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Financier reported indicted in child sex case - Businessman jailed in Thailand awaiting transfer to Mexico  Stacy Finz, Chronicle Staff Writer  4/6/04 "A wealthy San Francisco businessman with homes throughout the world has been indicted on charges in connection with the international child sex trade, sources close to the case told The Chronicle.  Thomas F. White, a 68-year-old financier with homes here and in Mexico, Thailand and Russia, is in a Thai prison awaiting extradition to Mexico, where he is to stand trial on 3-year-old allegations of child molestation, child prostitution and giving drugs to minors.  Last month, a San Francisco federal grand jury charged White with producing child pornography and with conspiring to travel to other countries with the intent of having sex with juveniles, according to sources. They say White spent time in Thailand so he could have relations with under-age boys." ""Child advocacy groups estimate that 2 million children worldwide are working in the sex trade, predominantly in third-world countries like Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, Costa Rica and Mexico." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/04/06/BAGBG610IH1.DTL

City Decides Abuse Victim Is Not to Blame By Robin Pogrebin 4/7/04 "New York City and the Boys Choir of Harlem alleged in court papers recently that a 12-year-old boy who was sexually molested by a counselor at the choir's school was responsible for his own abuse. But the city said yesterday in response to inquiries that it would withdraw the allegation. The lawyer representing the boy in a $5 million lawsuit expressed outrage and charged in a letter to the city and the choir that they were trying to blame the victim.  In papers signed March 23 and filed in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, the city's corporation counsel, Michael A. Cardozo, said, "The injuries and damages alleged to have been sustained were caused in whole or in part by the culpable conduct of plaintiff." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/07/nyregion/07choir.html?ex=1082314058&ei=1

Doc: Porter can't control sexual urges By Jessica Heslam 4/7/04 "Convicted pedophile ex-priest James Porter failed sex offender therapy and was cited for ``coming into contact'' with male inmates' ``buttocks'' at the Massachusetts Treatment Center in Bridgewater, a psychologist testifed yesterday. The 69-year-old molester has mental abnormality and personality disorder and is at a ``very high risk'' to reoffend if he's not secured, said Dr. John Daignault. ``He suffers from a condition that reflects a general lack of power over his sexual impulses,'' Daignault said at Taunton Superior Court.  Porter was sentenced to 18-to-20 years in prison in 1993 after pleading guilty to molesting 28 children, mostly 11- and 12-year-old boys, in the 1960s. Because of outdated sentencing laws, Porter's prison time is up. Prosecutors are seeking to keep him locked up at a treatment facility as a sexually dangerous person.  A witness for the prosecution, Daignault said he reviewed 2,000 pages of documents, including police reports, church records and Porter's treatment records. The doctor came to his conclusions based on numerous factors, including Porter's ``deviant arousal,'' his failure to complete treatment, his tolerant attitude toward sex offenses and his inability to control his sex offender behavior despite repeated interventions ``by the church'' while a priest.  Porter, who has been in Bridgewater since 2000, has ``significant degrees'' of narcissism and entitlement, as well as control, selfishness and manipulation issues, Daignault said. In July 2002, Porter was cited for ``denial'' of his sex offender behavior and later removed from therapy." http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=3293

Psychologist testifies against Porter in Massachusetts court Taunton (MA) Telegram & Gazette AP Taunton, Mass. "Convicted pedophile priest James Porter was cited twice in 2002 for alleged sexual misconduct in prison, according to treatment records presented in court on Tuesday." http://www.ncrnews.org/abuse/

New twist to abuse allegations 4/7/04  By Yvonne Martin "The allegations are cited among fresh charges laid by Christchurch police against two brothers and a priest from the St John of God Order.  Warrants to arrest the men, aged 82, 69 and 56 - now living in New South Wales - were issued by the Christchurch District Court yesterday.  Police are trying to extradite the trio, who face a total of 64 sexual abuse charges relating to their time working at Marylands, a former school for boys with learning and intellectual disabilities.  Complaints have been received from former pupils dating back almost 50 years....Eighty-two former Marylands residents came forward claiming they had been abused after the Order published a hotline number in New Zealand. St John of God has also paid out more than $4 million in compensation to New Zealand complainants."  http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2868191a6009,00.html
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