-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Please write me offlist at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if interested.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick


Tape Order Form for The Fourth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations
and Mind Control Conference - 2001

Some of the topics discussed on these tapes may be very triggering. These
tapes are educational and not intended as therapy or treatment.  Statements
made on these tapes are the speaker's own statements only and don't
necessarily  represent the policies or views of conference sponsors,
cosponsor, speakers, exhibitors or organizers.  Speaker descriptions will
follow ordering information.

1 - Neil Brick   - His most recent memories and his personal growth.

2. Carol Rutz - My story intertwined with documentation

3. Cheryl Hersha - Secret Weapons and Ritual Abuse.

4. Judith Remet,  Pat Wrightsman -  A Safe Place for Survivors.

5 - Hal Pepinsky - Making Peace in the Face of Fear

6. - deJoly LaBrier - Questions I Have Answered.

7. - Annie McKenna - Shattering the Myths--Deprogramming with System

8. - Mary Jo Schneller- A Journey Towards Wholeness - Learning to Trust Again

9 - Katherine Sullivan - Memory Recovery and Screen Memories.

Tapes are 60 minutes long.  Tapes are $7 each. Shipping and Handling charges
on tapes are $1.50 (US) for the first tape, .50 for each additional. Canada
$2.00 first tape, .75 each additional, rest of world, $3.00 first tape, $1.00
each additional. With shipping and handling:  US Price -all tapes - $55.00,
Canada price - all tapes - $ 60.00

Please mail form below and checks (US Banks only, please), money orders (US)
to P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please list all tapes wanted by number. Thank you.




Street: ______________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________State:____________

Zip:__________E-mail:  (in case we have questions)_________________

Speakers and Biographies

Please note: Listing of these speakers does not necessarily constitute our
endorsement of them. They are  speaking at our conference for educational
value  only and some may be triggering. Listening to the speakers at the
conference may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when
listening to any speaker or contacting any resource mentioned herein.  These
descriptions may be triggering. Please use caution while reading.

Neil Brick  is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is
the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter. He has published
numerous articles on ritual abuse. He will talk about his most recent
memories and his personal growth.

Cheryl Hersha (co-author of  "Secret Weapons: Two Sisters' Terrifying True
Story of Sex, Spies and Sabotage,") is a 40 yr. old RN, wife and mother of
three. She has been a part of the survivor community for the past five years,
sharing her story and healing path with others by drawing and writing for
such organizations as ACHES - MC, SMART and Survivorship. Her topic is :
Secret Weapons and Ritual Abuse.

deJoly LaBrier is a survivor of a military sex ring, satanic ritual abuse,
and mind control. She has written two books, "Diary of a Survivor in Art and
Poetry," and "DISCONNECT, Understanding and Living With Multiple Personality
Disorder. deJoly has helped others in their healing process by speaking out
across the country. She can be reached at http://www.dejoly.com Her topic is:
"Questions I Have Answered."

Annie McKenna is an alleged survivor of Project Monarch, a government mind
control program involving the military, various intelligence agencies, and
the Nazi's ushered into the U.S. under Operation Paperclip and wrote
"Paperclip Dolls." She has an article in  the 12/00 issue of Media Bypass.
She owes her rapid healing and integration process to a strong cooperative
system and scrapbook therapy. Her topic is  "Shattering the
Myths--Deprogramming with System Communication."

Hal Pepinsky teaches criminal justice at Indiana University, Bloomington.
Last year on leave, he taught sociology classes at Iowa State University.  He
learns from and brings ra/mc survivors to his classes.  His special
"empirical" interest is in violence against children--how the violence
happens, how victims and adults around them, as in the legal system, respond.
 Hal will talk about "Making Peace in the Face of Fear."

Judith Remet, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. worked for 25 years as a clinical
psychiatrist.  A few years ago, she ended her practice and now focuses on
writing, teaching, and consultation.  She has presented several conferences
and workshops on trauma-related topics Pat Wrightsman, M.S. R.N. has been a
registered nurse for 30 years. She has worked with traumatized children,
families and groups. She is a certified Breathworker and clinician. The title
of their presentation is : A Safe Place for Survivors.

Carol Rutz is a survivor of Mind Control experimentation. She has attempted
to document through research and FOIA's material that validates her personal
experiences as well as other survivors.  She is presenting these facts in a
book aimed at not only survivors, but health professionals and the general
public.  Her topic is: "My story intertwined with documentation."

Mary Jo Schneller, MA. (Ph.D. Candidate) is the Founder and Director of South
County Christian Counseling Center in Fenton, MO. She was the regional
director of the National Information Network, providing training to law
enforcement and public service groups on cult and deviant groups. She has
done research and intervention for survivors for 15 years in occult
involvement, government experimentation and ritual abuse. Her topic is : "A
Journey Towards Wholeness - Learning to Trust Again."

Katherine Sullivan, age 46, is a survivor lifelong sadistic abuse, ritualized
torture and mind-control experiments. She is working towards a degree in
social work and is co-founder of PARC-VRAMC. Her topic is : "Memory Recovery
and Screen Memories."

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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