-Caveat Lector- also has
Catholic Priest sentenced to 12 years in jail
Mom's molestation complaint costs her custody of son
The 8th International Conference on Family Violence

What filmaker Andrew Jarecki omitted from "Capturing the Friedmans." This has graphic descriptions of abuse. 1.    In 1986, Arnold ordered a magazine called "Boy Love" featuring graphic pictures of men having sex with children.   This mail order initiated the sting. 2.  Child-sized dildoes were found in a cabinet just outside the classroom. Pornographic magazines were found on classroom shelves. 3.  140 children, ages 7-12, disclosed.  Jarecki aired an interview, a young man seductively posed who said he'd recalled the abuse only after hypnosis. In 1989, some of the boys still wet their beds, took baseball bats to bed, were unable to sleep. 4. Jesse disclosed that when he was 8-9 he found his father's stash of kiddie porn.  Later, his father visited him at night in his bedroom and began to fondle, eventually sodomize him.   Jesse started using drugs at 16 and was soon stoned on a daily basis.  He started therapy at 10 and was diagnosed manic depressive.  He had no friends, at 5'6" he ballooned to 175 pounds.  Jesse said in a 1989  interview that he was "halfway between loving and hating" his father.  He said, "He let me down as a father." 5.    Mrs. Friedman said of her workaholic, undemonstrative husband that he was almost in tears when police took his pornographic photos. 6.    Parents were told there was no need to enter the classroom. 7.    The boys played "Simon Says," nudity and fondling were demanded. 8.    Threats reported by boys included:  Arnold would burn down their house, kill their parents if they told. 9.    Arnold and Jesse admitted to molesting 13 boys.  Arnold pled to 8  counts of sodomy and 28 counts of first-degree sexual abuse.  Jesse pled to 17 counts of sodomy and 4 counts of first degree sexual abuse. 10.    Ross Goldstein, Jesse's friend, pled to 3 counts of first-degree sodomy and one count of using a child in a sexual performance. 11.    Mrs. Friedman pled to attempted assault and obstructing government administration. References Bessent, A.E. (1989, May 28). The secret life of Arnold Friedman. Newsday. Online at:  http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-friedman052889,0,1128093.story?coll=ny-li-span-headlines Dudek, D. (2003, July 7). Family's story is anything but happy.  Journal Sentenal.  Online at: http://www.jsonline.com/onwisconsin/movies/jul03/153373.asp

Catholic Priest sentenced to 12 years in jail 7/25/03 "A Catholic priest has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for sexually abusing nine children. The court has also ordered Santiago's Archbishop to pay a fine of some $71 000 for his role in covering up the crime. For the first time, the head of the Catholic church in Chile yesterday was held partially responsible for crimes committed by a priest. Meanwhile, Jose Andres Aguirre Ovalle ('Father Tato'), the priest, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for raping at least 10 children from 1998 to 2002." http://www.sabcnews.com/world/south_america/0,1009,61089,00.html

Mom's molestation complaint costs her custody of son Mercer judge orders 3-year-old boy into foster care 7/10/03 by Barbara White Stack, Post-Gazette Staff Writer " Mercer County judge yesterday granted a child welfare agency's request to take a 3-year-old boy from his mother and place him in foster care, even though it is the boy's paternal grandfather, not his mother, who is accused of abusing him." http://post-gazette.com/localnews/20030710wrightr3.asp

The 8th International Conference on Family Violence:  Advocacy, Assessment, Intervention, Research, Prevention and Policy" scheduled for September 17-20, 2003. Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute, 6160 Cornerstone Court East, San Diego, CA 92121, (858) 623-2777 ext. 427
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