-Caveat Lector-


United States District Court Northern District of California Wayne A. Ritchie, Plaintiff, V. United States of America, Defendant. No. C 00-03940 MHP MEMORANDUM & ORDER Motion to Dismiss/ Motion for Summary Judgment "As explained in this court's July 12, 2001 Memorandum and Order, plaintiff, a former Deputy United States Marshal, alleges that he was unwittingly given food or drinks that were laced with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or another psychoactive drug while attending a holiday party. Following this intoxication, and after visiting several bars, plaintiff initiated an armed robbery. Plaintiff was then taken into police custody where he wrote a letter of resignation. Plaintiff alleges that he was a victim of a national federal program called "MKULTRA" for the research and development of drugs to alter human behavior. Plaintiff maintains that he "first suspected that he might have been surreptitiously drugged" when he read Dr. Stanley Gottlieb's obituary in the newspaper on March 15, 1999. Compl. ¶ 23. He found additional support for his suspicion in April 1999 when he read a diary entry of George White,  an agent of the Bureau of Narcotics and allegedly the operating head of the CIA's "mind-altering program" in San Francisco." ""Defendant contends that plaintiff's claims are barred by laches. To prevail, defendant must demonstrate that plaintiff "inexcusably delayed the pursuit of [his] claim," causing prejudice. United States v. Marolf, 173 F.3d 1213, 1218 (9th Cir. 1999). For the reasons discussed above, defendant has failed to prove that plaintiff knew or should have known that his injury was caused by LSD before he read Dr. Gottlieb's obituary in March 1999. Absent this proof, the court cannot find plaintiff's delay "inexcusable." Defendant's motion is denied."

Legal rulings favor plaintiffs in church sex-abuse lawsuits Philadelphia (AP) "A statute of limitations many legal experts had expected would protect the Roman Catholic Church from lawsuits by people abused decades ago by priests is looking like less of a shield after a series of recent court decisions. Employing an unusual legal strategy, lawyers for alleged abuse victims have sought to skirt Pennsylvania's two-year time limit on personal injury lawsuits by claiming the church engaged in a decades-long conspiracy to conceal sexual abuse against minors. The extent of the cover up, the suits claim, did not become apparent until 2002, when a firestorm of publicity over the church's role in protecting abusive priests prompted the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to publicly acknowledge the problem for the first time. A three-judge panel in Lehigh County gave a preliminary nod to that strategy last week when it refused to throw out six lawsuits filed against the Diocese of Allentown by people who claimed to have been molested by priests between 1965 and 1982." http://www.poconorecord.com/local/tjd88134.htm
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