Saddam Is not the only criminal to use Biological agents against innocent People. 

Zionist forces used Biological Terror Against Palestinians: 

How and why our government lies about the threat Iraq poses to the US homeland.

Tom Feeley

The information below is taken from a report titled "The Illicit Use of Biological Agents Since 1900". By: W. Seth Carus, Feb 2001. It details how Zionists used biological weapons against the indigenous people of Palestine.

The report highlights the double standards used by our government to rally the world to an invasion of Iraq by nothing other than lies! The author of the report states in his conclusions.

"This study takes an intermediate course. It provides empirical evidence to support the views of those who argue that biological agents are difficult to use.

It also provides abundant evidence that some people have desired to inflict mass casualties on innocent populations through employment of biological agents. Fortunately, these accounts also suggest that such people lacked the capability to follow through with their plans. The research also casts considerable doubt on our ability to predict which biological agents a perpetrator might employ. While some analysts assume that terrorists will use those agents that proved of most interest to state weapons programs, bioterrorists and biocriminals have acquired and used agents of little or no value as weapons of war. Ultimately, the evidence supports the view that bioterrorism is a low probability, potentially high consequence event."

If the report states that bioterrorism is a " a low probability" event why is our government using fear to motivate it's citizens to support an attack on Iraq?

Why is Israel allowed to manufacture chemical and biological weapons while denying the same rights to Arab nations. This policy is based on nothing less than racism. 

It assumes that through some quirk of nature or genetic flaw Arab peoples are predisposed toward the destruction of non-Arab (non-Muslim) peoples. In the opinion of the U.S., Arab's are not to be trusted with WMD. We all know that the reason for this racist double standard is that no Arab country will ever be allowed to have WMD. Not because they are any more likely to use them, but because it is the Bush Cabals desire that no country should ever be able to stand as an equal against the military power of Israel. 

These facts make clear the following points.

 Our government can not be trusted to act in the best interest of it's citizens in relation to foreign policy.

U.S. foreign policy has been hijacked by a Zionist cabal within the White House whose purpose is to protect the racist State of Israel, regardless of the cost to America and it's interests. The report 

How Zionist forces used Biological Terror Against Palestinians:


Case 1947-01: "Zionist" terrorists, 1947-1948

Excerpt from 

The Illicit Use of Biological Agents Since 1900" 

By: W. Seth Carus, Feb 2001. 

Center for Counterproliferation Research

National Defense University

Washington, D.C.

Page 87: To view or download full document (pdf) click here

Case 1947-01: "Zionist" terrorists, 1947-1948

On July 22, 1948, the Palestinian Arab Higher Committee submitted a thirteen-page report to the United Nations accusing Palestinian Jews of using biological agents against Egypt and Syria. According to the document, "For several years the Zionists have planned and prepared for the use of bacterial warfare. To that end, they set up laboratories in Palestine. The Jews plan to use this inhuman weapon against the Arabs in the Middle East in their war of extermination." The report contended that there was "some" evidence to link Palestinian Jews to cholera outbreaks in Egypt in November, 1947, and in Syria "about February, 1948."


In addition, the report noted that on May 28, 1948, the Egyptian Ministry of Defense issued a communiqué claiming that the Egyptian military had captured four "Zionists" who were attempting to contaminate wells around Gaza with "a liquid which was discovered to contain the germs of dysentery and typhoid." The Palestinian Arab Higher Committee Report claimed that one of the perpetrators confessed to the plot, which the Egyptian government planned to communicate to the International Red Cross.


According to another source, two Israeli soldiers were involved in the plot: David Horeen and David Mizrachi. Both were caught by Egyptian forces in May 1948, and were hanged three months later. This account indicates that to Rachel Katzman, Horeen’s sister, said, "I met one of his commanders in a lecture in Jerusalem. I asked him whether my brother had really attempted to poison wells. ‘These were the weapons we had,’ he said, ‘and that’s that." This account also claims that the Israelis poisoned the water supply of the Arab town of Acre, causing a major outbreak, and other Arab villages, to prevent the villagers from returning, citing military historian Uri Milstein as a source.

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