-Caveat Lector-

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Richard Gardner, 72, Dies; Cast Doubt on Abuse Claims By Stuart Lavietes "His theory has provoked vehement opposition from some mental health professionals, child abuse experts and lawyers. Critics argue that it lacks a scientific basis, noting that the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association have not recognized it as a syndrome. They also say that the theory is biased against women, as allegations of abuse are usually directed at fathers, and that it is used as a weapon by lawyers seeking to undermine a mother's credibility in court." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/09/obituaries/09GARD.html?ex=1055822400&en=81451620e0c5f084&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE

three from mparent This is fyi only - all accusations are alleged
Famous Kidnapping Case Implicates Top Political Figures in Child Prostitution Network "On Sept. 5, 1982, a 12-year-old West Des Moines, Iowa, paperboy named Johnny Gosch disappeared. Although his case made national headlines what his mother learned about Johnny's kidnapping has been kept under wraps by the mainstream media in America. His mother, Noreen Gosch, discovered not only that Johnny was still alive-long after his disappearance-but that he was in the hands of a Nebraska-based nationwide pedophile and child prostitution ring that has been collaborating with high-level "mind control" operations of the CIA." http://www.americanfreepress.net/RFA_Articles/Kidnapping_Case_Implicates_Top/kidnapping_case_implicates_top.html

US soldiers accused of raping teenage girls 6/10/03 "An Iraqi newspaper run by Sunni Muslims traded charges yesterday with the US-led occupation authority over the alleged rape of two Iraqi girls by US soldiers, a claim denied by the coalition.  According to the daily As-Saah, the girls, aged 14 and 15, were talking to American soldiers in Suwaira, 180km south of Baghdad, on Friday when the soldiers suggested they accompany them to their camp to take pictures but then collectively raped the pair.  This allegation is "absolutely false", the US Central Command said in a statement.  "We take any claim of this nature extremely seriously, have looked into the allegations and found nothing whatsoever to substantiate the accusations - including checking local hospital records," it said. As-Saah said one of the girls died after she was raped by 18 soldiers while the other was killed by her family. Editor Naama Abderrazzak said two of the daily's reporters had talked to residents of the area and seen the bodies of the two girls."  http://www.iraqwar.ru/iraq-read_article.php?articleId=8610&lang=en

This may be very heavy for survivors
Breach of Faith - 8/28/02 "So far in the storm of allegations about the Catholic Church and sexual abuse, the offenders have been priests and brothers. But now the victims of abuse by nuns want the story of their dreadful experiences to be heard. Jackie Dent reports." "But some of the horror is corroborated in statements of claim filed on behalf of 16 women and one man in the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1999 against the Corporation of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane and the Trustees of the Poor Sisters of Nazareth. The statements are a dismal charter of cruelty and torture, bordering on the macabre. Besides Lizzie, there are other women who say they were sexually assaulted by nuns, as well as by priests. The church and the Poor Sisters of Nazareth have never admitted liability. An out-of-court settlement was reached instead, with compensation of as much as $75,000 each depending on the level of physical and sexual abuse. The victims also received an apology with their cheque." http://bulletin.ninemsn.com.au/bulletin/eddesk.nsf/6df5c28ed2c6c605ca256a1500059f03/5aadb9e090dae5dfca256c1d000c1b88?OpenDocument

Cabinet Magazine Online - The Acoustics of War Issue 5 Winter 2001/02  by Daria Vaisman  "Low-frequency sound travels in all directions and is hard to direct. (Infrasound is measured at 20 Hz and below, ultrasound at 20 KHz and above.) Wavelength is in a ratio to the aperture of the device that is directing it, so that infrasound needs a very large aperture. As a matter of contrast, ultrasound uses a very small aperture. It is cheap to generate and relatively easy to direct, but ultrasound burns surface tissue and destroys organs (medical ultrasound is used to break up kidney stones) and therefore has not been adapted for non-lethal purposes. Infrasound is an amazingly effective weapon under the right conditions. A small percentage of the population is so unbearably sensitive to infrasound that they become nauseous near the ocean (which naturally generates low-frequency signals) and can sense, or "hear," earthquakes hundreds of miles away. Ultra-low frequencies will nauseate and disorient most people under the right conditions (that is, if the sound can easily couple with their bodies, which it does under water or in a high-pressure chamber)." http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/5/acousticsofwar.php

Fuss over Army plan for gas grenade - Patent says it can deliver chemical, biological agents  Tom Abate, Chronicle Staff Writer 6/9/03 "A new rifle-launched gas grenade, invented by the U.S. Army ostensibly for nonlethal crowd control, has created a stir because the patent filed on the technology claims that it can deliver chemical and biological agents, two payloads forbidden by international treaty and U.S. law." http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/06/09/BU144036.DTL
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