-Caveat Lector-

also has cheney and iraq

these may be heavy for survivors of abuse

A Test of Faith Allegations of past child abuse threaten Hare Krishnas'
existence - Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer "Now, 25 years after its
founding, the Hare Krishna movement faces its most serious challenge. Last
summer, a Texas lawyer filed a $400 million lawsuit alleging widespread
sexual, emotional and physical abuse of more than 40 Krishna kids at the
Dallas ashram, at the Krishna temple in West Virginia, and at other schools,
called gurukulas, around the country. At least five of Prabhupada's anointed
successors have been named in the child abuse suit, including one who already
sits in a North Carolina prison, convicted of racketeering."


Escaping a Free Love Legacy Children of God sect hopes it can overcome sexy
image - Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer - 2/14/02 - "One of the the
most detailed examinations of Berg's prophecies and sexual practices is
contained in a voluminous 1995 court judgment in a British child custody
case. In his conclusion, Lord Justice Alan Ward wrote that, at least until
1986, there was   widespread child-to-child sex and sexual abuse of minors by
adult members of the Children of God.  "I am completely satisfied that he was
obsessed with sex and that he became a perverted man who recklessly corrupted
his flock," Ward wrote. Citing the prophet's explicit writings depicting
young children as "sexual beings," the judge ruled that Berg "bears
responsibility for propagating the doctrine which so grievously misled his
flock and injured the children within it."  Another independent observer who
has studied the Children of God, Steve Kent, agreed with Ward's conclusion
that the Family has now stopped most of its past excesses."


"FAA's Sex Scandal 3/4/02 by Paul M. Rodriguez - "Federal sky marshals
allegedly have been frequenting fleshpots in Southeast Asia and South America
to procure children for sex....startling new allegations of sexual misconduct
overseas involving at least three federal air marshals, one of whom is
accused of having sex with a 13-year-old child. The stunning new allegations,
covering a time period between the early 1990s and at least through Jan. 1,
2000, include allegations of visits to whorehouses, bordellos and interactive
strip clubs. These allegations were shared with federal authorities by
Insight because of the seriousness of the charges and the credible nature of
the sources, one of whom has asked to be called an "anonymous



The shadow of dictatorship: Bush established secret government after
September 11
By the Editorial Board 4 March 2002
The Bush administration has established a "shadow government," consisting of
75 to 150 officials of the executive branch who have been dispatched to
secure, fortified locations to provide "continuity of government," supposedly
as a precaution against a possible nuclear terrorist attack on the US
capital, the Washington Post reported Friday....
An unconstitutional regime - The most sinister characteristic of this secret
government is that it consists entirely of executive branch officials, in
complete violation of the separation of powers which is the heart of the US
constitutional system. No one in the other two branches of government, the
legislative and judicial, was included in the plans or even aware of them. In
the event such an emergency government were to emerge, it would be an openly
dictatorial regime, consisting solely of executive branch officials
exercising military and police powers, without any legislative oversight or
judicial check on their actions. Despite the rhetoric about "continuity of
government," the Bush plan is not based on presidential succession as defined
in the US Constitution.


TOO MUCH, TOO LATE: Wed Feb 27,10:01 PM ET by Ted Rall  Sympathy for
Reporters Follows the Death of Danny Pearl  by Ted Rall

It was a much different scene three months ago, when Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld issued an order to American troops in Afghanistan: they were not to
give assistance to journalists, period. Even Northern Alliance commanders
were advised that they would lose U.S. support if they helped a reporter get
out of a tight spot.

The death count for reporters during the conflict is somewhere between 10 and
15; dozens more came home wounded or minus a limb. Western journalists were
shot, stabbed, shelled and mutilated by mines. They were raped, robbed,
targeted by Talibs and subjected to countless random atrocities. In a land
where no one takes Visa or American Express, every reporter was carrying
thousands of dollars in cash. And with no police for hundreds of miles, it
was open season on unarmed journalists.


While Dick Cheney was its CEO, Halliburton sold more technology to Saddam
Hussein than any other U.S. corporation. Starting in 1998, at least two
Halliburton subsidiaries sold Iraq $23.8 million worth of oil industry parts
and equipment. These deals were arranged by Halliburton and routed through
subsidiaries to avoid political exposure. More than any other U.S. company,
Cheney's Halliburton helped Iraq restore its ability to earn the money to
develop weapons of mass destruction.

Hard to believe? Maybe this article from the Financial Times of London will
convince you: http://www.ft.com (Also check out this Salon article:

How does Cheney explain this lapse of judgment? He doesn't. Instead he lies
about it. Here's an excerpt from ABC's "This Week" with Sam Donaldson from
August, 2000:

Donaldson: I'm told, and correct me if I'm wrong, that Halliburton, through
subsidiaries, was actually trying to do business in Iraq?

Cheney: No. No. I had a firm policy that I wouldn't do anything in Iraq -
even arrangements that were supposedly legal.

I guess ABC doesn't have much of a budget for research, because Sam Donaldson
failed to cite any sources or documents to challenge Cheney


The United States of oil

The politicos surrounding Bush also have enjoyed warm government/oil-industry
connections. While Bush used his elected position to help friends in his
former industry, Cheney employed past government connections to improve his
own bottom line.

Iraq provides the most dramatic example. Cheney, intentionally or
inadvertently, went against his own edicts in order to pad his company's
profits. He told Sam Donaldson in August 2000 that, as the head of
Halliburton, "I had a firm policy that I wouldn't do anything in Iraq, even
arrangements that were supposedly legal." And yet, as the Financial Times
eventually proved, Cheney oversaw $23.8 million in sales to Iraq in 1998 and
1999. Cheney, who collected a $36 million salary before becoming vice
president, essentially profited from the destruction of Iraq that he oversaw
as secretary of defense during the Gulf War. And while the oil-rig and
equipment sales were legal -- a 1998 U.N. resolution gave Iraq the right to
rebuild its oil industry -- Cheney's firm sold through European subsidiaries
"to avoid straining relations with Washington and jeopardizing their ties
with President Saddam Hussein's government," according to a November 2000
Financial Times report.

Cheney also helped Halliburton obtain a windfall of U.S. government loans. He
secured $1.5 billion in taxpayer-backed financing for Halliburton -- a
massive increase over the $100 million loan it received during the five-year
period before Cheney took over. And while Cheney has claimed that
Halliburton's rise to power had nothing to do with his political stature,
State Department documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times suggest that
U.S. officials assisted Halliburton both in Asia and Africa.

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