-Caveat Lector-

These may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Chemical warfare tests happened in Australia, claim veterans - 12/30/01 The
Australian Atomic Veterans Association says they will release documents this
week that show that chemical warfare tests were carried out in Australia in
the 50s and 60s, as well as nuclear weapons tests at the same venues. And
some New Zealanders may have been among the military 'human guinea
pigs'....One document said the "maximum permissible exposure" for any
servicemen was 0.3 roentgens in a week. Of the 76 servicemen involved in the
tests and named in the documents, 26 registered more than 0.4 roentgens. Some
recorded as high as 0.6 roentgens....24 men were selected for trials in which
they walked, crawled and drove through a fallout zone three days after an
explosion, testing out different types of protective clothing....Hundreds of
servicemen and Aborigines are believed to have suffered illness or early
death as a result of exposure to radiation during the tests.

No veterans notified about possible exposure to '60s toxins  By THOMAS D.
WILLIAMS - Copyright 2001 Hartford Courant  Four months after the Pentagon
acknowledged that thousands of U.S. soldiers, sailors and Marines might have
been exposed to dangerous chemical or biological agents during top-secret
tests in the 1960s, only a fraction of those possibly affected have been
identified and none has been contacted.

Childhood Abuse, Household Dysfunction, and the Risk of Attempted Suicide
Throughout the Life Span Findings From the Adverse Childhood Experiences
Study - Findings From the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study - Shanta R.
Dube, MPH; Robert F. Anda, MD, MS; Vincent J. Felitti, MD; Daniel P. Chapman,
PhD; David F. Williamson, PhD; Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS "A powerful graded
relationship exists between adverse childhood experiences and risk of
attempted suicide throughout the life span. JAMA. 2001;286:3089-3096"

Scientists confirm bin Laden weapons tests
OSAMA BIN LADEN and his terrorist organisation were not only investigating
the use of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons against the West, they
had conducted preliminary experiments on animals. These unnerving revelations
are the conclusion of detailed examination of documents discovered by The
Times in abandoned al-Qaeda houses in Kabul last month.

College professors call report a prelude to blacklist, stifling academic
Association advocates pro-America curriculum

The Seattle Times
Originally published December 26, 2001

College professors are decrying a national report that castigates them for
criticizing the United States in the aftermath of Sept. 11, saying it reads
like a blueprint for a blacklist. The report, published by the American
Council of Trustees and Alumni, details more than 100 examples of what its
authors call a prevailing "blame America first" sentiment on college campuses.

This has graphic pictures of casualties :
Civilian Casualties from Afghanistan -Pictorial- Updated on 2001-11-21
On Sep 11 2001, three groups of hijackers blew up passenger planes into WTC
and killed more than 3900 innocent people (per NY Times). The whole world
condemned the barbaric act of those suicide terrorists. [Link - Massive
Attack on America ] In retaliation, USA-led war against terrorism starting
with bombing campaign on Afghanistan is incurring an unfortunate but real
cost: the loss of innocent lives.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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