-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from L. Moss-Sharman Support sought for abuse inquiry By Sean McKibbon -
Ottawa Sun 6/6/02 "Ottawa West-Nepean MPP Garry Guzzo will meet with Cornwall
council Monday night in an effort to win its support for a judicial inquiry
into allegations of a sex abuse ring in the city.... At the meeting with city
official, Guzzo is expected to reveal details of why he believes church money
is still being used to hush up the controversy."

from L. Moss-Sharman Mount Cashel victims still waiting - Legal battle to
force the liquidation of two schools in Vancouver continues 7/7/02 "St.
John's, Nfld. - Victims of abuse at the former Mount Cashel orphanage haven't
seen a cent of the estimated $7 million raised through the liquidation of
assets from the Christian Brothers of Ireland in Canada, says a Newfoundland


Filipino Catholics Address Sex Abuse - By Jim Gomez Manila, Philippines (AP)
- The Philippines' largest association of Roman Catholic bishops
apologized...grave cases of sexual misconduct by Filipino priests....
estimated that about 200 of the nation's 7,000 priests may be guilty of
sexual misconduct and abuses over the past 20 years. 7/8/02 on AOL

Succeeding in Business By PAUL KRUGMAN

....That's exactly what happened at Harken. A group of insiders, using money
borrowed from Harken itself, paid an exorbitant price for a Harken
subsidiary, Aloha Petroleum. That created a $10 million phantom profit, which
hid three-quarters of the company's losses in 1989. White House aides have
played down the significance of this maneuver, saying $10 million isn't much,
compared with recent scandals. Indeed, it's a small fraction of the apparent
profits Halliburton created through a sudden change in accounting procedures
during Dick Cheney's tenure as chief executive. But for Harken's stock price
— and hence for Mr. Bush's personal wealth — this accounting trickery made
all the difference. Oh, and Harken's fake profits were several dozen times as
large as the Whitewater land deal — though only about one-seventh the cost of
the Whitewater investigation.  Mr. Bush was on the company's audit committee,
as well as on a special restructuring committee; back in 1994, another member
of both committees, E. Stuart Watson, assured reporters that he and Mr. Bush
were constantly made aware of the company's finances. If Mr. Bush didn't know
about the Aloha maneuver, he was a very negligent director.  In any case, Mr.
Bush certainly found out what his company had been up to when the Securities
and Exchange Commission ordered it to restate its earnings. So he can't
really be shocked over recent corporate scams. His own company pulled exactly
the same tricks, to his considerable benefit.

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