East Beirut? Why not, to use Churchill's phrase, collar
the lot?

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