-Caveat Lector-

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This website has information on dissociative disorders. http://www.empty-memories.nl

Clergy Reporting Bill Passes Divided Senate 3/11/04 (AP) "After lengthy debate, the state Senate passed legislation Thursday that would require clergy to report suspected instances of child abuse, or face fines if they don't report....Other professionals are already required to report suspected abuse, including teachers, health care workers and law enforcement officials....The measure is already law in 37 states. The bill provides clergy members with immunity if they are incorrect, provided the accusations were not made in malice. It also would exclude confessions to priests or any other clergy. Howell said the leaders of most denominations and religious organizations in Virginia support the bill, including the bishops of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and Arlington." http://www.wavy.com/Global/story.asp?S=1620300

fwd from L Moss Sharman - Annandale church isn't liable in abuse suit Pam Louwagie, Star Tribune 3/10/04 "A Jehovah's Witnesses congregation in Annandale, Minn., isn't liable if one of its members sexually abused two child congregants more than a decade ago, a Minnesota Court of Appeals panel ruled Tuesday. Though congregation elders had received a prior complaint of abuse and didn't immediately report it to authorities, according to the ruling, the organization wasn't responsible for protecting two of its members who claim they were abused by the same person later. The two girls, now adults living in Twin Cities suburbs, sued in 2002. They claim they were abused in the late 1980s and early 1990s and argue that they followed the organization's doctrine to report their concerns to elders -- not law enforcement or anyone else. Elders at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses congregation told them to stay silent or risk losing membership, they claim. The women say the organization's rules prevented them from protecting themselves and gave the organization a legal duty to protect them. But in an opinion written by Judge Robert Schumacher and decided with judges Bruce Willis and Wilhelmina Wright, the court ruled that the organization didn't have control or custody of the girls when the alleged abuse happened." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/4655055.html

Shockingly, Only 2% of Catholic Clergy Sexual Abusers Were Ever Jailed: A Demonstration that the Self-Policing of Criminal Behavior Will Never Work By Marci Hamilton  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/11/04 "There were some disturbing statistics in the John Jay College Report on sexual abuse by the Catholic Church's clergy over the last 50 years....But the shocking and most telling of all was the statistic as to the percentage of abusers who were ever incarcerated -- only 2% (3% were prosecuted and convicted but apparently, of those, a third either will not serve time, or have yet to serve time)." http://writ.news.findlaw.com/hamilton/20040311.html

The Pentagon's Secret Scream Sonic devices that can inflict pain--or even permanent deafness - are being deployed. By William M. Arkin ....3/7/04 South Pomfret, Vt. "Marines arriving in Iraq this month as part of a massive troop rotation will bring with them a high-tech weapon never before used in combat - or in peacekeeping. The device is a powerful megaphone the size of a satellite dish that can deliver recorded warnings in Arabic and, on command, emit a piercing tone so excruciating to humans, its boosters say, that it causes crowds to disperse, clears buildings and repels intruders." http://fairuse.1accesshost.com/news1/latimes87.html

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