-Caveat Lector-

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Florida Detention Centers Featured in Amnesty International Report Exposing Mistreatment, Lack of Legal Counsel for Immigrant Children
6/12/03 6:17:37 PM To: City Desk
Contact: Reah Johnson, 202-544-0200 ext. 232, Cheryl Little, 305-573-1106 ext. 1001, both of Amnesty International USA
....The new AIUSA report, "Why am I here?" Children in Immigration Detention," details that children who flee their home countries and arrive unaccompanied in the United States are often denied access to attorneys, detained for prolonged periods, jailed alongside children with criminal convictions, and subjected to frequent shackling and strip-searches.

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Investigative journalist Greg Palast has uncovered scandal, fraud, corruption, and lies in the highest seats of power from the White House to corporate America. Known in Britain as "the greatest investigative reporter of our time" (Tribune magazine), Palast has broken some of the biggest stories of the past decade, including:
-How Bush killed the FBI's investigation of the financing of terrorist organizations by Saudi Arabia.
-How the Bush family stole the election in Florida.
-How Enron cheated, lied, and swindled its way into an energy monopoly.

Gilded Cage: Wackenhut's Free Market in Human Misery Greg Palast,  June 11, 2003
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