-Caveat Lector- "Jack Straw and his US counterpart, Colin Powell, privately expressed serious doubts about the quality of intelligence on Iraq's banned weapons programme at the very time they were publicly trumpeting it to get UN support for a war on Iraq"

"A growing number of U.S. national security professionals are accusing the Bush administration of slanting the facts and hijacking the $30 billion intelligence apparatus to justify its rush to war in Iraq."

scroll for news articles

Beattie calls for royal commission on child abuse 5/8/03 "Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says he is stunned to hear the Anglican Church in Brisbane has opened nearly 160 sex abuse files since early last year. A report last week on the church's handling of complaints under former Archbishop Peter Hollingworth has lead to increasing pressure on Dr Hollingworth to quit as Governor-General. His successor as archbishop, Philip Aspinall, says 157 files have been opened since he came to Brisbane.. Mr Beattie says the Prime Minister must now agree to hold a national royal commission. "There's no doubt now that there needs to be a national royal commission," Mr Beattie said. "We had our inquiry in Queensland, there needs to be a national royal commission, I think the revelations by the archbishop today confirmed that. "Paedophilia doesn't stop at borders." Http://www.abc.net.au/
Secret suppression order 5/11/03 "A COURT order suppressing details of allegations that Governor-General Peter Hollingworth raped a woman almost 30 years ago was kept secret from the public. It emerged this week Dr Hollingworth's name was suppressed in an order made in secret in a closed hearing of the Victorian Supreme Court on March 18. The suppression order was ultimately made public only because Labor MP Lindsay Tanner raised the issue in Federal Parliament." http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au

Please note, this url is pro-Masonic and may be very heavy for survivors "For the first time, the identities of Norwegian freemasons have been made public. A Christian newspaper has published the list of names on the Internet. Many of the freemasons have prominent positions in Norway. One of them is head of public service broadcaster NRK, John G. Bernander. Famous lawyers are also on the list. "Next week we will present a list of freemasons from the administration of justice, including judges, magistrates, police officers and lawyers. 550 people from the juridical system are members of the Masonic Lodge and as a result, there are freemasons in a lot of trials in Norway, something that could challenge their qualifications," Vebjorn K. Selbbekk, editor of the magazine "Magazinet" said." http://www.americanmason.com/dailymain.ihtml?ID=110

U.S. Insiders Say Iraq Intel Deliberately Skewed
Fri May 30, 2003 07:18 PM ET
By Jim Wolf WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A growing number of U.S. national security professionals are accusing the Bush administration of slanting the facts and hijacking the $30 billion intelligence apparatus to justify its rush to war in Iraq.A key target is a four-person Pentagon team that reviewed material gathered by other intelligence outfits for any missed bits that might have tied Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to banned weapons or terrorist groups. This team, self-mockingly called the Cabal, "cherry-picked the intelligence stream" in a bid to portray Iraq as an imminent threat, said Patrick Lang, a former head of worldwide human intelligence gathering for the Defense Intelligence Agency, which coordinates military intelligence.

Straw, Powell had serious doubts over their Iraqi weapons claims  Secret transcript revealed
Dan Plesch and Richard Norton-Taylor Saturday May 31, 2003 Jack Straw and his US counterpart, Colin Powell, privately expressed serious doubts about the quality of intelligence on Iraq's banned weapons programme at the very time they were publicly trumpeting it to get UN support for a war on Iraq, the Guardian has learned. Their deep concerns about the intelligence - and about claims being made by their political bosses, Tony Blair and George Bush - emerged at a private meeting between the two men shortly before a crucial UN security council session on February 5.....The transcripts will fuel the controversy in Britain and the US over claims that London and Washington distorted and exaggerated the intelligence assessments about Saddam's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programme.
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