-Caveat Lector- also has
Bush 'indicted' over war crimes
Extreme weather prompts unprecedented global warming alert
U.S. Suspends Aid to 35 Countries Over New International Court
Telling of Terrorist-Tracking Tech Tools - Civil liberties groups, some lawmakers remain wary of deep databases.

scroll for news articles

Love and Death in the Valley: Awakening to Hidden Histories and Forgotten Crimes on the West  Coast of Canada by Kevin Annett The back cover of the books states: "is the personal story of Reverend Kevin Annett, the minister who single-handedly exposed the (alleged) murder and genocide of aboriginal people by the government of Canada and his employer, the United Church of Canada."  By 1st books, 1-800-839-8640, 1st Books Library, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloomington, IN 47403 http://www.1stbooks.com/

Cover Fire - A Novel with Study Guide and Play by K.G. Booth "The novel can be read separately as a complement to the study of WWII or as a vehicle for discussing abuse victims dealing with trauma." Peach Blossom Publications, Williamsport, PA ISBN 0-941367-32-0 This book may be heavy for survivors.

'Caged' children freed from school - From correspondents in Lusaka, Zambia 7/4/03 "Police in Zambia have stormed a secret Islamic school in which 280 children were allegedly confined in cages and forced to study military tactics and Arabic, a police officer said today."  http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6698275%255E1702,00.html

from mparent
Occult Symbolism: As American as Baseball By Randy Lavello "The prime example of an initiate into Freemasonry who dealt with Satanic Rituals is Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley, who referred to himself as ‘the beast, 666,' graduated into the 33rd degree of Masonry - the highest known degree. There was much argument among the ranks of his Lodge as to his advancement, for Crowley was a known drug addict with devilish tendencies. Both of Crowley's wives had to be entered into mental institutions and, during a bizarre ritual which bore no witnesses, Crowley's son was killed. He claims to have spoken to spirits of the deceased which revealed secrets to him about life, and what one should will. He founded an Order named Ordo Templi Orientis, that he claimed was based on the esoteric knowledge of the Knights of Malta, the Scottish Rite Masons, the Knights Templar, the Royal Arch Masons, the Rosecrucian Masons, and the Illuminati. These are just the more widely known Sects which he claimed his foundation upon. It's been rumored that Adolf Hitler met with Aleister Crowley for counsel at some point in history." "Albert G. Mackey M.D. goes on to explain the Order of the Illuminati: "To give to the Order a higher influence, Weishaupt connected it with the Masonic Institution, after whose system of degrees, of esoteric instruction, and of secret modes of recognition, it was organized. It extended rapidly into other countries and its Lodges were to be found in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, and Italy." Illuminism, it seems, was a hit! Because the Order of Illuminism aligned itself with Freemasonry, initiates into Masonry could freely join the Illuminati. Mackey writes, "Knigge, who was one of its most prominent working members, and the author of several of its degrees, was a religious man, and would never have united with it had its object been, as has been charged, to abolish Christianity. But it cannot be denied, that in process of time abuses had crept into the Institution, and that by the influence of unworthy men the system became corrupted." He's said it again: the goal of this once benevolent system was lost in a corrupted means. The plan toward a, once thought, virtuous purpose of reducing state and Church power was hijacked toward a corrupted end. The other powerful group that emerged shortly before the American Revolution and the birth of the Illuminati was the International Banker. These early globalists already had the notion to subvert and control nations through their money- they would obviously be very interested in Weishaupt's plan involving an association which `works in a way that nothing can withstand.'" http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_lavello_051403_occult.html

this is fyi only Pedophilia and Satanism in the Vatican by Ernesto Cienfuegos La Voz de Aztlan " Fr. Malachi Martin said that the incidence of Satanic pedophilia and its rites and practices was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States." http://aztlan.net/malachimartin.htm

Bush 'indicted' over war crimes
A group of Japanese lawyers unveiled documents Monday "indicting" U.S. President George W. Bush for war crimes allegedly committed against the Afghan people since the United States-led coalition began its antiterrorism campaign in Afghanistan in October 2001."This is an act that breaks international rules, such as the idea of (honoring) human rights, that have been formed over so many years," said Koken Tsuchiya, former president of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and head of the 11-member prosecutors' team in the tribunal. "We decided this case has sufficient reason to be brought to court."A civic tribunal will be held in Tokyo, with the first hearing scheduled for July 21.The charges against Bush, according to the indictment, include aggression, attacks against civilians and nonmilitary facilities and the torturing and execution of prisoners.They said the indictment will be handed to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo next week.The tribunal is being organized by Tokyo Zokei University professor Akira Maeda and others.The Japan Times: July 1, 2003

Reaping the whirlwind
Extreme weather prompts unprecedented global warming alert 03 July 2003In an astonishing announcement on global warming and extreme weather, the World Meteorological Organisation signalled last night that the world's weather is going haywire. In a startling report, the WMO, which normally produces detailed scientific reports and staid statistics at the year's end, highlighted record extremes in weather and climate occurring all over the world in recent weeks, from Switzerland's hottest-ever June to a record month for tornadoes in the United States - and linked them to climate change.

  U.S. Suspends Aid to 35 Countries Over New International Court
  By Elizabeth Becker   The New York Times   Wednesday 02 July 2003
  The Bush administration suspended all American military assistance to 35 countries today because they refused to pledge to give American citizens immunity before the International Criminal Court.   The administration warned last year that under a provision of the new American antiterrorism law, any country that became a member of the new court but failed to give exemptions to Americans serving within its borders would lose such aid.

Telling of Terrorist-Tracking Tech Tools - Civil liberties groups, some lawmakers remain wary of deep databases. Elsa Wenzel, Medill News Service
Monday, June 02, 2003 It might follow you in a crowd and gaze deep into your eyes. It might stroke your fingertips and ask if you are familiar. It might even peek into your credit card records to look up your dinner dates and weekend trips. Though it may sound like a jilted lover, it's actually the Pentagon's proposed Terrorism Information Awareness program (formerly known as Total Information Awareness), which aims to protect citizens from terrorist threats.
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