-Caveat Lector-

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from L Moss Sharman Calif. diocese sues Boston  Archdiocese Alleges officials hid Shanley's past By Larry B. Stammer , Los Angeles Times, 4/2/03 "The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino, Calif., sued the Archdiocese of Boston yesterday, alleging that Boston officials hid the history of sexual molestation by former priest Paul Shanley when he moved to California. The lawsuit, filed in San Bernardino County Superior Court, is believed to mark the first time that one US Catholic diocese has sued another in civil court, according to both dioceses."  http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/092/nation/Calif_diocese_sues_Boston_Archdiocese+.shtml

The Sound of Things to Come By Marshall Sella 3/23/03 "Watch that lady over there," he says, unable to conceal his boyish pride for the gadget in his giant hand. "This is really cool." Woody Norris aims the silvery plate at his quarry. A burly brunette 200 feet away stops dead in her tracks and peers around, befuddled. She has walked straight into the noise of a Brazilian rain forest -- then out again. Even in her shopping reverie, here among the haircutters and storefront tax-preparers and dubious Middle Eastern bistros, her senses inform her that she has just stepped through a discrete column of sound, a sharply demarcated beam of unexpected sound."  http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/23/magazine/23SOUND.html

States put a leash on information Security concerns cited in curbing 'sunshine' laws
Security concerns cited in curbing 'sunshine' laws  By Mimi Hall
USA TODAYNearly half the states are closing meetings, sealing records and restricting the flow of information to the public, all in the name of homeland security.
Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, dozens of state legislatures have considered, and many have passed, exemptions to their freedom-of-information laws. Most of the exemptions allow emergency and evacuation plans to be kept secret. Some of them shield maps and illustrations of government buildings, utility plants, bridges, water and sewer lines, and transportation routes.

Scientific American Television Addiction Is No Mere Metaphor
In experiments, families have volunteered or been paid to stop viewing, typically for a week or a month. Many could not complete the period of abstinence. Some fought, verbally and physically. Anecdotal reports from some families that have tried the annual "TV turn-off" week in the U.S. tell a similar story.

US Fails to Block Torture Inspections
by William Orme Los Angeles Times July 25, 2002 In its latest split with its usual allies here, the United States tried but failed Wednesday to block adoption of a new treaty authorizing on-site international inspections of prisons suspected of being used for torture.

Analysis: The Business of Torture By Sam Vaknin
UPI Senior Business Correspondent
>From the Business & Economics Desk
Published 1/17/2003 1:24 PM
Torture implements are produced -- mostly in the West -- and sold openly, frequently to nasty regimes in developing countries and even through the Internet. High-tech devices abound: sophisticated electroconvulsive stun guns, painful restraints, truth serums, chemicals such as pepper gas. Export licensing is universally minimal and non-intrusive and completely ignores the technical specifications of the goods (for instance, whether they could be lethal, or merely inflict pain). Amnesty International and the Britain-based Omega Foundation, found more than 150 manufacturers of stun guns in the United States alone.....American high-voltage electro-shock stun shields turned up in Turkey, stun guns in Indonesia, and electro-shock batons and shields, and dart-firing taser guns in torture-prone Saudi Arabia. American firms are the dominant manufacturers of stun belts.
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